General Discussion

General DiscussionWHERE MUH SEA BOISH AT??

WHERE MUH SEA BOISH AT?? in General Discussion

    Why is ken in the list twice
    Inb4 ken playing on 2 account at once

    Also the WhatsApp group was pretty nice until Bryant got mad or smth and left and now it's a ded chat.


      wat is the date? 9pm gmt+8 sounds promising


        Lemme in I want my revenge, Im a changed man now. I abandoned my toxic ways of the past

        ROAD TO HERALD 0

          Count me in, 9pm this Sat sounds good.


            I can't, morning practice

            chicken spook,,,,

              Bryant got mad or smth and left and now it's a ded chat.

              Not sure you can't see the truth or just playing victim right here, either way you're retarded
              If that was the case why did the group was still active when I left, like 2x before
              If you still don't want to accept that basically everyone in the chat had enough of you, I'll just get fx/ken/basically anyone who left to confirm here

              chicken spook,,,,

                9pm GMT +8 Saturday seems cool, I'm in


                  Not sure you can't see the truth or just playing victim right here, either way you're retarded
                  If that was the case why did the group was still active when I left, like 2x before
                  If you still don't want to accept that basically everyone in the chat had enough of you, I'll just get fx/ken/basically anyone who left to confirm here


                  Lmao ofc he playing victim because isnt that what he always do? xD please realize that you're annoying as fuck , thank


                    Lemme in I want my revenge, Im a changed man now. I abandoned my toxic ways of the past

                    revenge 4 wat , inhouse fun game no try hard btw :smirk:


                      I'm not playing victim, Bryant and ken got mad, idk what happened to Adrian 99% he also got mad, niggy and I r chill tho.


                        Why wud I be a victim, it's not like you consume my life to the point where I wud feel victimized by u abandoning the chat rolf.
                        The only reason I was confused was because there wasn't a "ur annoying btw fuck you" message before u left.
                        I get along fine with almost everyone else besides u and habim and Adrian, so go looking for more "Raj is annoying" in the ayy lmao boys idc.
                        Why is it such a big deal idk


                          Remember to keep your post friendly and within the Dotabuff Code of Conduct

                          Lruce Bee

                            Hello guys, id like to join as well


                              Team Raj.


                                Hope i didnt get muted again xD


                                  why is that retarded individual keep repeating pointless thing? even dogs have better common sense than him oh god . i guess turtle was right , "it's in his blood guys" .


                                    waow at least being a no lifer loser isnt in my blood

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      What exactly happened in the WhatsApp group again?


                                        idek why everyones so fucking pissed
                                        "o so annoying so bossy"


                                          so we had a whatsapp group, then bws, habim, and adrian left right after new years with no warning or reason given
                                          now its ded


                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              The only reason I was confused was because there wasn't a "ur annoying btw fuck you" message before u left.

                                              LMAO what the fuck


                                                i mean i kinda knew but i cudnt be 100% sure

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  I get along fine with almost everyone else besides u and habim and Adrian, so go looking for more "Raj is annoying" in the ayy lmao boys idc.

                                                  u do know I don't give a shit about it, all I want is not read your autistic shit everyday on group chat, and that happened to be the case with everyone else
                                                  Why is it such a big deal idk

                                                  you're the one who's making this a big deal by asking me over and over again on multiple threads instead of just letting it go
                                                  idek why everyones so fucking pissed
                                                  "o so annoying so bossy"

                                                  yea whatever im the center of the earth whats wrong with everyone im okay everyone else isnt!!!1

                                                  I won't be talking about this problem anymore, you're so fucking self centered

                                                    Tento komentář byl smazán


                                                        i mean i thought me and habim were cool but guess not
                                                        ur right i am making a bigger deal out of this

                                                        but if i thought we were cool and suddenly everyone just left, it makes me curious and confused
                                                        whats wrong with just trying to sort it out and get it straight?

                                                        ur right tho, lets just drop it then.


                                                          Seatard here
                                                          Can I cast inhouse game?


                                                            all im saying now is
                                                            it was fun while it lasted
                                                            and i miss it


                                                              We should just do 5 man party but I duno if I can ever enjoy casual Dota Anymore. Btw who's habim?

                                                              Y'all should take it easy on Raj. He did nothing wrong lmao


                                                                I do love drama


                                                                  well I've got a 10v10 stack that plays often at night. They're preddy gud.

                                                                  D the Superior

                                                                    Isn't this the guy who've been furiously complaining about me in ayy lmao?
                                                                    Very interesting, please go on.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                        nvm it doesnt matter


                                                                          9pm GMT +8 Saturday seems cool, I'm in
                                                                          i'm good with this,date and stuff
                                                                          but can someone add my steam and remind me if i forgot lol


                                                                            I use GMT+7
                                                                            That's I think 8pm?

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              aaaa yes


                                                                                Don't let your critics silence you Raj. You have a voice that deserves to be heard.

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  Yo jacked have u ever got bored of spreading salt?


                                                                                    Drama thread


                                                                                      i have no idea how did the thread become a war


                                                                                        Classic. We can do pure reflex war though kappa. I will add everyone when i go home and i will make the lobby. But im not sure if i have time

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          Not having free time on saturday LUL


                                                                                            I have church. Basically sundays church is too boring so i switch it up to youth gathering at saturday


                                                                                              I ain't spreading salt. Just Doing the public a service and making sure everyone gets all the facts and hears both sides of the story. And no I'll never get bored lul.


                                                                                                You are all my friends. Stop fighting xd

                                                                                                Screw the rules im Seto K...

                                                                                                  Holyshit its knifepony dont know if you remembered me but i sure do remember you casting my beastmaster hawk throne rush comeback game, your casting is amazing doode.

                                                                                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                                    Cast the seatard inhouse, would be great to rewatch if the match doesnt turn out completely stupid.

                                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                      Adrian said he's a pretty damn good caster too