General Discussion

General DiscussionGet back to dota?

Get back to dota? in General Discussion
Friendly player

    How do you get back into this game?

    Solo Leveling

      Start following the pro scene. They have made a lot of changes this year and there is a shit ton of tourneys and events being held.

      If you like the in depth look at pro scene watch the Xfinity EG Youtube Series. Pretty cool stuff


        yo man it's ya boi Tribo! Still Archon? 4Head


          Play unranked, it's full of clown games where no one really cares and just tries to have fun.


            You were literally gone for one month and you are Archon there is not much to get back to xd


              lmao. im back playing after 3 months and winning. FeelsGoodMan. (3 months of watching twitch streamers btw)

              from Archon[0] to Archon[3].


                Berry huge improvement


                  hahaha. not really. its has only been 1 week since i started.

                  im more into fortnite rn lul.