General Discussion

General DiscussionBottle on Supports

Bottle on Supports in General Discussion
Cheesy Wenis

    Am I crazy for thinking that Bottle might be good for supports? In my vs AI games I've been grabbing a Bottle around the 12 minute mark and using it to replenish mana/HP of myself and allies before doing my bounty rune rotations. Am I an idiot? It seems to regen an insane amount later in the game and scales with my target's level so throwing it on carries with low mana/HP looks reasonably efficient, like a cheap Urn.


      Thats actually good brother,since bottle can be used against allies

      Why u dont just pick io, brother?


        Too expensive if it is not Io, can't think of another hero but maybe pudge as a roamer who would have use for the bottle and has no better items to buy for that amount of money.

        Cheesy Wenis

          I don't know how Io works, I'll look into him. I've literally never played with/against one.


            Io is the Global Ganker, bring someone with you with Tether, preferably someone with a disable/high damage, and Relocate to an unsuspecting enemy. Use spirits to aid with damage/"kill secure", Overcharge and heal yourself with whatever you got while Tethered to someone to heal them up.

            Then again, I don't play Io, so what do I know?

            Cheesy Wenis

              His win rate is abysmal, but Tether looks ridiculously OP at first blush. I'll give him a try as a pos 5 once I'm done with my 10 Shadow Shaman games.


                i have to compliment your willingness to learn, others just jump straight in and think they know everything about the game after their first kill

                Palmen aus Plastik

                  Bottle on roamers can be standard (Mirana, Pudge) but on position 5? Not sold on that. You will barely have any farm for the first half of the game. And even if you do every position 5 needs some basic items like upgraded boots, or a wand to survive. Bottle would indeed be too expensive.

                  Cheesy Wenis

                    Quick clarification, I'm talking about buying it during the second half of the game. Not as an opening item or something to rush for. Assuming my laning stage went well and I've got my Blink Dagger, Urn and Boots already built. Is it worth delaying a big late game item (Scythe, Guardian Greaves, or Aghs, whatever) for a Bottle?

                    @Zemo-san: Thanks man, this game is fun but requires a lot of time. I'm looking forward to the journey :)

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    fanfan fan

                      No point. Wastes a slot for minimal regen due to everyone's stats scaling not to mention wastes a lot of time running around for runes when your time could be better spent doing other things.

                      Cheesy Wenis

                        I am having slot issues with it the more I try it. 90% of the time it's empty anyhow.


                          I personally believe every team needs urn into vessel. I happily get it if nobody else will


                            And i feel as a support thats more usefull and its more sustain. Ask for your mids bottle when hes done with it and if his slots fill up quick if you still need it

                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              If it's in the mid game I feel it's even more pointless. You could get force staff, mek, blink, pipe, many things you could get. Bottle is pretty useless at that stage. Just ask the midlaner for his bottle, and tell him not to sell it, as kara-jishi said.

                              Potato Marshal

                                Bottle just got nerfed too much the last patch, it was okay before on a few roaming pos 4 heroes like Pudge and Kunkka, but now it's just too much gold for too little value, better off getting something like an urn.


                                  I skip bottle on certain mids too now
                                  Especially farming ones
                                  Just not worth roaming for runes to delay ur cs for such minimal Regen


                                    Yeah I used to do that. Ask mid for his bottle like a hobo lol. Its not as pointless because of backpack and youre not as high in level. It doesent require a dedicated slot too so you can pick up bounties and ups as well. But I dont see the point most times anymore and just let him sell it because I pick heroes with sustain mostly or if I didnt, I itemize towards it.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Player 345996680

                                      if i buy a bottle i always let the supp have it after 15-20ish minutes

                                      Cheesy Wenis

                                        Getting a Bottle from the mid is a great idea, I was not aware I could use others' Bottles. Thanks guys, A++ advice!

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          get arcanes for bigger manapool and to help your teammates.


                                            Don't buy garbage item