General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you want to win, learn to counter + draft

If you want to win, learn to counter + draft in General Discussion

    There are two types of players.

    1. don't want to/know how to win, and just play the role/hero they want to play. These are your first pickers who get storm or another core.

    2. want to/know how to win. They'll let supports pick first, and wait as long as possible for the enemy draft. These are usually the ones who take advantage of knowing the enemy picks.

    Winning games isn't as much about skill as countering in your draft, and then working with your team to win lanes/fights (aka teamwork). Most MMR ranked games are fairly matched in terms of skill (except for lower brackets with smurfs). That's what makes the draft super important.

    Never make the mistake of picking a core early, because you will probably get countered hard.

    Sometimes you won't have the luxury of countering. Pick sensible heroes, ones that are hard to counter.

    Pos 4 and 5 should be picked first. Safe first picks are disruptor, shaman, lich, lion, etc. No one cares if you pick a Lich first.

    As for cores, in this meta, don't do the following (a few examples):

    1. Pick Medusa when AM is in the pool
    2. Pick Tide/Underlord/melee offlaner against enemy Ursa/Jugg/mk
    3. Pick melee hardcarry against medusa (exception: AM)
    4. Pick storm into disruptor/silencer
    5. Pick a jungler

    Do the following:

    1. Omni offlane against Jugg
    2. Razor offlane against Ursa
    3. Clockwerk/Spectre/Zeus against Tinker
    4. Nyx against Invoker
    5. Dual lane against enemy hc when they AM, Spec, or Slark

    One more random thing: buy a sentry when you're offlaning. It's super common for enemy supports to place a ward in front of your offlane tower. It's super helpful to get half a level even before creeps spawn (and tilts the shit out of enemy supports).

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      wow rly opened my eyes thaskn!!!!!


        i never learned to draft and i got to 6k, i just picked whatever i was good at.


          Even if all roles get divided at first(only one mid marker,2-3 safe and one off) the supports tend not to pick, making your teammates first pick sf for example. Luckily there's no hard punish here expect for the obvious counters(shaker vs pl, am vs dusa/storm, spirit breaker vs sniper)

          chicken spook,,,,

            wow rly opened my eyes thaskn!!!!!


              Hah jokes on you I first pick cores. And it works fine. Sort of


                So or you play what you want or you play core last pick?
                What about the kind of players that play support role?
                You think you can raise mmr only as core?
                The start of the guide suck...


                  Lesbolas your reading comprehension is pretty game ruining. Don't skip school.

                  casual gamer

                    as long as u use ur drafting insights to influence ur picks only and not inform teammates hwen u've "100% lost for sure guys"

                    casual gamer

                      because thats a very common character archetype for some reason in low mmr games where people i guess watch more dota than they play and think it elevates them above their peers

                      Potato Marshal

                        I try to counter whenever possible, even though I only play a dozen or so different pos 4 and 5 heroes. Nobody is really going to counterpick a lich, but even then I'll avoid picking him and go with someone like jakiro instead if I know I'm against an offlane void.


                          Thanks, dude. I will start learning


                            Nobody wants to play supp, my favourite mythological being is anyone 1stpicking a supp. 60% of the games I have to play supp picking the last one.


                              LAST PICK SUP IS TRUE IN SEA SERVER


                                Even you pick support first, the rest of your team won't pick another support and forced you to become slave with 200 gold courier,wards ,smoke rotation and even assist gold can cover all the stuffs you have to buy.

                                especially support5 or solo support is forced to have less gold in early game this patch. How could these heroes make an impact in game wthout being Heroes who got buffed constantly lke SS,Jakiiro,SD or lion. So first you have to suffer with that conditon, you also have to pick heroes from tiny puddle to win the game.

                                Support role is the least fun job you play in DOTA right now.


                                  I learned how to draft and counter from 5 man captain's mode with my friends, and we joined several small compshop tournaments.
                                  Doesn't matter tho, because we'd get whacked by 5Ks in the tourneys, despite favorable drafts.
                                  Cookie's kinda right, you'd be better off playing who you are good at.


                                    in lower skill brackets draft is still applied altough not every match, sadly the most reliable core is also the most potential feeder.


                                      most of the ideas in this text are not true

                                      lone dog

                                        Never make the mistake of picking a core early, because you will probably get countered hard.

                                        I've first picked morph pos 1 in my 8 last games and am 6-2.
                                        idc counter

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          this is nonsense

                                          all you need to do is snowball hard enough.
                                          how would am with just bf and treads, even with manta on top fight a medusa when she has dragon lance bkb and butterfly?
                                          thats right, he blinks away or dies or probably does both things because the medusa player bought bkb because he has brain, he will get an orchid next probably. bloodthorn crits on all splitshot targets with that talent btw, thats much better than mjollnir

                                          supports ward the safelane first minute in your games? i will always give my wards to mid/off and only ward safelane when i leave the carry alone

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            its rare in 4k first picks sups


                                              I pick tinker when there is no clock and win most of the time

                                              wake up :)

                                                found this great. Hope more seatards will see this guide

                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                  🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 23 hours ago
                                                  i never learned to draft and i got to 6k, i just picked whatever i was good at.

                                                  Because your mmr is , represent your arc warden's mmr . a hero that is not concerned about the draft at all ( unles your playing in highest bracket of dota) , cause mostly of down 5k-6k players are not experienced enough how to play against a good arc warden player. simply cause he is one of the most less picked heroes in overall 2.25 % pick rate , except pro level players which are " obligated " to be prepared to deal with every kind of hero , no one else below that level , is not gonna be willing to be prepared how to play against such a unique specifik hero ,with such a low pickrate, which they are going to face it literally 2 of 100 games they will play. everyone would jsut admit that - 25 , that put some effort in something wich is not worth for at all for them in the long run.

                                                  THIS in busines which i study is called " corner market " . you avoids competition , by finding a unique specifik style which no one else is not willing or not smart enough to comme with that idea in the first place, to claim your own profits . which case your mmr.

                                                  with this being said dont get me insulting or something like that, i have nothing against it , i respect it ( your unique inovative idea) to succed in " busines" this case dota 2 . but pls stop confusing other kids with your own comments, cause of your unique experience , the world when you live in its completely something else , out of " normal competition world " where the 99 % of dota players are.


                                                    I'll pick whatever I want if I want to win tyvm

                                                    Mlada i Luda

                                                      ^no one cares.



                                                        Himas Bayabas

                                                          Just pick 4 cores. Welcome to Sea 😂😂

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            dota 2 18 hours ago
                                                            as long as u use ur drafting insights to influence ur picks only and not inform teammates hwen u've "100% lost for sure guys"

                                                            thats true actually. thats how a worth helpful comment looks like boys .

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Counters aren't going to guarantee a win, but it just makes things so much easier. I have a 70%+ winrate on Shadow Demon despite not even using his poison most of the times.

                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                ^Draft is all what matters, countering it's just a small part of draft. not always a necessity.