General Discussion

General DiscussionA question for support players.

A question for support players. in General Discussion

    How does it feel when supporting a braindead 0 IQ carry-only player?


      It's not the core it's mostly the offlaner/mid laner who either feeds and proceeds to call gg everytime one of his allies dies or buys dogshit items/throws the game

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        Feels like every piece of your soul sapped away whenever your carry die diving and blaming you.


          They blame cause they don’t want to be blamed


            It feels awful. It just makes me wonder where I went wrong.
            Like, I used scans to put aggressive wards, i stacked like 12 camps, I only died like 4 times as a support, I let you have solo xp while zoning the offlaner. What more game impact can I make?

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            one syllable anglo-saxon

              idk i never played with Abyss Watcher(mid) 6 hours ago Abyss Watcher(Pos 1) 4 days ago


                ^xD, im not playing a greedy carry, im playing a utility core pusher

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  braindead 0 IQ


                    That's why i don't play supp anymore


                      ayeee that feeling when you stack 15 camps in a game for your carry jugg and your lane goes pretty well (enemy abba 0-6) FeelsGOODMan
                      BF 10:50
                      S&Y 17:27

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        dumbfuck supports expecting the game to win itself after they buy x wards/stack y camps/kill enemy z times = :puke:


                          dreux pointing your fingers at whomstdve


                            don't insult supports ty

                            Potato Marshal

                              Ayy, I barely stack camps at all, that shit's for gay nerds.


                                Ultimately you have no control over who you support, so I just play my own game. If they try blaming me for random shit which I don't deserve, I mute them. If I do make a mistake, I apologize, and mute them if they keep on ragging on me for it.


                                  ^Chu say bruv that's how poor offlaners like me survive 4Head


                                    That is gonna be 6v4 situations untill finally the carry is fully farmed at 1 hour game


                                      That is gonna be 6v4 situations untill finally the carry is fully farmed at 1 hour game



                                        When your teammate templar assasin and viper has 80 LH and keep feeding. Feels bad man.


                                          i actually found out Supporting on league of legends is more harder than Dota 2 tbh. So thanks god that dota has less noobs.


                                            As a support player, i find afk farmers very annoying to deal with and makes me tilt


                                              Just always try to carry that TP scroll for dives.....
                                              nothing tilts your mid player into feeding more then 2 ganks that get no TP response.

                                              Pray that your offlaner doesn't feed their carry too much and is a hero that can actually contribute later ( not some stupid offlane DK, offlane dark willow, offlane invoker, offlane alchemist)

                                              Stack a few camps and then just get force staff , glimmer and pray your core can press A move better then their core.

                                              oh and hope that your team actually picks with brains and not mood exp. " I want to play hero ,morphling(x), I don't care that the Mid is a OD whom already picked (y)"

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                                              LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                Whenever all the shit that you guys said happen to my game, I just accept it and assume that the match will be a contribution to my 40% losing rate.


                                                  ^^^ that is some smart thinking sir.
                                                  except your maths should be 47% ;)

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                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    Just always try to carry that TP scroll for dives.....
                                                    nothing tilts your mid player into feeding more then 2 ganks that get no TP response.

                                                    Pray that your offlaner doesn't feed their carry too much and is a hero that can actually contribute later ( not some stupid offlane DK, offlane dark willow, offlane invoker, offlane alchemist)

                                                    Stack a few camps and then just get force staff , glimmer and pray your core can press A move better then their core.

                                                    oh and hope that your team actually picks with brains and not mood exp. " I want to play hero ,morphling(x), I don't care that the Mid is a OD whom already picked (y)"

                                                    do this if u wanna have a flat 50 winrate


                                                      but but sir DREUX, I DO NOT HAVE A FLAT 50%, I GOT A 51%..... WOOOT

                                                      I am a scrub, I dont know what I am doing.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Idk dude, usually if I support well or vice versa get support or lane goes fine, carry gets enough farm, offlaners zoned. The issue is more that typically our offlaner feeds like nuts and enemy carry is even further ahead. Or mid feeds. That's kind of the support dilemma , do you secure safe lane farm or protect mid or help an offlaner who's out matched? That's why you need smart picks, not dumb shit that has to be babysat like spec or AM vs a dual off, or solo weaver offlane who can't contest anything. You can't have support in every lane so one lane must be able to handle itself whether it's mid or off or safe, something self sufficent like beast master, tide, or a carry who can just back up or jungle like lifestealer. Just throwing names out there, could be any hero.


                                                          every time mid dead when 1 vs 1 with enemy mid and say "no help no gank''gg''END PLEASE"


                                                            it was my last game begin with tinker 4 dead in 13 mnt


                                                              I don't want to throw the no true scotsman here but literally not a single good support player does care about their carry until the find out that he cant farm for shit

                                                              after you realize that there are 2 options, try to play as your best to still have some chance to win or just give up what the majority of players do

                                                              the dumbest thing you can do during the game is to point out to that carry that he can't farm for shit even if it is true because the human mind doesn't deal well with harsh criticism and his best 2 things from your perspective to do are to either mute you or to tolerate your shit

                                                              him reacting to you will give the negative feedback back into your direction and you will both land in a stressful situation

                                                              the moral of the story is that you never comment on a negative performance of your teammates if your goal is to win the game because you are lowering your winning chances

                                                              your goal as a support should be to elevate your carry to player better than his average
                                                              we can speak in mmr terms if it makes it easier for you:
                                                              if you carry is on average a 3k player, you should make him perform at least like a 3.5k player by taking away the things he should otherwise be thinking/caring about

                                                              there is one common mistake here that I see in a lot of players: everybody assumes that the players they are playing with are playing at their average potential yet there are so many things that contribute to the performance like hero pick, opponents lineup in perspective of a certain hero(pros and cons of playing against that lineup) and so on

                                                              in the end you can't win every game no matter how well you performed because there might be someone on your team who managed to overperform in the last games and is now underperforming and vice versa on the enemy team can be someone who has been underperforming and now outperforms his average performance

                                                              don't assume your carry is a braindead 0-IQ person, it might help

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                                                              LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                                                @Bungmangler yeah, I just meant on my shadow shaman since I spam him recently xd

                                                                주 롄양

                                                                  sometimes u win, sometimes u learn, good shit from garbageman


                                                                    @llikeasomdee Ahh I get ya brah!

                                                                    SS is still a really solid support. the fact he can wreck towers just puts him in his own tier. I guess jakrio isn't far behind but doesn't have the same level of lock down


                                                                      since so much support players here,can anyone actually tell me what the heck should you do?

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        It really depends on the game. I'd say usually secure safe lane for your carry and be sure to zone out the offlaner. Kill them if possible. the problem is there are tons of other things you could do that sometimes have more value. What if it's a solo offlaner your carry doesn't need much help with? It might be better to give up the chance to kill the offlaner as long as your carry is still farming ok and go gank mid or shut down their safe lane. The worst thing is to do nothing. There's nothing worse than being like in a really good 1v1 matchup as a safe lane carry and support is just standing there leeching xp when you don't need them. At that point roam or something.

                                                                        But I'd say, first win the safe lane so your guy has free farm. Free farm is more important than killing the offlaner so don't yell at your carry if he continues to farm instead of chase kills back to the enemy tower all the time.

                                                                        Second get bounty runes just to deny them from enemy.

                                                                        Third carry a tp and when enemies dive your mid or offlaner tp in to help.

                                                                        Fourth when it's opportune, which is sometimes never, go gank mid.


                                                                          Similar to what direwolf says.

                                                                          Look at your carry, look at the offlaner.

                                                                          If you've got someone like LS or jugger,gyro a hero that can zone/kill the offlaner, get him a 2 lvl atvantage and then leave.
                                                                          If the offlaner is someone who hits power spikes with levels,, timber , BB underlord, SK then you stay with your core until they are 3-4 levels ahead otherwise the offlaner will bully your core.

                                                                          Communicate with your roamer so that they are either killing the offlane with you or protecting/ganking the enemy mid because you may need to stay in the safe lane until they are like lvl 8-9

                                                                          Sac your offlane. if they are crying tell them to buck up , its their job to die. No one likes to die and feed but its a reality. A good offlaner will only die once of twice if they draft properly and play smart whiile getting xp and alittle farm.

                                                                          Get your core fat, If your core is nice and fat you stand a much better chance at winning vs trying ot help other lanes like mid/offlane who are behind already. You probably won't help enough. keep your core happy.

                                                                          also Die for him too!


                                                                            ^Bungmangler man that's so true, remember when you pick am and left alone with sandking maxing caustic finale? Cause I do.


                                                                              yeah... that will make AM cry and jungle.


                                                                                I've supported a bunch of carries who seem to think they're playing farming simulator (yet have 100 cs at 30 minutes. How?!)

                                                                                I've supported a bunch of carries who tell me to TP bottom and then flame me for not being in the lane.

                                                                                I've supported a Dazzle.

                                                                                But all of this is worth it when you get a carry who talks to you and the rest of the team, who helps you kill the offlaner twice, who actually takes objectives after wiping the enemy team. It's worth it when they actually "thank you" because they realise how much you helped their game. They don't take all the glory with their fancy items and KDAs.

                                                                                So please, guys. Be that carry.

                                                                                45m gauntlets of str NPC

                                                                                  Well generally there's 3 "cores", so you've got a few chances. If your safelane carry is trash, help out mid and offlane. Won plenty of games with some 200gpm sniper who auto attacks creeps for 40 minutes. If the game appears to be beyond the point of a roaming 4 having the ability to win, practice micro with HotD!


                                                                                    those basic laning stuff i kind of know,but how do you get really rich or high in levels? some people that i know have same networth as a core as a support when they playing it,well not usually but how


                                                                                      Just now I'm supporting a sniper that does not know what it means when I said "don't push the lane, just take the last hit"
                                                                                      I'm dying inside

                                                                                      Still win tho