General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrate at herald?

Calibrate at herald? in General Discussion

    How do u think ?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      I think using my brain. Do you think using your nipples?

      Tento komentář byl upraven



          It is more fun to play . I hope so guys


            5 cores(2 of them junglers) fun no doubt


              5 cores(2 of them junglers) fun no doubt

              Wards and supports in game are pretty useless if nobody utilizes them, even on my low 3k games i have seen a bunch of times people getting ganked and died very dumb even tho they had vision, so 5 cores 2 jungle is better option in my book LUL!

              Potato Marshal

                Do people even "gank" in herald? I thought herald matches were just 40 minute laning stages where one side will randomly decide to start trading hits with the other side for 20 seconds until one side dies.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  It most likely is


                    Do people even "gank" in herald? I thought herald matches were just 40 minute laning stages where one side will randomly decide to start trading hits with the other side for 20 seconds until one side dies.

                    We live in the time of, online guides and internet in general, so i think that on all ranks from 1k to 6k people play same game, higher you are between this numbers means you are mechanical, tactically superior and have greater game knowledge. Also on lower you wont see some fine clutch plays like carrying smoke to dodge zeus ult etc.... But i think generally they understand the concept of a game.


                      RTZ was calibrated at Herald, but then PPD boosted him!


                        extensive brain damage