General Discussion

General DiscussionSearching competetive Team

Searching competetive Team in General Discussion


    my name is PTen and I am searching for a Team that wants to go competetive, like amateur leage.

    Iam from germany and iam 24
    my db

    Usually iam playing pos 1


      pos 3/4 3.5k player here
      being the guy who is called "tryhard" every game, even inhouse or unbalanced gamemodes. i play to win in any scenario
      add me on steam if that fits your need

      cant guarantee to be playing doto every day of the week because of my job.

      oh, same language and about the same age

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      Story Time

        OP, please post the link to your dotabuff account again, the previous one seems broken since it shows some douchbag who made an over self assured post... danke


          rofl. +


            so what exactly is your goal? Play casual games with people who are good or trying to fit into a team that can compete on higher levels? Because imho both things are equally hard, the second maybe a bit harder.


              I am actually searching for a official team, to play tournamants etc. doing e-sport is my goal, semi professional should be the goal, like amateur leage.
              there for i am searching a team, either building up a new one or fit into an alreedy existing team.


                Well a good start might be finding a battle cup team to compete with each weekend when the battle pass comes out. That is like 1 euro per person if I recall for the weekend run.
                Even tho battlecups tend to be bad training grounds for actual pro players, they are not bad to get to know your own teammates and see if you can work with them.

                Also another way is the jdl that has the signups literally ending in 3 days.

                I wanted to create a team last time but we had some communication issues so it failed. Also iirc the sign ups were bugged because of some reasons.

                The worst way might be to pick up good players you encounter during your matches and ask them to join.
                Why is this the worst way, because you are potentially adding someone who just had a good match and sucks.

                Hope that helps.


                  yea helped quite a lot, actually i think i have to create a team ibymyself n the long run to get into this experiance.
                  So iam searching ppl who wants to play more serious 4k+

                  lets see what we can build up in the longrun


                    If you don't find a pos 5 add me

                    you seem pretty dedicated, and I am looking to get back into the game more seriously anyway


                      im totally up for that stuff as 3/4 player


                        Yep all up for pos 5 -4-3 if u want add me

                        Justin Weaver

                          XD u have so many people waiting for pos 4/5 :D :D


                            I am living in Kaiserslautern and writing my master thesis now.
                            I play normally position 2 but am flexible to other roles.
                            So I cannot promise to have time. But playing occasionally for instance for battle cup am WE is fine by me. =)


                              Well i guess i'll stick to Pos 4 And i'm always available


                                seems like you got enough pos 5 so I will step back


                                  i think i gonna add everyone and see what i can build up in the longrun


                                    sign up for the next season of jdl closes on sunday


                                      Get good first man


                                        what on earth can a 3-4k team win?
                                        i'm 6k and i think im too low to make a team.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          idk if ppl arent reading this, but iam not going for professional,... there are a lot of cups for amateurs ... ROFL.


                                            Hi, i'm from Italy and I'm attending university, I usually play with one my friend, this one, that plays 4th or 5th position. I'm playing 1/2/3 position I'm quite coordinated with John.
                                            I'm not at your level as you can see, but i'm eager to improve my play, so if u wanna try add us ^_^