General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord

Underlord in General Discussion

    the meta is a lot too much early game oriented
    so underlord is quite op yeah


      There are plenty of ways to shut him down early.
      1- Support harassment
      2- MK/Ursa
      3- Trilane till the enemy core is 1 or 2 levels ahead


        he can push really fast and is great in taking rosh early
        you can also farm really fast even without a lot of items
        so yeah he's strong early on

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          The hero has 41.43% winrate in 5k+ this week. Its literally garbage.


            If you just camp him in lane with a shadow shaman or some shit he gets nothing from his lane. He's like a fat snail just sitting there waiting to be killed.

            He needs a lot of farm and levels. Sure, he does have the means to get them because the firestorm makes him a good farmer, but if his lane goes bad his contribution to the team for the next 10-15 minutes is nonexistent. He cant contribute to the fight or a gank in a way other heroes like Doom, Tide, Clock or Nyx would as soon as they hit their lvl 6.

            He has little to none offensive capabilities. The firestorm requires the enemy heroes to just stand in it like idiots in order to deal a significant amout of damage and the pit is almost useless before the lvl 25 talent and rarely anyone gets rooted by it twice.

            He doesn't offer initiation and needs to be combined with a position 4 or a mid which is able to initiate otherwise his team just gets destroyed by heroes like Tinker or Sniper who just stand in the back line and chip at you.

            The only good things i can say about this hero are the fact that he can take Roshan quickly with firestorm, he pushes buildings quickly if you get a lot of kills in a teamfight and he's good at keeping the lanes pushed out and defending highground.

            In my eyes this hero is like Tidehunter's autistic cousin he does the same stuff Tide does, but much worse.


              have you ever tried playing him as a split pusher?
              He has so much split push potential if he gets radiance and tp boots.
              You literally push and pop ult before the enemy comes. Clear the creep wave with firestorm and you're back to your fountain. Then you use tp to teleport to the other lane and push it even harder since the rotations were forced in the other lane. I do this a lot and it works. It's impossible to keep the pressure on two lanes at the same time with other heroes but Underlord is an exception. He's a beast when it comes to split pushing.

              Like this one:

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                "It's impossible to keep the pressure on two lanes at the same time with other heroes but Underlord is an exception."

                Except like meepo, tinker, ember, lone druid, shadow fiend especially with lvl 25, anti mage is pretty good at this too, naga, natures prophet. Underlord really isn't that special and most of these heroes can do it even better than he can.


                  Your ultimate has almost a two minute cooldown at it's highest level, which means you cannot reliably use it to pressure two lanes at the same time.


                    I made this thread to show off my fucking winrate but you, a low MMR scrub living in the Archon trench, are teaching me how to play him?
                    I'm actually done posting good shit on this website.

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                      @Tribo The guy made a valid point and you're shit-talking him. You think you're a god of dota cause you're winning games on underlord against brainless 4k opponents you must be so good.

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                      Fee Too Pee


                        GODDAMIT PEOPLE



                          I think I'll listen to the Divine player, tyvm


                            "hahaa a 2k player made a point so ill flame his mmr even tho it has nothing to do with anything except boosting my ego"

                            underlord is good against weak lanes
                            most safelanes with shit like shaman and bane arent weak


                              If underlord can safely stay within range of his atrophy aura, underlord will dominate the lane. If he cannot, then he is useless.

                              Heroes I hate the most as an Underlord player?

                              1) Strong laners who aren't afraid of trading right-clicks/cheap spells, MK/Ursa/FV/Bane/Ogre/Shaman/Jugg

                              2) Magic burst (Zeus, Mirana + setup, Lina, Lesh, Invo, NEC)

                              3) Armor reduction (Slardar, Dazzle)

                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Cobrex :c

                                pull the first wave, get fast lvl 3, stay in lane and spam q, stack the big camp


                                  I made this thread to show off my fucking winrate but you, a low MMR scrub living in the Archon trench, are teaching me how to play him?


                                    @The fire is gone
                                    Challenge accepted


                                      Almost there...

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        Almost there as in, never there. Shut the fuck up, nobody cares about underlord, we got brokenlier and slowtress.


                                          Danishtard I missed you too