General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade skill build discussion.

Terrorblade skill build discussion. in General Discussion
the better spidey

    I've seen players max Metamorphosis first, with value points of other skills each. I've seen players max Illusion for maximum farming speed. Personally? I max Reflection by level 7 to combat ganks and dual offlanes (and also because doing so seemed to yield the highest winrate % in Dotabuff skillbuilds.)

    7.10 nerfed TB's Reflection though, so I'm not sure about maxing that skill first is still any good.

    What do the blue star Terrorblade abusers think? Lately I've been thinking that maxing Metamorphosis isn't that ideal because you use that skill so much less than your other skills. Maybe 1-4-1 into 4-4-1? I'm not sure.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      1-0-2 into 1-4-2 for me


        ^ye that seems to be miracles build

        It's that or 1-2-4
        Maxing reflection is stupid

        Yung Beethoven

          one of the reason ppl get lvls in illusion instead of meta is cuz they already used meta and now have a bigass cd on it. so they skill illusions instead of meta to farm faster = get lvls faster all while meta is still on CD. Skilling a skill which is on CD does provide you with nothing.


            0 4 4 0

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              dont you get 2 in reflection? and what about sunder? when do you get it at 6? i assume you only get it when you need it (like WK) but do you save a skill point though?


                i guess 2 in reflection is fine if its a contested lane and there's a lot of fighting, but otherwise i don't think its really worth it. sunder is pretty situational, depends on the lane and your hp/mp status at level 6


                  I think you can save a skill point, you don't need an extra level in anything while just passive laning


                    I think u can save a skillpnt, u dnt need an xtra lvl in nything while jst pssve laning


                      Passive laning in 2k18, WutFace xD


                        Lv 6 sunder is pretty good too

                        Lruce Bee

                          Just hold a point and skill if u need

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            I'm not the best TB player out there but at lvl7, conjure image should be max. You can skip lvl6 Sunder if you have a comfortable lane (e.g. baby sit by a two great supporte).

                            Conjure Image helps a lot on early jungling. They can tank the damage early game, helping you to speed up farming.


                              ^if anything u shud tank since ur illusions r more abt dps and are super squishy
                              Also I think illusion max is better for farming but maxing meta is much better if u have a contested lane and/or need to take the t1 tower.


                                Dude i told u in the last thread Tobbey is the better Spidey now change ur profile pic or be banned!


                                  never more than 3 point in reflection, that's the only rule


                                    if you're playing vs am,want to disturb his farm,putting 3-4 reflection is okay i think
                                    as long you actually do it and come to bottom/his jungle after you get his btm tower by pushing together with your offlane

                                    read this with a salt thou,didn't play tb for like 200 years already or like 3 patches
                                    and yes i didn't watch miracle or team water