General Discussion

General DiscussionI like playing support but....

I like playing support but.... in General Discussion

    I am stuck in low mmr bracket. Is there any way I can increase my MMR with playing support heroes mostly? Which support/roam heroes should I focus on?

    Potato Marshal

      Just play whatever you're comfortable with. There aren't any really supports that are overpowered enough to warrant spamming. Just pick a few you think seem fun and focus on those

      a god among feeders

        CM is almost always strong, same as Ogre.
        You can't be wrong spamming them because nobody pick supp anyway.
        Or Sky (a bit more difficult, but with some practice he buttrape anyone with his silence / nuke / flare spam)


          Yes there is. It's just that you suck so you don't climb. There is no specific hero that skyrockets your mmr. Perhaps some simple hero. My suggestion is watch BSJ's coaching sessions, you can learn a lot from them even when you're 6k+.

          casual gamer

            yeah reddit loves to trash bsj but hes pretty fucking great

            when i wanted to improve i used to watch him, theres a lot to learn there

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            Potato Marshal

              Also quit rushing aghs as your first major item on "supports". It's why you end up as 2/17 on lich and 2/15 on shaman.


                Nightstalker has much higher value then Most other roamers in my opinion.

                fanfan fan

                  cm is garbage dont pick that


                    //Also quit rushing aghs as your first major item on "supports". It's why you end up as 2/17 on lich and 2/15 on shaman.//

                    Yeah I did realize my item choices were bad in those games.

                    Lruce Bee

                      For a Long time shadow shaman was broken support.

                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                        I really like clock, I try to play as much of a wide pool as I can, but I find out that clock is a really comfortable hero to fall back to. he simply is very impactful, able to punish out of position heroes (which at our brackets, you are like 3 stars above me, is very common), and constantly disrupt the lanes and scout things

                        btw you really love aghs don't you? you get it first item alot on many heroes
                        never understood supports that constantly do that


                          just pick any support early in the draft and itemize so that your cores dont die, keep wards up, get smoke, prepre stacks ... and dont freaking feed! you have to stay in the backlines in fights (or you will get one shotted)

                          Herald Pride

                            i suggest go spam lich, max your 3th skill and eat your range creep, then keep deny your creep also keep harass enemy hero by your 1st skill ; do that on early game to make enemy core outfarm.

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              You should play aggressive supports. They are fun and better in destroying enemy team's morale.

                              Potato Marshal

                                I will say, high early damage nuker supports are better to grind in low MMR, then something like a Dazzle, or Io.

                                If you really want to spam lich, I'd suggest going a eqeqqrq build most of the times, and I'd only go more early points in e if I'm offlaning or I'm against a strong trilane

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  i like wyvern. Especially in low mmr it should be good because they often pick to many right click cores and group up for ez course.
                                  Also games tend to be longer than they should and ww skills scale pretty good into lategame. All based on %.


                                    Play Brawler supports and "easytoplay" sups, this will help you to focus in the others aspects of the game you must improve.
                                    if you're playng roaming allways focus on the lane you'll have more impact, don't make the mistake to think "oh i have to babysit my carry" We already have pos 5 to do this.
                                    Only goes safelane if your carry realy can't farm in the lane or if you have a realy high kill potential in that lane, otherwise you should help your mid to stomp or your offlane to don't get fucked.


                                      Pick oracle


                                        Oracle pickers are Braindead


                                          @Zack always if you build those basic items like tranquil boot or arcane boots plus wards etc.. then dont forget to build urn items and upgrade it.. core heroes needs healing and also protect your support heroes like glimps and ghost scepter items


                                            supporting a team on a whole game is so just build the basic items normally like magic wand it help a lot when taking a magic damages o

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Stop standing on lane doing nothing


                                                Play pudge. Honestly good pudge player destroys that was a nightmare to play against a good pudge player when i was in that bracket.

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Honestly good roamers destroys that bracket*