General Discussion

General DiscussionShould i stop trying

Should i stop trying in General Discussion
    Can't get out from 3900 pool, games just aren't working out for me.
    I feel like i'm way better 99% games, doing first bloods every game etc, but...
    Should i stop trying and make myself a new account, get 3500 or its just a waste of time?


      Getting first blood is a good indicator of winning a game? lolwut

      Friendly player

        Try to improve


          Yes keep making smurf and drop to where you belong each time.


            I want this post with a "I keep getting first tower kill each game ..." twist just for the lols

            seriously tho, what does the first blood bring you other than a bit of gold and xp, I would understand if you said "I win my lanes..."


              I mean i win my lanes most of the time, i am really worried about that some games like 50% of them i'm having offlane underlord radiance buils/bristleback radiance build some trash like that, i want to move

              Story Time

                just enjoy the game, climbing is not necessary unless you want to go pro

                Cancer Malaria

                  If you want to climb for the satisfaction feeling of achievement, then dont smurf and do it purely to improve

                  Player 153433446

                    Your first mistake is thinking youre better than most.
                    If you think you gud you wont improve.


                      I think, when you believe you are a better player than you deserve to be is where people are wrong and that's one of the reasons they don't improve since "I'M GOOD ENOUGH" mentality. Probably if i watch one of your games i'm going to see many mistakes. So yea, you need to focus on improve and tell yourself you're not good enough to be 4k, that's the the best approach you can take.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        "I feel like i'm way better 99% games"

                        Well if you are truly better then it should be easy for you to climb


                          Hey buddy you do comprehend you have under %50 winrate in ranked on both of your accounts. How about you stop ruining games and get better at the game


                            Honestly. If you're better than 99% of people in your games. You should be stomping quite hard. Also should have a winrate over flat 50%.


                              if you are 3.9, why would going to 3.5 help?