General Discussion

General DiscussionMarginless ICO is entering eSports!

Marginless ICO is entering eSports! in General Discussion
Average dota 2 crying man...

    The day has finally come - Marginless meets eSports!

    This still young market has seen a surge with 40% growth in 2017, making the eSports industry a perfect fit for blockchain technologies and start-ups.

    We are always working hard to make Marginless reach bigger masses and starting today, we have started working with various eSports projects.

    “Marginless will bring the good old times where individuals will have an opportunity to place a wager against other people directly on almost any sport or other activity. Friends, colleagues and many other sports lovers will be able to get back the control of their bets and place them against a real person. Cleverly developed algorithms seem to rule today’s betting industry, however, the decentralized approach of newly forming blockchain technology based solutions will change the way we live - making financial transactions, buying products and... betting. At Marginless you can not only bet on sports, but create your own bets in different kind of niches.” - says Marginless CEO Lukas Jonaitis.

    Our Dota 2 team is already taking part in first official LAN tournament under Marginless eSports name! This day will become a point-breaker in Marginless and eSports arena as the day where blockchain, betting and this huge sport is combined.

    We will be releasing more information about Marginless eSports brand really soon, so stay tuned!


      just add some blockchain!! :PP

      (fuck off btw)

      Lruce Bee

        Can you explain how you're applying block chain to esports!