General Discussion

General Discussionhow to know if you are a good mid laner?

how to know if you are a good mid laner? in General Discussion

    some advice pls thank you .


      If u play mids like tinker and not shadow Friend invoker.


        When you smurf and win a lot against new player


          When your mmr is over 7000 you are good mid Player


            When you lose hs games on your smurf, your trash.

            casual gamer

              you crush 1v1, then when the supp come to help them u still win lane

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                When the enemy team says to report their mid. You know it means you're good and not that he's bad

                casual gamer

                  When the enemy team says to report their mid.

                  yeah LMAO this is always worth a laugh. it seems to be much more common at lower mmrs though

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                  7Mad About You

                    When you pick CM to go mid and win lane against mid hero


                      When you consistently win lane against high mmrs


                        higher level than enemy mid


                          If you can break even, or even be able to win lane, against a bad matchup. For example, winning mid as SF or Puck against a TA. Both historically and theoretically a bad matchup, yet you accomplish it. Pure 1v1, without ganks or rune luck. Then you're a good midlaner IMO.
                          Or the TA might've been just bad. But still. You get the point


                            Being able to play Mid and Accomplishing The same or more than your opposing mid despite the match-up being in their favour. EXample- If your playing SF and they pick TA being able to keep up with farm or killing her.




                                There is no "good" in a sense because its all relative. Maybe a better concept to follow is how do I become a better mid player.