General Discussion

General DiscussionAnti-Mage item choices

Anti-Mage item choices in General Discussion

    So, everyone knows the classic Battlefury -> Manta Style order, but what about what comes after? When should you consider an Abyssal or a Butterfly? Boots of Travel? BKB? Aghs?

    Opinions, anyone?


      If the opposing team have heroes capable of dealing magical burst damage, then BKB/AGHS/LINKS. if you have omni, daz, oracle and your team lack stuns then abys is the item to get. you just have to evaluate the other team and see what items to get accordingly.

      chicken spook,,,,

        you just have to evaluate the other team and see what items to get accordingly.


        chicken spook,,,,

          butter after manta for farm boost, but most of the time skadi/abyssal is the go-to choice if you don't need any extra defensive tool

          AT&T Samsung Galaxy

            just dont get aghs and you win easily


              Get abysal and start killing people


                As first item after manta -> butter is just the standard, accelerates your farm even further, forces enemy cores to try to farm up mkb to kill you while you get even further ahead, makes your split-pushing potential insane.

                Abyssal -> if you need to fight right then and there but your defensive needs are covered. I used to go for this a lot but after all the damage nerfs it leaves your farm/splitpushing lacking a bit compared to butterfly so I get it less often now.

                Linken/agha -> legion, doom, bs etc will kill you if you don't rush this. Use your brain, sometimes depending on game state you might even need to go linken/agha before full manta.

                Skadi -> have tried this a few times, generally I'd say it's inferior to either linken/agha for spells that slay you and inferior to butter for right clickers that are slaying you. Prefer it as a later item.

                Bkb -> enemy busting down your high ground? Need maximum impact right NOW for 4k gold? Go bkb you pleb.

                Heart -> yeah, na.

                Other shit -> I reckon nullifier has potential as an abyssal replacement vs some heroes, haven't had a chance to try it though.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Lruce Bee

                  It's usually a choice between defensive, lockdown, or just a general luxury item

                  So either linken/bkb/aghs, abyssal/diffusal/scythe, or butterfly.

                  If u just need a general luxury item always just go butterfly. It's just best agi item out there.

                  Lruce Bee

                    Oh hey cnp. Nice to see were on the same page.

                    Potato Marshal

                      Diffusal? Scythe? The fuck?


                        diffusal was pretty good on am before for cheap breaking linken stat item

                        Lruce Bee

                          Potato. You should try. But 70% of cases you can just go abyssal.

                          Lruce Bee

                            But I mean I would argue that sometimes scythe is just way better. Provides agi, provides 3.5s lockdown instead of 2s and cheaper than abyssal. Aside from the active, abyssal is horrendously overpriced and provides nothing to AM.


                              Mjollner kappa