General Discussion

General DiscussionA few random questions for kitrak

A few random questions for kitrak in General Discussion

    1. How was your experience playing on Team Optic in Midas Mode with players like zai, ppd and pajkatt?
    2. Are you still coaching VGJ and was it weird standing in for another team playing against the team you coached?
    3. What was the atmosphere of Midas Mode like, was it fun and casual or serious and competetive?
    4. Did your experience playing with and against such high skilled pros improve your game knowledge and recognition in the pro scene? Do you see yourself as a primary player on a pro team soon?
    5. And lastly, how did it feel defeating Evil Geniuses which arguably has some of the best players on all positions in the world?


      Kitrak left us all Dotabuff forum scrubs alone.


        I doubt that assholr comes here anymore. I wish him the worse possible outcome in his laughable attempt at going pro

        Riguma Borusu

          His performance was at least on par with the pros, though. Casters couldn't pronounce his name to save their lives tho.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Kartik "Kitrak" Rathi


              guys whats Kartik backwards ?



                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  i thought kitrak was black

                  me, government hooker


                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      na dota


                        I mean kr plays against those people in pubs all the time sooo


                          The atmosphere in tournaments is different.


                            Huh, he's Indian?


                              Kitrak pro playa LUL

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                  He replied! PogChamp


                                    Eyyyyy nice to see pros who don't forget their roots.
                                    Those roots being the poison of DB forums. Kappa


                                      As the resident pro is kitrak able to settle the burning question of whether tombstone on death is the right undying skill, and whether perseverance rush into aghs into phase boots (with the boots bought after perseverance and aghs) should be the new meta...?


                                        Well congrats, very very few make it to the big stage. Hope your future has success in it. And hey man if things don’t work out there will always be the dbuff forums


                                          That begs the new question, what does it feel like for you 5k, 6k and 7k players to have accomplished nothing outside of pub games, be it amateur or premium league professional tournaments?

                                          I mean, what really is different about those players from the rest of us? It's not like they're making a living out of it, and arguably, the higher the MMR, the more pressure there is in games. And the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

                                          So, what does it feel like? Does it feel as bad as being normal skill after playing 4000 games? I mean, of course it is just that, because nobody cares to look that over 2500 of those were unranked.

                                          Pretty sure, most of these players don't even contribute to the community through guides, casting or coaching. So what's the point?

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            ^ Angry Archon alert....

                                            All the cool kids are herald 1 anyway


                                              Should Herald players even be allowed to post comments on the forum or be banned as a general rule?

                                              "Mildly Toxic Individual (Herald)" :thinking:

                                              They clearly don't bother to read comments in full and understand their purpose or motivation.

                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                hELLO i am gerald


                                                  I dont know how it can be fun for 1 dog to Show an other dog that hes a dog.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                    Stf up anomalima ty


                                                      You don't care about my comments?

                                                      Fuck off and jerk off in a corner.


                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                        That begs the new question, what does it feel like for you 5k, 6k and 7k players to have accomplished nothing outside of pub games, be it amateur or premium league professional tournaments?

                                                        the only tournament that matters are majors and ti. Unless you want to spend 90% of your youth dedicated trying to reach that level its unrealistic. grow up moron this is just a game. Getting a high mmr is accomplishment enough. Unlike being 2k after 4k games

                                                        I mean, what really is different about those players from the rest of us? It's not like they're making a living out of it, and arguably, the higher the MMR, the more pressure there is in games. And the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

                                                        its because youre a shitstain thats why u can never reach a high mmr and thats whats different. putting hours played as a constant you are literally a 1% bottom percentile

                                                        So, what does it feel like? Does it feel as bad as being normal skill after playing 4000 games? I mean, of course it is just that, because nobody cares to look that over 2500 of those were unranked.

                                                        not even vhs? lol.

                                                        Pretty sure, most of these players don't even contribute to the community through guides, casting or coaching. So what's the point?

                                                        whats the point of making guides and dedicating your entire life to a video game? lol

                                                        stf up now ty

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Dayum Son the savagery


                                                            Someone's triggered XD


                                                              Lit 🔥👌😣


                                                                Analboi likes asking autist questions tho lul

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  Some people are in denial. Others know what's what.


                                                                    Brb grabbing popcorn

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      next time u look around, cookie will be playing for Navi :D

                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                        whats your point here? all that picture proves is that me not playing dota for a shitlong time and still i am at least a divine 0 player? meanwhile you cant even break into 3ks?

                                                                        i totally agree with their reasons why people quit. because to go beyond a pub player it requires a great amount of dedication. people are contented with getting a nice little number as a milestone and decided to end it. For me it was first pick randoming to 5k on my smurf then i called it quits.

                                                                        The whole point is your question is extremely baity and basically you are trying to say that getting 5k and 6k in reality is not an accomplishment. Though you are not wrong and i think 5ks are shitstains.

                                                                        I am mad that you are trying to excuse youself being a 2k .The whole point of why dota is addicting is it incorparates urge for self improvement and to not be a detriment to a team just like in real life. but you decide to write dumb questions trying to justify yourself that ur dogshit by putting other people's achievements down. Kinda says alot about you irl too i suppose and i despise people like that.


                                                                          Oh boy, this is going to be tough, but I'll try.

                                                                          When the fuck do you think I was trying to get VHS or the blue star or become a professional in the first place? When have I declared in a blog post that I will become 7k, join a pro team and win TI like fucking EternalEnvy or something? I've played majority of my games in unranked and the only hero I ever spammed was done so in unranked as well. Even in the ranked games, majority of them have been party queues and not solo games.

                                                                          From what angle does it look like I'm trying to get a shiny fucking medal or a high rank? I random in solo ranked games and even stopped playing them regularly over two years ago. Besides, what the fuck have you proven by getting a 5k smurf and then realising it was all for nought and they'll be nothing more than numbers in a game? Atleast I had fun experiencing playing every different role and every different hero, which explains my versatility. Everyone knows spamming is the first step to try to climb MMR.

                                                                          Again, this shows how low the self esteem of people like you is on this forum. You immediately feel the need to defend yourself, make comments on how the person might be in real life and bring them down to bring yourself up. Its ironic and hypocritical.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            Games supposed to be played for fun . No monetary gains needed that’s what works for lol .


                                                                              ^If you don't get this, you won't ever get it.

                                                                              me, government hooker

                                                                                for the first time in 5 years on this forum i decided to read more than 3 lines a 2k wrote
                                                                                it was an unpleasant experience

                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                  You were obviously trying to bait responses and I bit and I am basically mocking you to call you out k bye


                                                                                    The truth is seldom pleasant.

                                                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                      Hey anomalima please make a guide on how to be 2k after 4000 games I have trouble keeping my smurf accounts at normal skill thanks in advance.


                                                                                        for the first time in 5 years on this forum i decided to read more than 3 lines a 2k wrote
                                                                                        it was an unpleasant experience

                                                                                        HAHAha fkn mmr elitist


                                                                                          Honestly anal boi no one takes u seriously here
                                                                                          At least be aware of it like me


                                                                                            Again, this shows how low the self esteem of people like you is on this forum. You immediately feel the need to defend yourself, make comments on how the person might be in real life and bring them down to bring yourself up. Its ironic and hypocritical.

                                                                                            Should Herald players even be allowed to post comments on the forum or be banned as a general rule?
                                                                                            "Mildly Toxic Individual (Herald)" :thinking:
                                                                                            They clearly don't bother to read comments in full and understand their purpose or motivation.

                                                                                            From what angle does it look like I'm trying to get a shiny fucking medal or a high rank? I random in solo ranked games and even stopped playing them regularly over two years ago. Besides, what the fuck have you proven by getting a 5k smurf and then realising it was all for nought and they'll be nothing more than numbers in a game? Atleast I had fun experiencing playing every different role and every different hero, which explains my versatility. Everyone knows spamming is the first step to try to climb MMR.

                                                                                            Statements made by the same person on MMR/Medal relevance and sense of achievement.


                                                                                              First they tell you to shut the fuck up.

                                                                                              The they give a lousy attempt at trying to prove you wrong because they realise how real your points are.

                                                                                              Then they go back to mocking you when they realise they failed.


                                                                                                I thought I warned you guys about this curry eating animal sheesh

                                                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                  anomalinas points are sofucking real you guys

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    the question he asked is just next level dumb. what kind of answer are you expecting? "yeah i spent literally half my life on this game and it didnt give me anything back in return lol fml". also he is just being next level butthurt because he has 4k games and is still just super bad. what's the point? does there have to be one? you play this because it's a game. if you dont enjoy it after some time, you dont play anymore. high mmr people dont magically force themselves to play the game if they dont enjoy it. and what is your contribution to the community, besides asking dumb questions every now and then and expecting logical answers? and my answer to that "why people quit dota" thing has nothing to do with this so dont use it as a way to support your arguement. you are just being retarded and want to feel better about yourself because "well i spent so much time on this game and im still shit but its fine because those 7k guys spent even more time and they still cant do anything in their life so im good". this is just honestly pathetic and you should be ashamed.


                                                                                                      By the time you realise what this discussion was meant to inspire, it will be too late anyway.
