domi into necronomicon
rush domi before treads, use it on catapult, take t1
idk anything else tho lol
Cookie you are making jokes by inserting here lycan guides link but for example this catapult dominate hint is really helpful and something you cannot read on those guides. I wonder if you guys knows some more of that tricks.
be agressive in lane, you have more hp, dmg and sustain than most offlaners
end game quick
medallion vs high armor offlaners
you can send your wolves on enemy supports to harass once they are level 3 while you and the necro summons keep hitting the towers
if it comes to a lategame use wolves as walking wards
there's nothing to fuckin read, they're replays, so download them and i could guarantee you that half of those players will get a catapult, because it's obvious stuff.
The summon train. Helm, Necro and Vlad. Congratulation. You now have an invincible army at your hand. Just make sure the enemy don't have Sven or Earthshaker and you will demolish every building on the other side, Ancient included, in just 25 minutes.
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How do I play Lycan this patch?