General Discussion

General Discussionicefrogs messing with attributes was the worst change of this year so...

icefrogs messing with attributes was the worst change of this year so far in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    ty for yout attention


      Will we have a major patch every 6 months or this 2 week shit will go on forever


        GET ur ShIT riGHT pick offlane omni and grind MMR best update so far


          Why does it matter


            kind of agree..
            but this is not 6 month yet (biweekly pacth experiment)
            So may be frog will pull some Shit thats even worse than this.
            (like Buffing TB again or lets buff medusa, AM, Slark to cancer point)

            seriously though i start to doubt Icefrog way of patch now



              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                int heroes got fucked and STR heroes are gonna be tanky af now

                주 롄양

                  i dont think it really matter, beside status resistance being removed, which is nice


                    virgin int cores vs chad strength gods


                      i want more strength heroes in the game i'm sick of gyro TB troll i want Sven and Alch they need more buffs

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        i dont think it really matter, beside status resistance being removed, which is nice

                        it does matter a lot, though not all of it

                        HP/STR rescaling is the largest impact of these all, come midgame 70-90% of your hp is from str and its completely normal for cores to have 2k hp from str alone(pre-patch) which now becomes 2250 for STR heroes and 1800 for non-str heroes(450 HP swing just for being a part of the masterrace)

                        IAS change is kind of a big deal, most agi heroes tend to stack agi way more than str/int heroes stack their respective attribute for obvious reasons, so its not unrealistic to expect them to have 100-150 AGI midgame and 200+ AGI lategame which is 25/37/50 free IAS and it does make a difference

                        everything else is either minor or outright irrelevant

                        in the end, str heroes got way more hp and a couple of nice minor buffs like ms and mres with pretty much no tradeoff(status resistance from str alone was too low to make a noticable difference)

                        agi heroes got a big ias buff and a minor armor buff, trading it for less HP(which is relatively a larger nerf than for INT heroes, both because they usually have more STR than INT heroes and because they get more EHP thanks to higher armor) and lower ms advantage over other heroes

                        int heroes got a bit larger mana pool no one cares about, a bit more manaregen which about as relevant as ms/agi change and got stripped of all their mres advantage(not like it mattered in the first place, but still) and HP

                        its not even that the changes are unfair, its just... why?
                        there was nothing about the game that called for that, there is nothing this change achieves except buffing str/agi heroes and nerfing int heroes which is total bullshit because no hero class was ever op/garbage as a whole and it just obfuscates the stats which goes completely against all the changes theyve made in the past years like removing orbs or hero item restrictions or 99 vendors from wc3 era

                        theres no other explanation that icefrog just made this for shits and giggles, all the while a 60% wr hero currently exists in this very game

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          the only thing worse was you finding out about vpns

                          one syllable anglo-saxon


                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              tbh 15 mana per int gives some int heroes insane manapool as well.


                                Wait, int heroes don't get mres but other classes do?

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  No every hero gets everything now, you just get more of your own attribute

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    the problem is that most int heroes(and all heroes in general) don't really care about manapool after a certain point because manacosts dont increase after midgame
                                    theres little difference between having 2000 or 2500 mana as qop unless ure playing against some crazy manaburn, but there is always a difference between having 2000 or 2500 health

                                    Dark Hunter

                                      OD is op af now xD
                                      and morph aswell

                                      The DarKNovA

                                        Damn, people are starting to notice Morph being kinda at a good place suddenly, gotta play him before it gets nerfed, like anytime his winrate gets close to 50%


                                          Im so happy io is str hero,and i like this patch a lot couse blue stars crying

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Well they also get more mana regen, its significant for heroes like storm, invoker and skywrath. I mean yeah HP is always more important because 0 HP = dead while 0 mana = go back to base or pay 50 gold but i dont really think its gonna change how the game is played. People wont suddenly stop picking int heroes

                                            Dark Hunter

                                              you can definitelytell the change tho. Str heroes get so much HP now its insane.

                                              Lruce Bee

                                                well you might be right. looking at the trend changes in winrate, seems to be al ot of str heroes


                                                  int master race


                                                    this patch happens bcz at the previous patch, carry tanky heroes were dominating the teamfight. that's why they nerfed HP