General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for supporting

Tips for supporting in General Discussion

    How to be a better Support? Tips please.

    Herald Pride

      1. dont last hit creep;
      2. pull creep;
      3. place ward for a vision;
      4. gank enemy heroes;
      5. safe your core heroes.

      i think many written article about good support you could learn at


        Win lanes

        chicken spook,,,,



            learn the basics from watching high mmr replays first
            after you know wat to do,play like a maniac
            just make calls if you know what to do in a game
            for me the difference between gud and not gud support is where they actually took action and commanding or not doing dat


              Zone out enemy offlane before pulling

              Potato Marshal

                Win lane till lane is won, then go offlane and win lane till lane is won.

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  2. pull creep

                  This is not always true. Controlling the creeps equilibrium is a lot better than creep pulling. Creep pulling makes your creeps closer to their tower. Creep pulling is only needed if your creeps is already on their tower. This rarely happens though if you safelane carry knows how to control the lane.

                  As for OP question, control the creep. Try hitting the opponent offlaner if posible. Deny as the creeps as much as you can. Bring clarity and tp always. TP to your teammate if theyre on trouble.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Controlling the creeps equilibrium is a lot better than creep pulling.

                    a.k.a know when you can/should pull


                      i also have a problem for support.. not even support. all roles. As i cant really block creeps well. who can help?

                      Avv. Fabio ciulla

                        also the pick is very important..I think that below 3k WD is really damn good, now I am playing with this smurf and I litterally cant loose with WD!!in many topics or 3d people doesnt talk about him unfortunately!!

                        Seriously you can play an excellent support performing all the task u are asked to do and with some kills and some farm you ll be a dead machine... The Ulti deals (3d level) like 750 dmg/sec you just have to be good at positioning...with course and ulti it s a free kill!!

                        Must, mana boots and glimmer cape... after depends on the game i also like lotus orb to use on ur tank or carry which adds more dmg overall..or agha, or


                          tbh the pulling also depends on your game situation. like your carry can only lh safe under tower (for whatever reasons) and if your pick is a greedy support chain pulling might be your only way to get some gold (especially, like in the trash bracket, when you are the only support and enemy will starve your cash because they got invis)

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                          Avv. Fabio ciulla

                            by saying pulling and stacking of course you must know when to do are ultra pushed u dont have to pull... but that s logical


                              For a more detailed explanation of things mentioned here and also for additional tips (an ocean of them) look for "purge teaches day9 dota2".
                              Also, if anyone has more super-detailed educational videos to recommend i would be grateful.


                                Get a kill, get an objective - Simple dota

                                *pre-emptively setup vision for the next objective*
                                *pre-emptively position yourself for the next objective*

                                Actively think how the enemy team will play, and adapt accordingly
                                *If i was the enemy storm spirit, i would be ganking my safelane right now* - So you should TP behind your carry before the gank gets there .


                                  A few things I don't see mentioned:
                                  1. Zone enemy offlaner.
                                  2. If you can't do anything productive in your lane at all then go gank another lane
                                  3. People saying don't last hit at all are wrong. Last hit any creep that your carry definitely wont be able to get to. (as most supps are ranged and many cores are melee this happens occasionally). No point letting the gold go to waste. Get as much farm as you can as long as it doesn't interfere with your cores getting farm.
                                  4. Chose your items intelligently. If the enemy heroes can easily solokill you then your first major item should be some form of defence or escape (force staff, glimmer, ghost sceptre, etc.). If you don't need those items build whatever item will either counter enemies or cover weaknesses in your team. (Pipe, Spirit Vessel, Lotus Orb, etc)

                                  GRANT MACDONALD

                                    Max whatever damage you can do early and do your best to zone the offlaner. If your carry is level 3 and the offlane is level 1, leave the lane. you've done your job and your carry should be able to zone the offlaner and CS. Either start stacking the lane, pull, kill jungle creeps if you can or rotate to help other lanes.

                                    Story Time

                                      Always ask yourself "wtf am i doing now? and why!?"


                                        go watch youtube video, but at ur tier stick with strong support that can easily own enemy without much item and just carry ur team to victory

                                        Potato PC

                                          IO Solo support.

                                          But seriously, put some observer, provide disable/heal and stack few creeps are good enough for low tier.


                                            If you're playing as pos 5, you must protect the lane equilibrium to your carry.
                                            zone the offlaner without agro the creep, you can find a ton of guides about agro on youtube.
                                            If you notice your lane will push, you tell your carry that you'll gonna pull, so he can push that wave.
                                            learn how to pull and kill your entirelly wave of creeps.
                                            if your carry wants to push the lane and have potential to farm stacks, stack the jungle so he can farm after push the wave.
                                            ward the around the enemy tower so he can't get ganked because he has no vision.
                                            If he can't kill stacks, don't stay in the safe lane to get the xp, go help your pos 4 on ganking.
                                            Allways have a tp to counter gank.
                                            allow your pos 4 to pickup runes if he's close to you, he needs more farm than u.
                                            As a pos 4 you have a lot more information to process, but the basics is understand your team.
                                            If you have a weak laner as hc you should secure his farm, pressure the offlaner with your pos5, after your core get something like 2 lvls advantage you should analyse where's the weaker enemy lane and take advantage of their weakeness by ganking or zone the enemy out.
                                            If you have strong lanes, you can strart pressuring the weakness of the enemy team since the beggining

                                            [edit] This meta is all about lanning stage, learn how to dominate the early game...
                                            [edit²]to kill all your creepwave if you don't have stacked before you must pool the small camp and when almost left just 1 neutral alive you hit the neutral in the large camp and go in the diretion of your creeps, if you notice that the creep in the small camp will not die don't spare skills to kill him in time.

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                                              As TheMaverick427 said before.
                                              If you are near the creepwave and your carry are not in range to last hit a creep, you have to last hit to improve your networth, if you need an important level, for exemple, a lvl 6 at shaman or any important talent you can easily stay a while in some free lane to get xp.
                                              if you tp to counter gank and your core dies anyway, stay a while in lane to get xp in a safe position