General Discussion

General Discussionvery high skill

very high skill in General Discussion

    i win game but still normal skill how to get high skill anyone can help me


      play like high skill


        Smug crusaders in dotabuff. wow


          get gud. ^_^


            butthurt divine with 50.07% wr.. go back to your real acc pls


              Yeah... like your winrate is any good...

              Lruce Bee

                bro just add me ill give u some tips

                Lruce Bee

                  honestly man what are your last 2 games of horrendous feeding?


                    @HanYolo tips from guardian 2 ? Lol

                    Those are not feeding . My team dont know how to play dota


                      Han's guardian 2 is just a disguise so people will underestimate him. Don't make that mistake!


                        I dont need comments from normal skill player . Can someone who get vhs in thier games tell me how to get it

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          why are you partying with 5k players?

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            U cant fool the system. If you dont belong to HS or VHS thats it. If you a genuine, real or legit 5k+ player skills will come out as expected on the way you play the game. I am not a HS or VHS player, winning every damn game is nuff for me to be happy.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              VHS should be 5k at least, if anyone considers 3.7k actually VHS then i've never played dota in my life


                                ^should be 5.7k up(divine 5+)


                                  i saw someone go from normal to vhs after 2 games of low kdr


                                    How can you diss normal skill players when you also belong in that trench? You're probably just Archon 5 at best now...

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      If you want to get VHS, go party up with three 4k-5k ppl. I'm sure you'd get VHS that way

                                      Lruce Bee

                                        Dude I think you are herald. So I can still advise you


                                          just play like hs or vhs lol. theres no abuse


                                            The guy has delusions he belongs to legend 3-5 bracket.


                                              no , im sure im atleast ancient 3 minimun . this system is holding me back from my true skill




                                                  classic SEA player statement.


                                                    "why are you partying with 5k players?"

                                                    because 5k players know how good i am duh u 2k kids know nothing lol


                                                      sub 50% winrate normal skill retards can gtfo from my thread thanks


                                                        I used to have a 70% WR when I was trying hard. But playing casually is more fun for me. It did generate more losses than wins, but having fun is more important anyways. That kind of wr strike is kinda old isn't it? At least I don't have delusions in regard to my skill level.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          im not delusion regarding my skill level , i know im good and my games are always easy why they still put me in normal skill


                                                            apm gpm xpm hero damage,tower damage must hight if u want to get vhs on core and always have tp


                                                              the dota say u are above normal skill, what will u do? improve :D


                                                                just play pos 1, all you need to do is hit creeps and have some sense of when you might be getting ganked

                                                                ПИСЯТ ДВА

                                                                  Lol, just play like more

                                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                                    dude how come you have 100% winrate in normal skill. but still such a lil bitch. is it because you have no skillz? l u l


                                                                      @HanYolo shut the fuck up guardian 2 retard i can calibrate there by playing with just my tongue . you know nothing about dota man

                                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                                        i think you need to improve your gpm xpm.


                                                                          im farming good with good kda and highest farm all game but the system still give me normal skill games


                                                                            So far the only thread were HanYolo's comments made me laugh! Dude i salute u. Ur trolling him in a nice and humourous manner.

                                                                            Lruce Bee

                                                                              this is not a joke. everyday thousands of people visit dotabuff for the hopes of getting better but don't. stop irresponsible advice giving today


                                                                                HanYolo. What can u say about Caliber99 link of someones dota buff account getting HS in his 3rd game without decent KDA xpm etc

                                                                                ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                  Xxkirito._.asuna07xX is still not top tier?u fucking punks are never satisfied are you?Hope you enjoy being bitter cause he definitely loves being the greatest


                                                                                    what the fuck are you talking about taylor hill . you have no idea how to get vhs and still come here to make my thread a meme "le xd look at me so COOL , mommy am i a badass now?"


                                                                                      Dude your not a HS or VHS player.wake up! This is reality! Hahahahaha. Look what they say about you?It will hurt you but its the cannot fool the system daddy!


                                                                                        Your dissing me coz im a normal skill player? Cant this those divine or ancient folks whom insulted you here?

                                                                                        Ysa: Supp is Life

                                                                                          hey kirito, you know what stomping is? create new account then check u have played dota 2 before then stomp ur first game(it will be against players with experienced ofc) and get stats like getting 20 kills or above without having deaths or at least 1 or 2 deaths. then do that stomping shits for two games then you'll go to HIGHSKILL STRAIGHT TO VHS cause the system will detect that u are fucking them straight into their anus. then you'll be matched to divines then check ur account in OPENDOTA and it should have an estimated MMR minimum of 5k and above. come back then rant again if you have done that. TIA


                                                                                            I got vhs on smurf after 4 games of jungle lycan and 3 games of jungle wraith king


                                                                                              But he is actually a 4k mmr player, this is his main
                                                                                              Thank me later!

                                                                                              Zahari Baharov

                                                                                                on 1500 mmr in Sea everyone can get good stats. Doesn't make you good or very high skilled player



                                                                                                    Hello I think I also want to be vhs but the game no place me at vhs? Me n op play very good good together but no vhs? Can someone explain I cannot think anymore


                                                                                                      5 eblade dagon drow

                                                                                                      thank god i quit dota