General Discussion

General DiscussionBoosters ` smurfs !

Boosters ` smurfs ! in General Discussion

    What the hell is going on ! people do not afraid of boosting or just for laugh making smurfs! I am new, learner! So I'm trying to play ranked just to improve my skill so I get people who want to win, and not just like try hero or new meta. But last 25-30 games I got like "boosters or smurfs" at any team ?! MB I'm not lucky, but i got like 300 MMR down, and all games we had a person "just 1" who make all game for all team. ANd they start laugh ~like I got 5k MMR at main, you all are noobs, ls, and just blame.

    I am alright to learn, but when every game you receive like skilled pro player that is 4-5k above you, how to play? how to learn ?! I'm sure Dota lost a lot of players because of these


      Beat the boosters, I’m serious, nothing feels better then beating them, also what else can you do? Pick a hero that can solokill them at any point and get a huge bounty


        I dont understand macro so good yet !


          give me an example of solo kill heroes on 1-2k. after that comes solo push, and we got 2-3 types different heroes!

          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

            Weird how I don't meet these boosters and smurfs myself. ;)

            SASA POPOVIC

              Forget about it, your dota knowledge is too narrow and your mechanics are too slow to solo kill a smurf.

              You need your teammates for that, he will probably leave his team because he is too good for them, then you chainstun him to death, this will make a reaction in his team where he flames them, and while they are busy tilting at each other you take objectives = ez win!

              Also, how do you know he is a smurf? Because he said so? Well i am Trumps second cousin and i can order tactical nuclear strike on your house, does this really make me so? People lie to feel better about themselves you know that right?

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Stop playing ranked till u git gut ranked in 1-2k just isn't worth it i'm also stuck at cheaters and account buyers bracket feels bad man


                  stuck at cheaters and account buyers bracket feels bad man

                  Yes man everyone who's having a shit day is a n acvount buyer LUL


                    ^there where cheaters ok and idk what to call a retarded player who only plays carry and also have no idea how to play one or what to pick in a 3.5k mmr match but it looks like an acc buyer to me since it's the cap mmr too i mean he didn't even know how to get levels let alone itemes!

                    SASA POPOVIC

                      As years before 3.5K MMR bracket was and will be always full of some dodgy shady people, nothing new here really.

                      Think about it, for a measly sum of 20 euro you can buy Legend 2 account, and they overflood the market since everyone and his mother wanted to see "OMG what is max MMR calibration???? " then they gave those accounts to their little cousins or sold them or whatever.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        I would disagree that he should stop playing ranked, if anything he should exclusively play ranked. There are people who arent boosterst playing in normal games which are almost never balanced, where you will have a diving player against an average of legend players and he will mess them up all by himself.

                        Also, people like to overexaggerate the term "smurf" or "booster" for example, there are 1kers getting another account and getting into the 3k range calling themself smurfs
                        this isnt really a smurf. a smurf is a player who plays under his average mmr range
                        example: a 5ker playing 3k is a smurf

                        I havent really seen a good term I would like to use for those new account who are trying to play at higher levels but fail.

                        with this we come to the overuse of the term "smurf" where someone makes a good and/or lucky play and is instantly accused of smurfing while he could have just practiced this move or watched someone else do it

                        the opposite(when someone is playing really bad on a certain hero on relatively high levels) is also true and those account are accused of "account buying"
                        now I wont denie that it is possible someone buys an account from time to time but I seriously doubt that the numbers are as high as the number of times you hear the phrase "account buyer" in a pub

                        moral of the story: dont try to brand people what you think they are, if there is someoen playing extremely good maybe it is just due to the fact that someone of your teammates(or you yourself) is underperforming and thus that other player has more space to be good at what he is good at

                        just focus on improving during the game, that is all you should do


                          I finde this smurfshit quite annoying. They should just seperate the plus users from the normal ones. I am willing to pay for a better game exp. I lost today 5 games and in 4 of them I had a player on my team with below 300 games. Thats quite annoying.

                          Guys like him should not be able to ruin so many games in a row:


                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            43% winrate and ancient, that is how bullshit mmr/badges are and why you shouldnt focus on them

                            boni top fan

                              Boosters should stop boosting and smurfing 2k mmr below ur own mmr should be banned because they are ruining our games.


                                its not boosters.

                                you are just incredibly bad and dumb (dagon rush NP)

                                anyone with at least some clue about dota makes the impression of a booster to you, because you are that bad.

                                boni top fan

                                  Lol drums>dagon as np, heck even medallion is better


                                    @Hello there.

                                    this guy thinks that he is some pro booster.. rofl (i dont meet boosters bcs im the booster.. 12 btw haHAA)

                                    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd


                                        Just stop hitting ranked games and do a lot in unranked games.

                                        Try to decrease ur hero pool and git gud at some hero