General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy dont we see a wisp lone druid duo?

Why dont we see a wisp lone druid duo? in General Discussion

    If we remember what wisps lvl 15 talent is, in concept its amazing for a lone druid. As of lately people are buying aghs on druid, the only problem is that its a 4200 gold slow down on any other items that hit buildings hard. And the thing about druid is that if he skips the aghs its okay but if he can get a temporary free one he could somewhat abuse that for a quick rat while he stays with io somewhere safe. You could by tp boots for the bear which buy the time buy those wisp will be level 15. So the bear can tp to a lane as an arc warden would with radiance and what not, then wisp tethers druid so the bear can hit buildings for the fourteen seconds that it can and the poof back to druid afterwards.

    I know it seems like a bit of a hassle and a picky draft but in the end wisp is a good support and druid isnt totally reliant on the aghs its just a side bonus if the team is ahead. Would y'all agree?


      wisp seems insane rn if he gets some farm, im not even sure if a lot of these combos have been fully realized
      wisp + drow is rlly good too


        Yeah I could see that being good because once wisp gets 15 drow is probably going to be lvl 20, with good farm. Then she gets the splinter shot plus overcharge attack speed and damage resistance. Like really that talent is so awesome for some heroes but. wisp has to get to 15 with out sucking it up from carries and tomes take too long to get him. so id say wisp would need to be at least a position 4 or maybe like a 3.5 in a dual offlane while you have your 5 bottom with your carry.


          wisp 4 is possible i think


            I think it definitely could be but I'm thinking if people tried him as an offlaner or mid it would just fall flat because most supports cant do alot with that extra farm than they normally would. Unless it was like when sumail would play AA mid and get armlet and what not.


              If u wanna be greedy with io, go dual offlane with a strong manly offlaner
              Smth like legion, bristle, axe, even a beast master.

              Potato Marshal

                I thought Io would've been picked more after he got those insane talents, but I guess people just don't want to play him.




                    legion is manlier than most men