General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM Razor

MoM Razor in General Discussion

    Yay or Nay?


      more like nya




          next up, MOM jugg. ya or nay?




              It's okey. This item is great on pretty much every carry.


                mom of razor? waaaaat


                  :thinking: why would you buy MoM on a hero that lacks armor? LUL

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    I feel like buying MoM on Razor is like buying MoM on Morph(how-to-wiki, help your enemy by silencing yourself lul)

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      It's like pushing your dick up against a wall


                        you drain 200 damage, pop your q and ultimate, activate mom, destroy enemies LUL

                        also its a farming item on a hero that is susceptible to falling behind if underfarmed and not coming back

                        very high mmr players do build this item, i suppose not against heavy physical hitters when youre behind ofc.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          Nay for me. He is not tanky enough to withstand the armor reduction.


                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          chicken spook,,,,

                            rofl no


                              Let's see - an item that reduces armor by 7 for a hero that relies on surviving team fights long enough to absorb damage from the enemy hc, while silencing him so he can't cast Q to finish up kills?

                              Easy answer.


                                MoM is mostly a farming item. It also helps with chasing/escaping. Many people think that if u purchase it, you need to activate in every fight. Even if you don't use it in any fight, it's still a great item. I'm fine with someone buying it on razor. It's not sth I would recommend, but it's not aweful.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  depending on your role in game though

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    i mean i already knew making this thread that the good players would say yes/situational and bad players would say no xd /thread


                                      Any item can be situational in any mmr range. Your argument is a typical oxymoron.


                                      Chao Vritra

                                        i dont like right click razor but i know it works


                                          No idea who is razor mom...
                                          Maybe a cloud?

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            haHAA players are bad because they dont agree with my 3k opinion haHAA
                                            razor mom is just bad. it does nothing for your hero. you dont need the extra MS that much. lifesteal is not useful at all and although "its a farming item", it barely helps you farm because your autoattack damage sucks anyway, you mostly farm with plasma field and ulti. i think mom is super overrated these days, it should only be considered on heroes who can farm ancients, because thats the only time you can actually get full value from the active and not waste half the duration going from camp to camp. there are 104 pro games were razor was picked in 7.07, he bought mom only 5 times and lost literally all 5 of those games. I guess you guys know better though


                                              well, IF manage to drain damage and need to kill heroes with it in the early stages of the game, mom is probably one of the most value items on the hero? it like doubles your dps.

                                              Though I dont know, I am not a razor player (though maybe id like to be), so ^ youre saying that there is no situation where mom is good on this hero?

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                mean i already knew making this thread that the good players would say yes/situational and bad players would say no xd /thread

                                                Listen here you stupid bitch. If you already know some shit about builds and trynna act smart, don't bother asking for opinions on forums. Ungrateful fuck


                                                  For your fucking knowledge, the MoM build on razor is pure shit. This hero is not meant to farm, he is a front liner. You either fight and try to get some kills or lose the game by trying to "farm" with MoM. Not to mention the armor reduction.


                                                    Instead of building MoM, you rush hurricane pike into S&Y/Hood or any other situational item(such as an early bkb)


                                                      idk, i just wanted lifesteal and was behind on razor in early game (1v3 mid), so i built mom, an early teamfight broke out, I happened to drain 200 damage from a stunned pudge, enemy team came, i activated mom and teamwiped them when they dropped their control on my team. I felt like this item substantially increased my impact in that game, and from a lost mid i ended it top net worth/lasthit, so i naturally wanted to see if this item should be considered good enough to build nearly every game. From what I see, drums is probably the superior alternative since it also gives stats.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                        obviously u dont get it against clinx and pa then ask urself why u got 3 shotted
                                                        but this meta got a lot of magic dmg early game anyway, and u dont HAVE to activate it
                                                        u dont rlly have the mana to spam plasma field in my experience unless u have a cm or smth on ur team


                                                          Really makes you think 🤔


                                                            everything abt MoM synergizes with the hero, he isnt that squishy early and u shudnt use it in a 1v3 where ull get blown up
                                                            he wants move speed and attack speed to deal maximum dps
                                                            if u are forced to tank dont buy it
                                                            if ur against heavy physical dont buy it
                                                            but its otherwise great


                                                              Very situational

                                                              The DarKNovA

                                                                Maybe if you have a frontliner, a lot of disables, relatively immobile enemies, and you need to be that "farmed hard hitter carry" that isn't really his specialty.
                                                                So situational among situational builds.

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  MoM is largely a farming item, but the problem is Razor needs to steal damage with link to do any decent right click damage. But it's good during team fights if you're ahead.


                                                                    Yes, just link feild ult then mom cause youre not gonna be casting anything anymore for a while

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      hiow much -armor is mom right now? -7 or 8? thats a fucking lot of armor for a hero that wants to frontline and doesnt have warcry


                                                                        Remember when people said Mom was not an item for void?


                                                                          ^Does razor have a 4 seconds lock down? :thinking:


                                                                            what's MoM????


                                                                              No but he is fast af


                                                                                What about a bash which deals extra damage? :thinking:
                                                                                @Korb it's Mask of Madness

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                                  die too fast no joke u just die, get a hood or sumthing


                                                                                    No but he is fast af and he will steal all your mmr


                                                                                      Wtf ppl saying it will get u killed? No. You are getting yourself killed not MoM coz u cant use it properly.
                                                                                      Often ppl skip MoM on razor for drums for example. This allows for a faster pace game but this is not always possible. There are times when you CAN be more greedy and get MoM and actually farm decently fast.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven