Well you should be happy about that, aren't you?
That just means that you can ez win your games.
its still skewed towards your solo mmr. Nothing has changed.
so basically 1mmr solo and 6k party will still be in tier 3 :)
I was Tier 6 last time i played bc with 5.5k
Now im Tier 4 with 4.5k.
Anyways Tier doesnt change during 1 season, No matter how much mmr you Drop or gain, i lost Championcup on my t3 smurf against 5 5k players.
If you haven't played battle cup before, it will use your MMR as a rough range of where to place you. After your first battle cup, it will use your battle cup performances as the basis. If you win a battle cup in a higher tier, that now becomes your tier.
I'll use my account as an example. I was placed at tier 3 for my first battle cup, when I was around 2.6K MMR.(I'm currently 3.1K) After three battle cup wins at tier 3, I decided to try my luck at tier 4. I won a tier 4 battle cup. Suddenly, I could no longer queue for tier 3 battle cups: my tier is currently tier 4, with the option to play at tier 5.
Im ~5.8k rn and im tier 8 but last season i was around 4.8k-5k and tier 5. If that's correct i dont see how do you manage to squeeze 2 tiers in between those mmrs.
Think the tiers have been updated just now. Went from tier 5 which is what I was during TI7 to tier 6 just now.
slightly offtopic, but does anyone know where i'd be able to find people to play BC with? i've been playing with a 7k friend but since he's t8 now and i'm 7 it's kinda hard to find people that'd agree to play with us (understandable since i'm shit, but i don't mind playing wardbitch all games).
Im fucking 5k and it says that im tier 5? yo wtf, i used to play BC with 5.8k player and tier 7 players.
@etd so u mean that I should play at tier 5 first(it was my tier since 2016,dafuq) but i never played bc alone, but we always win in t6 or t7 tier.
Yo Severe, you and Mugen can play with me and my friends if you wanna. We need 2 players. I'm not sure if we'll be able to play today cause one of my friends has some intrenet issues but we could play next week. If you're up you can add me in friends. 86949167 is my friend id.
Being 5.7k mmr i got tier 8.
Considering i was t7 at TI7 compendium and never ever won a single game, this is horrible for me. And now im getting raped by top100 rank players in the first games!
I did won some battle cups way back when i was t6 ~4kmmr, but that was long ago.
The interesting quiestion for me is what mmr should i try to reach to get T6? Atm im deboosting(playing heroes i dont usually play). Hope there will be a rebalance sometime in the next 2 months when the 6-month season ends.
tier 8 = divine 5 with ranking number
tier 7 = divine
tier 6 = ancient
tier 5 = legend
@Ergosum what do you expect, its harder to calibrate your mmr than it is to calibrate at 3k
The majority find it easier to get 3k mmr than 1k mmr
some info for the tiers:
tier 1 - Herald - 0 to 770 mmr
tier 2 - guardian - 770 to 1610 mmr
tier 3 - crusader - 1610 to 2450 mmr
tier 4 - archon - 2450 to 3290 mmr
tier 5 - legend - 3290 to 4130 mmr
tier 6 - ancient - 4130 to 4970 mmr
tier 7 - divine - 4970 to 5810 mmr
tier 8 - above divine 5(rank number included) - 5810 ongoing mmr
the mmr are not clearly set but in the main part of the situations it will be correct, but you can be sure that your medal will determine what rank you are
you cant derank your medal and with it you cant derank your tier, you are stuck in the one above
also the matchmaking is only taking into count the highest medal in your team and with it it will set you in the defined tier, that is why you should que with at least your skill level or one bellow, 2 levels bellow max imho
Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.
anyone know how battlecup tiers are calculated?
I saw on some other places that the tiers are
+5k: 7
4-5k: 6
3-4k: 5
2-3k: 4
1-2k: 3
0-1k: 2
but I have 3570 mmr and I am currently tier 3.
this seems wrong to me.
so does anyone know why I am tier 3?