General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM on Spirit Breaker

MoM on Spirit Breaker in General Discussion
Pubic Enemy

    I’m gonna spam SB cause I’ve recently been on a terrible losing streak. Is mask of madness not a thing anymore being that it increase Mspeed which increases dmg and increases aspeed which increases proc chance of bashes? Charge in, Ult, activate MoM. Or Charge in activate MoM, then wait till duration ends to ult.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Pubic Enemy

      Also disassemble into vlads and wtv else


        sb is a pos 4 he doesnt want MoM he wants more utility items
        just go urn

        Pubic Enemy

          I’m in 2k, plus an urn and MoM together are about the same price as a echo Sabre which a lot of SBs build.

          Lruce Bee

            If you have farm go greedy and build carry items. Either echo mom if you want right click, or you can also go tanky utility with urn blademail.


              U shudnt build echo either
              U shud just go shit like urn into vessel, vlads, drum, pipe, halberd, crimson (occasionally), blademail, even sb is fine if ur going agro, lotus, solar, maybe even glimmer some of ur games.
              Ur a support, don't play like a core.

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Lruce Bee

                Stupid suggestions. You're meant to be a right clicker so build righ click items

                Pubic Enemy

                  I feel like my successful SB games I’m solo ganking people. Especially with a Lifestealer or a blood seeker, so it kinda makes sense to build more into a right clicker.

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    The MoM armor reduction will get you killed before you even throw three hits

                    But hey it's 2k, nobody's gonna TP rescue so it might be great.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Lruce Bee

                      Uh. No. it's not going to kill you.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        They can't rightclick you if they're stunned WeSmart


                          han yolo is trolling.
                          you dont need rigtclick items and MoM is garbage.

                          as a 70% winrate SB player 1k above your mmr i think i can say that very safely.

                          you need utility.

                          if game goes well and you get kills all over the map in the first 10 mins, get power treads.
                          if not buil tranquils.

                          urn is great obviously.

                          you can buy halberd for le 2k PA or WK. you can buy a euls secepter if theres an axe calling all of your 4 noob teammates nonstop.

                          solar crest is ok if you need armour, blademail for drow/sniper etc.

                          Lotus orb to save your allies.

                          Glimmer cape as mentioned above is a great item. if you charge someone and suddenly 4 people are there or your allies didnt get the message you have a chance to escape. you can save allies. and it gives you 20 attack speed=more bashes

                          OOV obviously.

                          if theres a weak ranged midlaner like SF/invo or any melee mid, dont level charge. get bash, run past the creepwave and hit the dude in the face with orb of venom and watch him cry. he doesnt get LH while your mid get all the XP.

                          buy wards. if you see the enemy core hitting jungle creeps thanks to your ward, even in 2k people will follow you to kill him. (smoke is a really great item)

                          dont buy echo sabre for gods sake pls. dont copy item builds from 2ks unless you want to stay in 2k

                          if all goes wrong sb can splitpush very well if you place yourself correctly. if charge hits all creeps you have your "aoe nuke" to make you splitpush effectievly

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Make echosabre and spam "17%!!!!" in all chat, thats the only way of spirit breaker.

                            People who give you advices here are not playing in low bracket, utility roamer is great in higher brackets, there you dont need to solo kill people, in trash bracket your team wont react to your gank, so enemy will probably get away or worse you will die. You need to be able to do solo kills to make a diference in 2k!

                            I mean OP you know it best, how many times did you charged mid and your mid laner just stood and watched?

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              You can either listen to the retards or you can head some advice and listen to what good pos 4 said

                              SASA POPOVIC

                                OR you can try both and see what works better in your bracket?


                                  if you're finished rushing bm,and fighting magic bursts anyway and some silence
                                  why not? those extra bashes on enemy core could change the fight


                                    i climbed put from 2.3k to 3.3 with sb/sk/clock/riki. as you call it "utility roamer"

                                    many games i played solo support because people picked jungle in 2k. i still only lost a hanful of matches until i reached 3k.

                                    what does echo sabre do on a hero that doesnt have farm and is probably lower leveled, tell me.

                                    as i said, play like a 2k that doesnt understand roles and sits afk in offlane to leech xp, stay 2k forever.

                                    or play utility, get small inexpensive items which you can afford in a timing where they will accomplish smth and start doing stuff around the map.


                                      ah i'm not talking about echo,was talking about mom


                                        when noone on your team has invisibility shadowblade is a mus have on spiritbreaker. just ruin every support economic quality of life :-D they need wards to scout your charges and you can still charge through invisible so even more wards (and also detection) is needed.

                                        halbred is my fav item of all time vs 2k trash carriers :-D
                                        in rare cases aeon disc and/or heart can be very benefical (you can tank the lc duel and charge out or soak up all the initiation)


                                          sb is ok as well, but inseriously doubt that a pos 4 spirit breaker gets the farm for hot

                                          aoen disc could be cool, after all you sometimes find yourself alone between 5 enemies.

                                          most important is vision.
                                          with SB you win games by picking off people. you win early game, charge then in their jungle with you team smoked, then you high ground or take roshan.

                                          hero isnt that good anymore though. his ulti has a way too long cd.

                                          honestly in 2k just play riki, that hero is an autowin,

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            Aeons disc on sb is interesting idea, only hero i ever made this item on was brew, you really need that breathing space to pop the ult, doest it work on sb tho?

                                            My divine 2 friend always critiqued me for going for aeons instead farming couple creep more and just buy the bkb tho :/

                                            Also at pos 4, im sure your aproach is legit and it gives results, im not telling you it doesnt work, just in my experience as much as it sounds stupid or selfish, i started climbing when i disregarded my teammates and started focusing on myself, as long as i play only heroes with solo kill potential im fine, when i go utility build and i need teammates to pop in with me and finish the job i always have a bad time and lose, just personal expirience nothing against you mate.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              When Katz is actually 100% right and everyone is so braindead they bother arguing with tried and true builds


                                                ^nvm idk if it's Katz but it sounds like him

                                                Story Time

                                                  who is katz now? i am lost in following the nicknames

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    it disassembles into a LOST GAME xd

                                                    Pubic Enemy

                                                      Yea my last two games I played pos 4 utility and was very successful! Ended up with most kills as well! Getting out of this losing streak