General Discussion

General DiscussionMy obs

My obs in General Discussion

    Rtz overrated

    Sufail offlane

    Fear wanna be carry player

    Misery thinks EG is circus organization

    Yapzor is best suport player in 2017 ( fuck kuro hes trash even as drafter since his players are best than any other team ever had )

    BSJ is definitely worst 7k player i ever watched in my life
    Every day there are twitch clips how BSJ actually is fucking bad as fuck plus his prsonality 0


      Bsj isn't abt being the best player
      He is very good at teaching and coaching because his game understanding is high
      His ability to execute has it's problem.

      Also to expect EG to be at full potential after a couple weeks at captains draft shows u have no idea how teams work or how the event works.
      Sumail had his problems but he definitely had his moments, rtz carried the team, and I didn't rlly see any glaring thing fear did wrong.
      Yapzor is a great support only thing is that he is a greedy 4 player. Comparing him to kuro ignores that one is a 5 and sacrifices way more while yap takes kills and plays in a greedier way so he can contribute the most.
      Katz I think u may have brain damage
      It's like u don't think for 2 seconds and make judgements 3 seconds after seeing something

      Story Time

        ADHD called, they want OP to wear their brand-logo


        Tento komentář byl upraven
        Justin Weaver

          This is the first ever time I didn't get triggered by what washed up has said, I agree completely with you xD


            ^is that a complement roflmao


              Lmao kid relax rtz was always a overrated in pro scene

              Misery compelte trash BSJ is 0 as a player and coach

              Fear should not ever play a core over sumail or rtz

              Sufail offlane is a waste


                my question is
                wud u argue that s4 shudnt have switched to the offlane since he was still a great midlane player if OG didnt win like 4 majors

                think abt that
                eg had little success with their lineup, and something needed to change
                saying fear shudnt ever play core over rtz and sumail ignores that the very same carry player won ti and placed 3rd at another
                rtz is still playing carry justt from the midlane

                i dont have anything more to say, u dont think enough and i cudnt get through ur thick ass skull anyway


                  eg, the only team with 2 mid players, that achieve to make happen games in which none of them are playing middle role

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    kid ur not important at all


                      ur commenting 30 timoes a day to ppl like ur some einstein ur just a wasteful kid relax take bromazepam little


                        Ur trash


                          dude im on the weekend with nothing to do and im trapped in my house cuz its freezing
                          im clearly not einstein
                          it doesnt take einstein to figure that out


                            ur same 2 years ago


                              no shit im trash FX


                                BSJ has good game knowledge but less mechanical skill than most pro players, thats why he coaches. I’m sure we can make a whole channel highlighting everytime a player dies and we think he’s bad. It’s BSJs attitude thats gets him his haters


                                  bsj's attitude is fine too
                                  he just tilts
                                  like a lot of fucking dota players
                                  it happens

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Why do you compare yap to kuro? Compare him to gh


                                      Sumail isn't versatile with his offlane pool beacaue counter picking is very important in 7.07


                                        I didn’t say I had a problem with bsj attitude. In fact I feel sorry for the guy, trying to make it being on the other end end of a bad meme. He doesn’t have the worst attitude, but I’d tilt too if I knew I was gonna be on YouTube for getting ganked. Take a look at salty old ppd, and how he treats his old teammates.

                                        As for EG, I’d aay give them time dude, they have undeniably proven good players and they won’t adjust right away, do I like uni gone? No but it happened so goodluck to them, I personally would like to see more RTZ mid and Sumail should be able to adjust because of his talent.


                                          Bsj tilt cause he make so stupid moves what 3k player would not do ever

                                          Eg right now is in fucking deep shit how they play this tournament like they are triplesteal faceit league stack


                                            why the hate towards fear as a carry? As I remember he played that role before and was really good at it. The thing that comes to mind is that old replay against navi "one cleave to kill them all"

                                            that is still from the time maelk and demon played in eg

                                            The point here is that fear was a good carry before the good carries that are currently in EG even played a moba game, so what is the point of trashing him for it?


                                              Trash 3k player saying crap about another player that actually 3 times better than him. Classic


                                                He said fear wanna be carry when that was his original role since before OmegaLul


                                                  Triplesteal faceit stack LMFAO. Rage incoming soon XD.


                                                    hows it going katz. still stuck in high skill lul


                                                      bro im so tilt i take 2k mmr acc to feel better how trash i am