General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker items

Tinker items in General Discussion

    What items do u think is best for tinker aether dagon or aether aghs or which of these is better item choice against diffrent drafts ? i need help cuz i always go for aether- aghs-hex for safety and think that dagon is risky and wont have much impact and cuz i like to see aghs bouncing lazer view.. and in many high ranking games i have seen most tinker players go kaya aether dagon hex etc which item choice do u think is better?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      there is no best anything in dota


        i think aether > kaya

        and i always kaya+aether unless i need another item fast.

        whetehr u go dagon, hex, aghs, eblades or shivas depends on what youre facing and what ur team needs


          I dont understand why people use kaya on tinker. I mean u could just tp back to base for 5 sec to refill. I think the dammage amp isnt that much either


            you wanna get more stuff done between 2 base tps. ist about efficiency, percentage of time being in base and outside
            kaya lets you cast >10% more spells before you go back, thats why


              Kaya aether talent cast range then go what u need

              Dagon, agh, shiva or bloodstone up to u

              Lruce Bee

                Kaya is pretty much core. The damage amp is not anything to laugh at.

                Let me pose you a scenario ecksdee: a teamfights breaks out and you need to go back to base to regen. All of a sudden you wish you had a longer window in fights wouldn't you?


                  Kaya is great but between it and aether lens come the late game, say past 60 min, I shud sell Kaya for a bigger item as opposed to aether right?


                    I appreciated your insight hansolo

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      aghs is overrated but its safer to go for aghs

                      Justin Weaver

                        Aghs is a must buy when you go against illusion heroes or melee heavy line up

                        casual gamer

                          I love dagon against lesser opponents but really feel that hex solves so many tinker counters

                          Hex > BKB, you are less worried about pipe because u have this aoe laser-centric build instead of trying to rely on dagon burst

                          Also it’s much harder to get in dagon range of the squishies on the backline than to laser 5 people, and it is more risky plus if you arent super ahead they can glimmer before you get a second combo off.

                          Still it’s possible to have games where dagon is just better, especially if ur team critically lacks damage or u far outskill most of the players


                            also zapping people with dagon is fun as hell


                              how do you people decide on lvl 10 talent and when do you take it


                                I almost always go aether->dagon->hex.
                                Kaya can sometimes be good if you think you can fight early but i feel like you run out of item slots too early with it.
                                Against storm spirits and anti mages I build hex before dagon.
                                Aghs can also be good in some games enemy has pl/ck/tb/sd or if they have a lot of pipes/magic resist where dagon is less effective.


                                  i feel like aghs makes defending highground so much easier
                                  and also in 2k they pick like 4 right clicking carries and if u dont go aghs ur whole team will die to them roflmao
                                  also im a garbage tinker
                                  srry garbage player my b typo


                                    I almost always go aether->dagon->hex.
                                    Kaya can sometimes be good if you think you can fight early but i feel like you run out of item slots too early with it.
                                    Against storm spirits and anti mages I build hex before dagon.
                                    Aghs can also be good in some games enemy has pl/ck/tb/sd or if they have a lot of pipes/magic resist where dagon is less effective.

                                    that's rather suprising, i thought that agh is more of a nobrainer choice than dagon
                                    i suppose you go straight dagon 5?

                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                      After bottle, soul ring, boots of travel, & dagger, I always go straight Aghs.

                                      Aghs upgrade is so strong on a team fight. You can laser a single foe and damage/blind all near him. The 4 rockets are also deadly. You can deal a ton of damage w/o you noticing it. (It happens a lot to me. Randomly lasering + rocket a target then somewhere I got a kill.)

                                      It should always like this:
                                      Bottle first
                                      Soul Ring
                                      Dagger (learn how to shift dag!)
                                      Aether Lens if you going for range talent. Kaya if your going spell amp talent.

                                      After this, its situational:
                                      Go Scythe of Vyse if you need lock down.
                                      Go Dagon [5] if you need burst dmg.
                                      Go BKB if theres an AOE disabler on the enemy team (invo, nyx, clockwerk)

                                      Upgrade your BoT to lvl 2 if lock items.

                                      Always sell the Soul Ring last. Save some buyback if necessary.

                                      Bottomline is:
                                      Aghs helps your entire team, rush Dagon stat pad your kills.

                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                        i suppose you go straight dagon 5?

                                        I'm pretty sure I've tried this build, after bottle, bot, soul ring, dag I rush dagon 5. Its so strong killing a single target but your mana is so low you can only use your combo twice. Its more than enough to kill a single target though but on a 5v5 clash, your screwed.

                                        casual gamer

                                          kaya gives you more damage than a dagon level and way more mana

                                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                            Kaya allows you to cycle much more rearms before you need to regen

                                            So I like blink-kaya-lens-aghs

                                            If you get after that that's a late game


                                              Meteor hammer is pretty much his core item


                                                If cant play tinker just get aghs
                                                Try dagon, if you lose then just go aghs, you're terrible at the hero


                                                  Kaya aether dagon build is very strong and i personally feel like the game ends before you would have to swap out anything. But if u do have to swap something then its kaya to hex in most cases. If you are good at tinker, you get aghs only against drow lineups, and illusion push lineups like terrorblade.


                                                    ye i agree aghs is overrated
                                                    imagine a combo of lens and kaya next patch :beg: