General Discussion

General DiscussionDK Spam

DK Spam in General Discussion

    I want some advice about playing DK. Best build? Is it worth buying 2nd recipe of drum? Counters? And stuff thanks.


      Do not refresh drums charges it's not that important

      Idk the build smth like drum blink or armlet blink
      Sb as a blink alternative
      Shit like bkb halberd hood sny ac mjollnir etc
      Pretty straightforward

      Story Time

        but u cant spam DK, he is good but not that good


          u can do fine most mids except tinker or sf or timber or od
          wait u cant win ur lane got em


            i love solar crest on dk, i play him offlane tho. armlet is probably still better for a mid dk
            imo blink should be second item in any case, jsut because the range of your stun is lower than your attack range in dragon form
            imo dont buy bottle on dk anymore, the mana regen is almost zero. soul ring >

            most important thing in fights is to stay alife, you are the building hitter so you wanna be there to hit buildings after winning a fight. concider early hood, linkens, bkb depending on the enemy lineup before thinking about dmg.

            take objectives early. wait for the enemy to leave the lane, punch the tower with ult. once you got it wait for next ult, group up with your offlaner and sups, keep presssuring lanes whenever dragonform is available


              dont go too much on survivability, ur hero needs dmg items and is innately tanky
              u shud have 1-2 but go for smth for dps too in the lategame

              Friendly player

                ac is the best item on dk.


                  rush soul ring and spam Q

                  counters are sf and timber


                    I've seen dk struggle in the early levels against some of them so r they true counters or is it still fine to pick dk here.
                    Also cudnt u pick batrider and smash him

                    주 롄양

                      rush hood case closed

                      Uuun TAnkA

                        Rushing hood is good, honestly I smash games if I go early blink but heroes like timber and OD absolutely destroy Dk. He can win vs puck though one dragon tail with follow up and he is screwed. I like going soul ring into early blink mjolnir but sometimes you need bkb and othertimes hood

                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                          hood is great on him if the game demand

                          in general you arent building toward specific thing, you build all around to make sure you apply as much pressure as possible, thats what dk does, apply pressure, you cant leave him alone else he'll take up your buildings

                          so i think armlet is great, gives very good stats and also your regen contradict the degen

                          hood again is great if the game needs it

                          blink into bkb gives you alot of teamfight power, making challenging you more difficult with your team backing up

                          shadow blade is probably the ultimate pressure item, after something like pt-armlet-blink-bkb-hood, shadow blade can be great. also things like pipe, drums, AC, etc are amazing luxuary

                          again you do what you can to apply pressure


                            id say dk > od

                            dk = puck

                            dk = tinker


                              Thanks all.

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                well those heroes shit on you in mid/late and your gameplan in general, so. but yeah dk is definitely favored in the lane i think, especially against od.

                                Friendly player

                                  OD>DK, DK>tinker,puck. Simple as that.

                                  Gabe Logan Newell

                                    spam zues bro look at me :D


                                      yeah what do i know :axe_laugh:


                                        DK has really good pushing power. Take advantage of your ult. Everytime you have your ult you should be able to push atleast 1 tower. I've been using DK for some time now and I'm still experementing on builds but I think SnY is good and I'm beginning to like armlet too.


                                          don't buy vanguard as ur core item

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            OD>DK, DK>tinker,puck. Simple as that.

                                            DK > Tinker? Lol no. Tinker > DK or maybe equal, depends on who can control the runes. But since DK nowadays dont go bottle, its on tinker.

                                            Laser can prevent DK last hit on early clash. March hurts him. Tinker can kill DK but DK cannot kill Tinker unless Tinker take the high risk high reward engagement.


                                              doesnt od just max orb against dk
                                              dk has the upper hand earlier i guess

                                              i can see how tinker ties with dk, since his regen is so high and he is pretty tanky it becomes rlly hard to zone out dk or to kill him


                                                Raj doto


                                                  @washed its not always abt zoning out u have to secure last hits as well with laser and his e tinker has no problem getting bot and soulring by 11-12 mins


                                                    u can cs with dragon fire
                                                    spam it with sr


                                                      Why spam Dk when you can spam Viper? Lane power - good. Lane surviveability - good. Break - good. Late game pushing power - good. I just can't lose as Viper


                                                        @fx: who is Raj DotA???


                                                          OMEGALUL hahhahahaa


                                                            ^Omegalul 4 what?


                                                              What ur mmr bro?

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                I think your build depends on your role on the team. If you need to be that tanky initiator then get shit like blink and silver edge. But if you are like the hard carry I really like mjollnir, farm up for a 6 slotted badass end game build. Daedulus is really good on DK too, he just does well with any dmg items. S&y is really underrated on him too imo, good mobility, good stats and dmg, easy build up.

                                                                Story Time

                                                         check this out

                                                                  what is so special about a smurf stomping in lower skill brackets?



                                                                    actual dota player and not a fucking smurf

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      DK sucks, he has not enough dmg, no one can help you, my son


                                                                        DK sucks, he has not enough dmg, no one can help you, my son

                                                                        if u really need damage u can buy rad, anyway how much dmg a hero does isnt only what makes him viable or zeus would be op

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Offlane hero only i would say now,drums his item,refresh rerely,armlet say good


                                                                            Well here comes my Dragon Knight build. Starts pretty Basically. Tangos and Magic Wand for starting items. Doesn't matter the lane I usually go Soul ring first item. It allows me to last hit/harass with dragon breathe, makes me tnakier and higher hp regen. Second item is Power Treads for the tankiness and last hitting abilities. Early game I try to get that HP regen up as high as possible so i don't have to go back to base. If I'm losing in lane or being harassed a lot I get one lvl breath, one lvl stun and three lvls blood if not I just 2/1/2.

                                                                            My next item after treads is I rush maelstrom. It is a strong farming item, gives decent damage and increases DK attack speed which is what he needs.

                                                                            Next item dpeends on what lane I am. If I'm offlane and supposed ot be the front line tank in fights i go for a Armlet. The toggle makes me pretty survivable.

                                                                            If I am Mid or Safelane, meaning ganking and fighting, I go for a Mask of Madness. It increases my attack speed, even before lvl 12 makes me splash dmg at high rates of attack speed with maelstrom, gives me lifesteal and I farm faster with it because i can spam it when it isn't needed for fights. So - Offlane or main role Tank I go Armlet and then MoM. Primary role Carry I skip armlet completely.

                                                                            Next item BKB. He f'in NEEDS it. You can' get around this item on DK.

                                                                            Okay. Now you have two options. If you are going to keep maelstrom all game you can upgrade it Mjollnor or you can go for your satanic. Going satanic too early takes away lot of attack speed and lowers your DPS is be wary. I usually go Mjollnir next because with the splash and lightning its a lot of fun.

                                                                            Your MOM gets dismantled into Satanic and Bloodthorne.

                                                                            Usually my end game is Boots of Travel, Satanic, Bloodthorne, BKB, AC and Mjollnir or Silveredge.


                                                                              Dont listen to that friendly player wannabe guy because all he says is some low skill bs material which helps nobody.


                                                                                agree, thats some quality 1k shittalk

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                  Starting items mid either go: QB, Ring of regen, Mango into Soul Ring/Wand Treads or QB, Wand,SR into Treads if you are going to be spammed from wave 1. After that your build needs to adapt to the line up you are facing.Take & Max dragons blood first and stay in mid lane till level 10 - 12. When the enemy mid sees you ignore his attacks while last hitting and denying, supports will rotate in but rarely kill you. You will have enough damage to last hit with QB no need to waste Fire, Spam Fire on the enemy mid when you see him come in to deny or last hit a creep, this insures you get the creep he wanted to deny or makes him miss his last hit due to -25% damage reduction. Be patient and camp mid, you have free heal and a SR for mana, the enemy mid will eventually abandon mid once you take his tower. Use your ulti EVERY time its up while you are in mid, often you will start damaging the enemy tier 2 heavily before major rotations start arriving. Now its time to leave mid with items something like Soul Ring,Wand,Treads, and 1 of the following Deso/shadowblade/maelstrom into a BKB or whatever. You have either crushed mid or come out fairly even but strong enough to shit on the rest on the enemy team and carry the game alone pretty much. At this point stick with your team and take tower after tower. You dont want to farm you need to snowball and team fight and use pushing pressure while in dragon form. Avoid fighting without your ulti. Take the + attack speed talent, +damage talent, Double dragon blood and +40 strength talent.

                                                                                  Dk > Storm
                                                                                  Tinker > DK (just courier healing salves and hang in there) Once u get a mkb gg vs Tinker or PA
                                                                                  Dk > Voker
                                                                                  Dk > Sniper

                                                                                  Deso is no joke on DK watch towers melt and get Silvers edge vs melee carries with passives

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                    ^2k insight


                                                                                      watch towers melt

                                                                                      i watch towers every day man thats fun

                                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                                        Get vanguard and blademail on dk and you're unkillable. For damage you need deso, maelstrom, Daedalus. Truly unstoppable assuming u can farm those items.

                                                                                        For boots you really need mana boots To spam spells for farming. Casual pers is good in that regard. Phaseboots is good if you really want to fight and not farm.

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          ^ lmao


                                                                                            i will abandon any topic where he posts from now on

                                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                                              I am confident in that build. I might even play a few games to prove that it works. But why can't ppl use common sense? Admittedly, I wasn't even being unconventional.


                                                                                                Ur a 4k in herald if u lost as anything it wud be disappointing

                                                                                                Also fellow 2ks, please follow my example and roast urself before u comment so no one can roast u


                                                                                                  cant get roasted if you roast yourself? i dont think so :thinking:

                                                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                                                    Yes it is correct that I am a 4k in herald. I made this account in hopes of playing in a more coordinated environment but IP address tracks might have come into play? Also it's just very uninteresting to play in unranked with other New accounts. People always instalock cores.


                                                                                                      I just like to hope okay
                                                                                                      Don't ruin my fantasy