General Discussion

General DiscussionPos 5 Players Advice and Tips

Pos 5 Players Advice and Tips in General Discussion

    Hi everyone! I hope everyone is well and okay, I am not. I badly need some helpful advice and tips from Pos 5 players that are winning. There are lots of times i felt frustrated and demotivated playing the game because i know i have a huge role but yet I felt like im way far from winning. Is it about picking the right support hero? Do i need to spam a support hero to keep on winning? Ive lost around 400 mmrs since i calibrated and its bad. How do i keep on winning while.playing the support heroes i love? Any helpfu advice is greatly appreciated.Thank you.

    Potato Marshal

      Stop buying so many meks, stop trying to rush aghs as a pos 5 on heroes that rarely get them like CM and Lich, and stop getting kayas on pos 5s.


        Babysitting is probably the easiest way to lose mmr, harass the offlaner, do 1-2 pulls and then go dual roam

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          I see.i have to work on getting the appropriate items.Big Thank you mate!

          TANG INA MO VIO

            Be active on ganks/harassing.i see. It makes sense now that staying on safelane is too lazy. Thank you Cookie!


              i'd usually go insane if i have to stay on my lane for more than 4 minutes

              unless i'm in like dual off lich/tree then i don't wanna leave it :3

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                u trigger your safelaner by 'babysitting' and doing nothing. your safelaner's tilt is likely losing you the game. learn how to be more active as a support. think youll find success in no time.


                  i recommend not playing AA in 3k

                  TANG INA MO VIO

                    Thanks for the tip Jacked.
                    Would u recommend a support hero for 3k bracket please? I find it hard why most of the players in this bracket had issues picking the right heroes like having 3 cores.


                      CM still seems strong in pubs. you should try shaman, disruptor, wd. these 3 heroes should work in every 3k game


                        Shaman is super good right now in 3k. He can zone, he can disable, he can push, has decent base damage and he has a hex! Hex in 2018 is super good.

                        Yung Beethoven

                          First of all, always check how much support your safelane really needs. For example if its a spectre you should play a support which can really help spec in the laning phase, like shadow shaman, dazzle, lich, jak etc. If your safelane carry is a really farm dependent, weak-in-the-early carry then dont get supports which are just garbage in the laning stage like disruptor or rubick. Those supports only work if you have a pos4 who is really dedicated in helping your safelane and/or you kinda counterpick the enemy offlane (just imagine the horror of a spectre, disruptor vs a timbersaw).

                          So the very first thing you need to learn is to pick the right support for your carry. Also think about possible combos with the carry.

                          Secondly, try to zone the enemy offlane. Trade hits with him. Dont let him into the exp range, if possible.

                          3rd: ALWAYS keep a tp. Dont tp on the lane if you die, cuz you wont have a TP to react to possible ganks on the offlane or mid. If you can deny a gank or turn it around, it is always worth it. Obviously you have to leave your lane for this, but you are going to rewarded with winning the other lanes + getting some exp and gold for yourself. After every gank go to the safelane again, if needed.

                          4th: Go for stacked pulls. But DONT pull just so you can get farm. use pulls for a reason! To even the lane equilibrium for example. Or to deny the enemy offlane exp. Pulling, just so you can get some farm, mostly results in your safelane carry has to tank the creeps under the twr and hast to last hit them while doing so --> also the lane will start to push if you dont kill your pulled creeps.
                          Really check out some pulling guides.

                          5th: Try to stack camps! If your mid/safelane isnt doing so well, maybe they can recover in the jungle (if they play a hero, who can do so).

                          I hope these advices can help you! gl hf


                            if you are less than 5k you will be picking support 1st pick in every game so everything mentioned above about pairing with a carry is pointless (albeit correct).

                            As a support player myself i find the MOST IMPORTANT job is to spam pick a support hero first to try and stop ur 2 contesting mid players from doing it

                            Friendly player

                              1. Pick a good roaming hero. BH, riki, pudge works fine.
                              2. Harass midlaner, when you can't just go bottom and get kills there.
                              3. If the lane is free, push the tower.
                              From this point you just have to push and know your limits. Stay with the team btw.

                              TANG INA MO VIO

                                Wow! Thank you mates! Such a huge window for improvement. I appreciate the tips and guide.These will help me getting the W.