General Discussion

General DiscussionTips in playing mid Ancient 5

Tips in playing mid Ancient 5 in General Discussion

    give tipsssssss in playing mid or carry


      Whatever you've been doing doesn't seem to be working.
      So just do the opposite of that.

      Friendly player

        you have 33% winrate. How are you even in vhs. Also the formula is very simple. Choose a hero you want to play, lock it in as late as possible, block your wave, understand what your hero can do, push, win the game.

        chicken spook,,,,



            ancient 5? dafuq is this hahaha


              I always do good in early game but the enemy is just too strong :( my estimated mmr is 4.9k in opendota


                consider suicide


                  s t f u Logan Paul worshipper


                    Ancient [5]


                      You'll only get legend 1-2 cus the mmr calibaration cap is at 3.5k, ancient 0 is like 4.2k mmr I think.


                        30% winrate...tip for you - stop playing like a pleb.

                        Tomas Morato

                          just play positive dude 50%

                          Tomas Morato

                            winrate meme


                              This Archon FredDie you think playing with divines is easy?


                                Go back to your 2k account.
                                AFK losing games in unranked.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                Player 215168758

                                  pls delete dota, I feel pathetic for those teammates watched with u


                                    If you were an actual Ancient 5 player, you would not need to be asking this.


                                      Legends please come to ancient before you comment.


                                        stop buying account, ty.


                                          buy account for?


                                            acc buyer confirmed. SeemsGood


                                              Account buyer confirm lol


                                                HAHAHAHA omg

                                                Julio Valiente

                                                  When you want advice in grinding mmr dont post in dotabuff, plenty of them wants to be funny so they will be seen as cool. Why dont you try youtube tutorials, like the gameleap or pvgna for starters. They are better than most people here and can really teach you the basic.


                                                    @ballon d'or you have issues if you can't notice the guy is a fucking trll

                                                    ㄚ- 天照`

                                                      Farm,i mean farm money so u can buy a divine account


                                                        OP youy are playing with legends. what is all this talk about being ancient 5? lol


                                                          His hidden mmr is 5k DUDE!

                                                          Julio Valiente

                                                            @ zen state of mind A lot of these thread are created daily so I cant really tell if he's truly trolling or not but someone with the same problem might read this thread and follow my advice. Even when the thread is a troll you know someone that needs advice will read it and in that case you should always give a helpful advice and not to call them out for being thoughtful. Rule of thumb, don't be the funny guy in the already-toxic community but be that boring guy that helps the community a place to get useful and thoughtful advice.


                                                              I was just asking for tips how did I become a troll??


                                                                your estimated mmr could write 10k you would still suck

                                                                seriously, how detached from reality do you have to be to think that you will get to anywhere near ancient while having bellow 50% winrate?


                                                                  hayz 2 weeks from now I will show all of you that this account will be ancient

                                                                  inza #HowlGG



                                                                      laugh while you still can Legend 2

                                                                      Player 95251565

                                                                        Stop smurfing/buying accounts, that's the start.


                                                                          Choose your comportable role that’s it!


                                                                            if you cant handle it you dont belong there. dota will not keep matching you with the skill bracket naturally


                                                                              even a legend 2 star player doesnt ask that stupid question anymore