General Discussion

General DiscussionEasiest Carry Hero to learn from an all-time-support-player

Easiest Carry Hero to learn from an all-time-support-player in General Discussion
Retnuh Flim

    I usually play support usually at the back of my teammates when fighting. I think i need to learn how to play core to improve. Any sugguestions? :)

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      CK, WK gyro razor

      though i think there arent really easy heros to learn. with all heros you need to learn power spikes and strengths and small details and things you can do.
      example WK, seems easy because he has only 1 button. but you need to learn how to use your lvl 6 to get adjectives or you fall off late game and other hero specific things.

      there are only hard heros to learn and "normal" ones


        Jugg pa

        Mode Idiot

          Juger guys. Go juger. Spam it and get ancient medal with it

          Potato Marshal


            死の恐怖 Haseo

              pick any carry that suit your playstyle and practice?


                doesn't really matter what hero you pick if you want to transition from one role to another so long as you don't pick a super complex hero. much more important to learn things like efficiency, equilibrium, itemisation etc. so just pick a hero that you could enjoy spamming that isn't super counterable. jugg sounds like the ticket or maybe wk?


                  When i was a noob, i started with ursa, but u need fast hands for ursa


                    Your concern probably is not the carry hero you would play but rather, knowing when a carry becomes online and when to act more passive or aggressive. Probably learn 1 hero first like a jugg, luna (im reccomending this because u are a former support player hence i assume that you know to position yourself well because in general supports are squishy as fuck, tho to be fair luna is only relatively squishy.

                    All i can say is that playing carry is always knowing when you could assert dominance and when to chill

                    King Charles

                      @ Jugg pickers, may not be the best hero to learn to carry with unless you are good at Micro with your healing ward and keeping the enemy team from killing it. If you are then yes Jugg can be a good hero to learn to carry with.

                      I'm not a great player by any standard but I would recommend...

                      PA - Dagger/Blink easy chase with some escape utility

                      WK - Manliest hero in the game w/o any balls of his own = P But strong early game with Stun/Slow natural Lifesteal and Ulti helps to keep you from feeding if you use it right. DO NOT PICK if there is a PL/Invoker/AM/Lion/Riki all will burn your mana...

                      Sven - My personal favorite hero, can be rough early game if you have no support to help. Easy farm in jungle after MoM, fun to play. Do not pick if there is a sniper on the enemy team, his range and shrapnel will give you head aches trying to blink onto him.

                      Sniper - Long range but can be squishy, dont pick if they have Pudge/Spirit Breaker/LC. You'll have a bad day.

                      Good luck!


                        ^ i beg to disagree ive won my jugg games without much micro, hes one of the most easiest heroes to play , imo pa would be harder for beginners since it is so punishing to play basically unlike your jugg wk lifestealer


                          disturbed to find that microing the healing ward is considered difficult.

                          King Charles

                            ^ Fair point indeed. I find you can keep your healing ward alive if the enemy team just doesn't know well enough to destroy it. Luck of the draw i guess if the enemy team targets your ward or not.

                            I find Lifestealer to be very dependent on a teammate who can be your "vehicle" but a strong hero for sure. Built in BKB and life steal.

                            King Charles

                              @ Rocket - Some may find it difficult, comes natural to others. Was just saying as a consideration when choosing a carry...


                                ahh fellow sven spammer eh


                                  How about u play support but a carry support? Like ogre carry😏

                                  Don't listen to these noobs suggesting gyro or jugger their 💩 easy carries are as we call them user heroes PA, Huskar , Ursa almost any idiot can play them their itemizeiton are solid and they're also anti noob heroes

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven



                                      Just make sure to autofollow healing ward on a ranged hero or creep during sieges


                                        Dont suggest visage to new players lol, visage is one of the most difficult heroes to play and play around, he falls off in mid-late game where people basically one shots ur familiars



                                          stupid fuck 2000

                                            As everyone else said, just pick jugg or pl.


                                              Oh, its actually riki all along
                                              Riki 56.25%

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                              Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                It's DK again


                                                  -Riki well if you can farm just pick him current pubstomp [super cancer on the good hand]

                                                  -Jug Good at all state, but easily fall out to hard carry, use his healing ward to try end midgame

                                                  -TB One of the best carry right now just be caution of early game and try snowball/push when possible

                                                  -CK auto win if other team no AOE/ easy to play, good skill set even without Ult

                                                  -DK easy to play and have sustain inlane

                                                  -WK well 2 life with Vamp/ hard hitter and super baller ,with some item he's beast in pub

                                                  I also want to recommend Sven but better not since he's fall flat in current meta

                                                  If you new to carry role, try practice your last hit and map awareness since its really important as carry
                                                  and try avoiding Hard carry role whom is deadweight early game such as AntiMage, Spectre since its need caution to play

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    I don't like jug. You have to micro his ward, he's actually quite fragile so you need proper use of his spin and ult. Compared to a hero like sven or wk where you just blink in an go ham, he requires a lot more finesse.

                                                    CK is incredibly easy, just ult and hit w. Use select all hot key and right click someone. But he has a lot more counters in the game, mostly es and medusa.

                                                    I think TB is pretty easy to play, even if you're bad at micro/sending illusions to farm, you can just pop em all to fight.


                                                      Faceless void for sure
                                                      4 man Chrono your teamnate


                                                        Lol, I totally forgot about the title saying "easiest" when I mentioned visage. My other suggestion being drow I still stand beside.

                                                        lone dog

                                                          Lone Druid

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            if u havent guessed by now(after 534563785 posts) the character above REALLY likes the hero "Lone Druid" =)


                                                              Have you tried meepo? 2 active 2 passive(unlike Sven who has 3 active one passive and is therefore 50% harder), an aoe to farm fast and a root


                                                                my sister is also practicing semi-carry, she played Wrath king, not easy to die, i can respond back immediately to her when ganked. she is so bad in last hitting, but 3rd skill of WK can do wonders, and that tiny skeletons can help her farm. pop it on jungle or free lane. if you know that location and timing it will clear 3 camps 😃😃😃😃 before it goes to lane.

                                                                im lycan, jugg, luna, spammer if given a chance to carry, it looks they are easy to learn, but they are prone to gank actually especially luna. jugg have a slight of advantage, due to his immunity of magic damage via 1st kill+ phaseboots escape or TP out. lycan can escape as well with his ulti, if not, dont undersetimate him with his necro3 minions + dominate creep + wolves, dps can easily go between 300-600.


                                                                  For carry i pick sven, but sven really weak right now


                                                                    riki just spam it before nerf hammer comes

                                                                    Bill Cutting

                                                                      Lycan, pl, jugg all have subtle micro that u need to practice

                                                                      PA, wk Sven drow and spectre are pretty straightforward

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      Bill Cutting

                                                                        Oh and faceless void, troll warlord

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Meepo is the pick


                                                                            Jugg requires fine skill to master but he is relatively simple to grasp
                                                                            Don't look at heroes with a complex high end but a simple low end
                                                                            Tb is simple at his lowest tier of mastery but to fully grasp him requires much more complex understanding of farming


                                                                              i think luna is the easiest


                                                                                pa would be the easiest for me


                                                                                  Vengeful Spirit.

                                                                                  ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                                    For me, as support main player, I love to pick Zeus.
                                                                                    Actually not a real carry, mainly mid or can be offlane.

                                                                                    For us support who usually be in the back liner, it suits pretty much.
                                                                                    You just brrszttt brrszttt from behind and do a lot of damage for enemy.
                                                                                    Easy hero tho.

                                                                                    The problem is you need another true carry who can deal damage to towers,
                                                                                    since Zeus cant do shit to towers.
                                                                                    My most lost game with Zeus is this. Can't push tower.
                                                                                    So u need another pushing hero.

                                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                                      I'll offer some real advice. First identify your playstyle as a support.

                                                                                      In general, supports are strong in the early game. As a support main in archon, you probably have no clue how to farm. So avoid farming types like jugg Luna sven Tb.

                                                                                      So pick carries with similar power spikes early to mid game. Do not pick tanky heroes as you have probably never tanked in your life as a support. So I would suggest squishy carry that have to choose when to initiate carefully.

                                                                                      This I will recommend hero like Pa, ursa, bloodseeker. Esp taking into account the bracket you are in, where these heroes are somewhat strong.


                                                                                        im a jugg, lycan and luna, spam to climbed to legend 3. i dont really recommend these heroes if you dont know how to play it and adjust to many counters. need some constant practice.

                                                                                        as jugg i hate to see very decent TB, Axe, Weaver and MK, have to adjust your items like this game: had (TB, Axe, Weaver) and despite one of my team mates abanddon, we still manage to have a chance of winnin. I had nullifier but replaced it with Battlefury when enemy has already mega creeps. plan to sell diffusal to replaced mjlonr, but too late, we already lose.

                                                                                        Herald Pride

                                                                                          try venge, you can play semi support or semi carry