General Discussion

General DiscussionIs the indicator for enough gold for a buyback calculate the potentia...

Is the indicator for enough gold for a buyback calculate the potential gold loss from dying? in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Never actually thought about that :/

    Because if you have alot of unreliable gold it is very possible that when you'll die you lose enough to not be able to bb

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      If you hover your mouse to your gold it will show your reliable&unreliable gold . Yes the indicator already calculate after your gold loss

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        it does calculate. that's why when sometimes it says "50 gold for buyback" and you kill a creep and it still says "50 gold for buyback" because creeps are unreliable gold and it accounts for the fact that you will lose it when you die.