General Discussion

General DiscussionSlowly climbing back up

Slowly climbing back up in General Discussion

    I was depressed around 7 months ago and I started losing a lot of games. From 3k I dropped to 1796 at one point but now, now that Dota plus came to my life, I am about to reach 50% WR again after months of being stuck at 47% Win Rate. Thank you Lord Gaben with the Holy Dota Plus. Never thought playing Mid Sven and Jugg was possible but with dota plus, I was able to realize my dreams of playing all the heroes I want at mid.

    Lruce Bee

      Don't climb. It's a trap


        Don't spam SF when you're depressed, lmfao. You basically went like 5-15 in 20 games with him in your -25 spree.