General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior score matchmaking doesn't work in High MMR bracket

Behavior score matchmaking doesn't work in High MMR bracket in General Discussion
MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...

    hello, im just gonna copy paste here since nadota is dead and ill get downvoted to africa in reddit

    Few patches ago, valve changed mmr system from rating/ranked based to behavior score because a lot of snowflakes 2k 3k mmr kids from reddit cry about how toxic their teammate are even though when I got into matches with them, they are the one that are ruining the game. (Ive had pleasure of getting into a few matches with so called "geniuses" from this website too and they are morons)

    Yeah, behavior score match making works in 3k 4k where the biggest player base are because
    1) most of the people in that bracket don't know what are they doing and all you need know to be in 4k bracket is to literally learning how to press buttons correctly
    2) Becuz of 1, it doesn't matter who you in match with; the end result are basically same which is all of them are bad at dota.
    3) I assume queue times are not long (below 10minutes, could be wrong) since the player base is huge.

    Now I dont know, whats everyone opinion on this shit are but I would rather have dotamaster, perus or w/e the retard are in most highmmr bracket are over someone whose rank is lower than mine about 1000 or they are divine 2 and 3 and shits. also

    1) if you are in top 100 or your in divine 5, there is something called "prime time" in every region where people just queue around that time; otherwise, you would get into match with ancients or legends or w/e. and usually people just snipe each other so there is no reason for anyone to bringing up about "maybe no one else good is queuing"
    2) since player base is so small, the fucking queue do take longer. the lower the behavior score, the more time its gonna take you to find a game (60-70minute for F) and usually its just end with someone running down mid if they dont get the role they want so your like wasting 80 minute of your life might as well quit dota.
    3) the behavior score system is so broken. If you get reported like 2 or 3 times your score instantly change, it doesn't matter how much commends you get, it doesn't go up. it only goes up unless you play a lot of party games or you don't play at all which shouldn't be the solution.
    4) its really hard to win in these kind of games unless you pick braindead shit like omni abddon storm passive farming lane winners which require no skill and a lot of people high mmr brackets are aspiring to go pro and all valve doing is dismotiivating them because these kind of games doesn't make you learn, its just a shitshow and makes you go full circle
    5) if im rank 80 or top 100, there is no reason for me to match with rank 1000 or divine 2 3 4 players it literally is huge skill difference and the reason being is look at 1) .

    I tried to post on reddit about this issue with proof but all reddit want is meme and shits so heres hoping valve or someone important see this shit.

    also to add, say if 30 of top 100 mmr player are not a normal behavior score, it also putting the other 70 players to get into matches with people who are not in their skill level and im positive those 70 players will take the other 30 instead of divine 2 3 players.


      So what are you saying?

      MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...

        remove the behavior score matchmaking in high mmr bracket and implant a more ranking accurate based in high mmr bracket. keep the behavior score matchmaking for below divine


          ofc,it works,on my main account,if some divine 5 guys picks mid/carry and the other guy is ranked 2000 on leaderboards,the guy goes afk and start flaming and straight ruins the game.Whenever i check dotabuff of the people i played,they always have played low prio in their recent games.Only doesnt matter in the highest games.


            3) the behavior score system is so broken. If you get reported like 2 or 3 times your score instantly change EXACTLY


              Didn't valve tweak behaviour score mm? I doubt it is given much weight in higher mmr for the reasons u already pointed out. It would be foolish for them to do so. Besides, do u have any evidence that they do have a lot of emphasis on BS in high mmr matchmaking ?

              MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...

                um I snipe people on my friend list every time i queue and I never get into their match ever since my BS change from normal to C . I asked around all my friends and they also say the same if they arent normal behavior score player. I don't know what kind of evidence you want unless you want me to screenshot of me sniping their game and not getting into them when 300 400 ranked players get into their games.


                  That Weak reason to suggest that it is due to bs. See, if I were to design a MM system, unless you are really at the peak of the mm pool, I would have an algorithm that matches u with as diverse a player pool as possible in order for it to be balanced. If u still have a large enough pool in your bracket, there's no need to ever be matched with your friends.

                  More so we already see the issues TOP 100s face when they often play with the same people or teammates.

                  So u see, yes u are right that mm shouldn't be biased to BS if it affects high mmr pool. But I doubt u r TOP 100 player (I didn't check) and so u shouldn't be affected in the same manner. Hence there's really no reason to be matched with your friends just because you queue at the same time.

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                    When I had behavior score F I couldn't snipe anyone even if they were like 25 mmr off of me, so I can vouch for that one.
                    It's not very high since it's only 5.2 but it's still high enough where it was really easy to snipe even with 4 people at the same time before the bs matchmaking changes.


                      the behaviour score system is beyond broken.

                      I once had C behaviour score, got 4 reports (grey) and 12 recommends, score didnt go up.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        who cares

                        MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...

                          im fucking top 80 r u fucking serious. i would be top 20 if it werent for bs


                            by the way if they haven't fixed it yet, your best bet is to spam turbo. I climbed from F to normal in like a couple days with it.


                              My central point is why u assume it is due to behaviour score (I'm not saying it is not possible) rather than overall MM changes. There was a very big update to the system recently btw.


                                Even elsewhere there are lots of funky things happening with MM. ANd I doubt it has to do with behaviour score. Although it is a Favourite scape goat for a lot of people

                                MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...

                                  ok can you tell me what are those funky things?


                                    Behavior score was removed from very high mmr matchmaking, people were complaining about 2-3 hour queue times.

                                    The post was somewhere on sirbelvedere updates, but there's no way i'm gonna go look it up for you.

                                    What you're getting is probably the opposite= lack of behavior matchmaking means you can get any behavior in your team, hence more likely to get 1 asshole who brings everyone else's mood down.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      Can turn it around and say that if people didn’t abuse reports then behavior score would more truly reflect behavior and it wouldn’t be a problem.


                                        that's like asking a fish not to swim.

                                        MODE:MM cele(don't talk t...


                                          can you explain to me if behavior score doesn't affect very high mmr matchmaking then how the fuck am i getting divine 1 and 2 and not people around my skill level. do you want screenshots of other top 100 players who in the hidden pool as well?


                                            I just looked a German top 100 players stream. Hes very toxic and sits in f behaviour. His que time is like 1h on EU + rus


                                              That's exactly the funky thing happening with mm all around mate.

                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                i actually though that bs system never worked for rly high mmr players, it doesnt make sense. they are already so few of them, if you separate them even based on theyr bs , hell yeah it will take a rly long time to find a match . + it would make that same 20 guys playing constantly with each other lul.