General Discussion

General DiscussionPhantom assasin?

Phantom assasin? in General Discussion

    Hi, I wanted to ask you if the daedalus is a good item for the phantom assin and why?
    to me it seems a good item because it is the most damaged object of the game after the divine rapier, since the divine can be released and the daedalus can not.
    the question is which is the best object for this hero, daedalus or desolate?
    Another question is whether a hero can have a split greater than 100% or if that is the maximum. thanks and regards.

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      the crit of coup de grace takes priority, so you basically have 25.5% chance of procing it instead of 30

      the thing is, PA doesn't benefits much from that, damage is not everything

      desolator adds alot of other benefits
      first of all its much cheaper
      it helps with buildings and rosh
      and it's much more effective early on, where the heroes have little armor. PA is effective early, she falls hard

      and besides deso, she needs other things, mainly sustain (bkb, abyssal blade, MoM), and disruption (again abysaal), PA is not exactly a hero which has extra item slots, you easily fill her up


        deso is always better never get deadeles and cleave can be more than 100%

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          Deso is always worse always get deadeles and cleave can’t be more than 100%


            Cleave can be greater than 100% in the sense that 2 sources of cleave have separate instances
            u have 100 damage
            1st cleave of 66%(passive/talent)
            2nd cleave of 40%(maybe from bf)
            net cleave is 106%

            damage to main target= 100
            damage to units hit by cleave=106

            Deso is bttr since she already has a crit and the armor reduction from deso overally increases the damage dealt.

            do check item guides, armor , cleave for more information.


              #numb i am , used 'not' at wrong place😆😆


                u dont need daedalus, u need to be able to hit and not die
                deso is better and usually only dmg item u get

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Suck my tiny curry dick

                  Cleave can’t be greater than 100%

                  Deso is worse since she already has armor reduction.

                  Do not check item guides.

                  Disturbed Jawker

                    Boots delay daedelus, dont get starting items and buy recipe first

                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                      Get early perseverance
                      Save for divine rapier
                      Win game
                      Reach 10k

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        is there anyone who gets daedalus except sven nowadays?



                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            ^^Lina, Sniper
                            prolly dusa and troll

                            pls don't encourage carry Kunkka, they don't win games unless you're really good.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            Suck my tiny curry dick

                              Carry kunkka is the only way to play the hero. Rush rapier after boots and win the game by 20 minutes.

                              Lruce Bee

                                PA needs to increase her damage to crit more. daedalus is underrated item on her

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  daed very good
                                  high mmr people only buy deso etc to cover up how good she is especially with daed

                                  they're saving strat for ti8

                                  Pontic Greek

                                    PA doesn't need more damage. Surviveability is key on her

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      Well early on she does, she wants to be really aggressive

                                      But late game, yeah you want to fill her up with sustainability

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        Don't tell anybody this, but all the 6k+ players secretly build daedalus on PA, but they turn off their public match data when they do so you guys don't know their secret. They only build desos when they have their public match data turned on as a meme to see if you guys would copy them.

                                        low prio master

                                          Real pa not build dmg item.


                                            why you need dae? you already have 230%/340%/450% crit at 20% chance. Dae only Grants each attack a 30% chance to deal 235% damage, cost is 5320. its better to invest EoS, for 5500 gold, makes you more tanky, plus. 35% ms slow, and 45 attack ATK slow.

                                            deso, at level 15 you can easily take -10 armor. granting more physical damage.

                                            Lruce Bee

                                              yea bulldog a 7k player building daedalus on PA.

                                              Don't tell anybody this, but all the 6k+ players secretly build daedalus on PA, but they turn off their public match data when they do so you guys don't know their secret. They only build desos when they have their public match data turned on as a meme to see if you guys would copy them.

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                this is what happens when people blindly follow what someone else does instead of thinking for themselves.




                                                    Deso, vlads, bkb, ac, abyssal. Never go crit

                                                    Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                      Anything works on PA because it's a braindead RNG reliant hero, you can build 6 gg branches and stomp hard if the game wants you to


                                                        ^the only thing braindead is you


                                                          Don't tell anybody this, but all the 6k+ players secretly build daedalus on PA, but they turn off their public match data when they do so you guys don't know their secret. They only build desos when they have their public match data turned on as a meme to see if you guys would copy them.