General Discussion

General Discussion#1 reason the player base gets so nasty?

#1 reason the player base gets so nasty? in General Discussion

    "i guess most of dota players just not "reasonable and considerate" people(look,most of them are kids or young adults "

    my understanding is that dota has a considerably older player base than the average video game. even if what you say is true I was never like that as a kid. I was extremely polite and cooperative

    "you just gave up on playing 100%"

    yep. that's my personality. I am one of the most non competitive people you'd ever meet. I like dota because of the teamplay aspect. if someone has a "**** you" attitude I simply cannot care about the game. at all.

    I just got out of a game were the following happened:

    a) I show ancient apparition and select safelane, calling support
    b) 4 players in a row don't pick lanes, don't show support but still pick supports
    c) we now have 4 supports and pangolier goes mid
    d) I pick visage, a hero I have played once in turbo, and go safelane - the context is that I have never played a carry in a game outside turbo, I only play positions 3, 4 and 5
    e) not only do we have 4 supports but 2 of them are techies and pudge so we also have bad lane presence and no push
    f) we end up with a substantial kill advantage while still losing. techies gets the most kills and adopts the "I did well, you guys suck". I went something like 9/9/10 spending a substantial portion of the game solo'ing against axe and lion.

    the reality is that the game was over before it started. I took one look at the lineup and already accepted we were going to lose from the start. at that point I don't care at all, i'm bored and I just want the game to be over. given that there's a techies in the game it's going to be a long one so I simply check out. I don't even care about winning at that point, I just want the game to be over (yes, this is at the very start of the game).

    oddly enough, the best player in the server was our clockwork who ended up going 8/19/17. of course pudge and techies reported him for feeding, even though he actually was getting key kills in the laning stage


      yep,but not most people are polite and cooperative lol

      i see,i'm not gonna comment you on that. that's your reason to play de gam anyway


        the reason I go after people for being inconsiderate in pick phase is that I want them to be demoralized so that they die as much as possible.


          47% winrate


            You’re so smart. Riddle me this: what’s the only common factor in all your games?


              "47% winrate "

              this is completely unrelated to the topic at hand. I could have a 0% winrate and it would *still* be irrelevant to the topic of this thread.

              try to stay on topic

              "You’re so smart. Riddle me this: what’s the only common factor in all your games?"

              this has been tangentially discussed in another thread. probably over 80 pct of my games are at postiion5. it is likely that a position5 is completely irrelevant in a significant percentage of sub 1k games, carries in lower ranks don't even know how to work with a good support. further, that "common factor", trying to play position5 in sub 1k games, is completely unrelated to the topic of this thread which is that people who don't select lanes are the biggest factor for nastiness in the player base.

              do try to stay on topic.

              btw, I have 940 commends in 420 games, that is over 2.2 commends/game. that means more than half the people who've played with me felt the need to commend me.


                maybe if you spent more time trying to get better at the game instead of writing essays on pointless topics


                  dota is populated by idiots because mobas are simple games that naturally attract dumb people
                  dumb people do not understand how odds work and are unable to properly analyze why they are losing or why they are winning, thus they assume their 49% winrate is everyone else's fault

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    absolutely incorrect. the main problem in lower ranks isn't idiots, it's people with anti social personalities.

                    "maybe if you spent more time trying to get better at the game instead of writing essays on pointless topics"

                    that you consider my comments "essays" is telling. I've spent 15 minutes on this entire thread. tops.

                    (yes, I really am that good at presenting a position)

                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                      "maybe if you spent more time trying to get better at the game instead of writing essays on pointless topics"


                        "I've spent 15 minutes on this entire thread. tops."

                        So basically, you've just spewed whatever existed in your head at the time you wrote your op and spent zero effort to understand what people have been suggesting to you.

                        Way to have a constructive conversation.

                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                          This mid-life crisis waiting to happen isn't trying to have a constructive conversation.

                          He's just looking for people who agree with his flatulent opinions.

                          Livin' Real Good

                            The reason people are so angry on MOBA's is because too many things are out of their control, people don't like when they're not in control.

                            You have a percentage of games (it's a pretty modest size) where losing was not even in your control, you were just destined to lose that game no matter what because of children throwing a fit, too many people going core, and so on. These games happen more often than people would like, especially at the lower behavior scores, so when you're trapped in a cage with these people for 30 minutes not able to abandon safely, it just creates raw pent up anger, the same way a jail would.

                            This is why I made the switch to fighting games, 1 on 1, no one to blame, no one to baby sit, everything within your control, just yourself to improve. Wanna get into another match? Sure, finish your 2-4 minute fight, go find a new opponent.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              "This mid-life crisis waiting to happen isn't trying to have a constructive conversation.
                              He's just looking for people who agree with his flatulent opinions. "

                              The amusing thing is not even one other person managed to identify a specific behavior that leads to general nastiness in games. Not one person besides me. You guys can't even stay on the topic which is *what specific behaviors lead to general nastiness in the community*.

                              Look, it's clear you have no ability to present and argue a position. I do. In fact, I'm very very good at it. Don't hate because you aren't any good at coming up with ideas and arguing for them. When I see a Divine 5 I say "man that guy is good at Dota, love watching him". Same goes for arguing a position - you should be saying "damn, that guy is really good at coming up with ideas and arguing for them".

                              When I see a talented and skilled person I don't envy them, I admire and celebrate their skill and talent. You just envy me because I am good at something at which you are very bad.

                              When you see someone who is good at something admire and celebrate that. Don't envy. Follow that simple advice and your life will get much much better.


                                You are an idiot who can't read is my main takeaway from this thread.

                                Having said that, you do play in some weird games. Can't say I've ever seen a pos1 AA before.


                                  That is a very funny story. What happened is I first picked AA and announced I was supporting safe Lane. Second guy randoms IO and places offline. Third guy pics Necro and doesn't select a lane. Everyone starts calling for an offlane tank and so the fourth guy picks tidehunter. So now all we need is a safe Lane Cary because the Necro decided to go mid. Fifth guy however pics Ursa and announces that he is jungling.

                                  So what happened was I ended up spending the first 10 minutes laning solo against a Sandking and a legion Commander. That role was forced on me it was not one I selected.

                                  By the way I would say that roughly half the games in sub 1K have Antics like this that go on between the two sides

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Gramps certainly has no friends


                                      "Gramps certainly has no friends"

                                      Of all the human emotions Envy is certainly the most ugly


                                        "You are an idiot who can't read is my main takeaway from this thread."

                                        it's not that I cant read, its that nothing you've said has been relevant to the topic so I've ignored most of it.

                                        Hide The Pain - Herald

                                          Many players have a "defeatist" mentality and weak minds, which is why i encourage an aggressive playstyle to my team and try to get 2 or 3 consecutive ganks in quick succession on 1 of their cores.

                                          I usually only get mad for 2 reasons:

                                          1. My own personal poor play. That's on me
                                          2. Weak minds as i mentioned above. people who tilt and actively throw the game greatly confuses me. Basically turning a 40% chance of Victory into a 0% chance just does not seem to make much sense. Happens at every mmr range.


                                            "Many players have a "defeatist" mentality and weak minds, "

                                            having very high levels of empathy isn't having a "weak mind" (I don't even know what the hell that means). empathy is a personality trait that is just *there*, sort of like height, eye color, etc. when people with high levels of empathy and sociality are forced into situations with people who are highly a social and simply don't give a sh** about other people there is only one way they survive those encounters with their sanity intact. such people simply disconnect from the situation until it is over.

                                            Period. such people have absolutely no other way to handle such a situation. that's not having a "weak mind", that is simply a specific personality trait that is immutable.

                                            Empathy is a specific and measurable trait; "having a weak mind" isn't, the phrase is just ad hoc nonsense.


                                              btw, I don't actively throw the game. I still play it. it's just that I want it to be over and have absolutely no investment in whether or not we win or lose. the thing is that a badly mispicked line up *is* an example of throwing. I'm simply mentally checking out of games that *someone else* has already thrown.

                                              If you've already thrown the game you should not expect me to continue to care about how it turns out.

                                              example: we have a decent-ish lineup where the first 4 people have picked their lanes and appropriate heroes to go in those lanes. the fifth guy picks broodmother and goes safelane. broodmother gets played safelane around 3 pct of the time and has a 35 pct winrate in safelane. that's throwing the game. simply picking broodmother and going to herstatistically worst lane is almost no different from repeatedly running down mid and feeding.

                                              please tell me why I shouldn't just mentally check out of that game and wait for it to be over. btw, the other 4 players were begging him not to pick broodmother.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Ok since gramps is really grumpy let me try to explain it to you in the simplest way possible. In your mmr bracket (and mine too) it literally doesn't matter what line up your team has. I know since you're matched with players of the same skill level it does mae a difference, but once you look past that you will realise you can pick a support hero and carry the game too. As for toxicity, is there a need to go into the depths of it? This is an online game, it's free, and is played by serious players who are about grinding mmr while there are also people who just play it for the kicks. On top of that you've got a bunch of kids who have no awareness or empathy like you said, which is partly due to their upbringing (empathy is not something you're born with, imo) and also partly due to the fact that their small minds can't comprehend that time is more valuable than anything else. While I do admire your.. passion for debating, it's really pointless in a forum like dotabuff where half the people are blue stars who will just tell you to get better at the game and the other half who try to teach you to play while not knowing how to play themselves (I fit in this category sometimes). What I'm trying to say is you'd have a better use of your time posting elsewhere or just trying to enjoy the game because this toxicity which exists cannot and will not be erased.


                                                  "their upbringing (empathy is not something you're born with, imo"

                                                  you are simply 100 pct wrong. *all* trait variance is significantly to heavily genetic. every single one. the science on traits is very very established. variation in empthy is probably around as genetic as is variation in height. you simply don't know what you are talking about


                                                    You are dunning-Kruger personified. And not the good type.


                                                      ok gramps if that's the only thing you choose to pick out and criticise then go ahead by all means. I'd probably feel frustrated like you if I had a sub 50% winrate in sub 1k mmr too, so I understand buddy. It's all cool. How about you take your psychology lessons or whatever to Reddit because you sure as hell aren't going to learn anything here, especially since you're so blinded by your ego. Peace and FOH will you?


                                                        the reason there are so many "conflicts" in dota is simple... there are a lot of idiots on the internet. Since its an online game, you will notice that particular part of the population represented in Dota too. The end... lol...

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          It has nothing to do with people showing their lanes or not, but with picks in general.

                                                          -People pick too many x type hero (usually it's carry)
                                                          -People pick garbage heroes in general (techies, morph, am, brood, stuff that doesn't execute well in pubs)

                                                          That guy who always picks anti mage or morphling then rages cus he didn't get proper support, well no shit dude it's a pub and you can't pick very situational heroes who require a whole draft around them to work.

                                                          Showing lanes can kind of help first situation not occur but it's not guaranteed.


                                                            #1 annoying thing is flaming people who *knows* how everybody else should play. I have played many times some carry as roamer/supp and supports as core. There is no rules how u should play if u do your best for common goal. Victory

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              #1 anoying thing is people who look all the time what u do and comment "ally gyro have xxxx" and "omg he used ulti to farm"


                                                                "You are dunning-Kruger personified. And not the good type."

                                                                Okay. And what method do you use to ascertain whether or not the Dunning Kruger Effect is in play? BTW, this question has a very specific answer. Do you know what that answer is? (I'm quite certain you do not. Pretty much everyone I've ever seen invoke the DK Effect doesn't actually know the method used to identify the DK Effect)

                                                                The DK Effect has a corollary rule: in a conversation between two people the one to first invoke the DK Effect is the person statistically much more likely to be suffering from the DK Effect.

                                                                Now, care to answer my question?


                                                                  "#1 anoying thing is people who look all the time what u do and comment "ally gyro have xxxx" and "omg he used ulti to farm" "

                                                                  Sometimes. A couple weeks ago I was playing with a Mirana who went mid. At 35 minutes we wiped 4 of them and everyone was screaming to push the enemy mid tier 3 tower. Mirana is, meanwhile, headed back to base. I ask her what the hell she was doing and she said she was going back to get mana. Huh? On a hunch I checked her items and she had HoT, BoT and Blade Mail.

                                                                  i'm sorry but when people pull crap like that they deserve to have everyone on their team making fun of them. Most of the time that I see that sort of comment it is well deserved


                                                                    Envious eddie,

                                                                    eddie, eddie, eddie, of all the human emotions envy is the ugliest, by far. My suggestion is to train yourself not to envy what others have; your life will be so much happier.


                                                                      ^maybe look up the definition of envy and get back here will you? Spouting random words you're definitely 12 gramps

                                                                      Small Song

                                                                        I am calm and collected and even quite encouraging to those on my team.

                                                                        What gets my panties in a bunch would be picking without any regard to what the team needs so I try several things to ease my rage tendencies. I know this is universal, and so I typically pick 4th (always one fella hates his own money and waits everyone else out) so I can pick according to need. I am also a common randomer (I random first pic) and find that increases my enjoyment. I like playing Capt. Mode a lot, and find that players try to work together more in this mode. I also play random draft.

                                                                        There are games, however, that the opposing team picks or hero bans allign to make one of my comfort pick heroes a perfect pock. When I jump on that and then have the following picks on my team come from pure idiocy, I tilt a bit. I flame a little. Last game the other team picked Lycan and Rasta, yet still finished our lineup with five late to come online carries plus techies. We lost and I lost my cool.


                                                                          Fuck, how old is this guy?
                                                                          >Herald 5
                                                                          >less than 500 games
                                                                          >Suddenly a pro in dota player theories and psychology

                                                                          Oh well at least he plays supports a lot. Better than some of the scum I've seen crawling around here. Gives me liver failure.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          Pfffff(all muted)

                                                                            The obvious answer was already told

                                                                            It's losing the number 1 trigger most of the time

                                                                            If you are winning you can just buy 4 phase boots on your sniper and still get along with your teamates with a joke or 2.

                                                                            Plus there's just a naturally toxic atmosphere in solo que, people are self-centered and think what they do is right and what the teamates do is wrong, a guy feels like it's "time to push" so he goes 3vs5, then they die and start blaming the other 2 that were on the other side of the map defending a tower or something and expect them to just "magically" teleport from nowhere. Lack of coordination.

                                                                            no tilt

                                                                              fighting over roles


                                                                                envious eddie,

                                                                                definition of envy: desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else).

                                                                                yes, you envy my ability to think clearly, to break down concepts and to present a clear and rigorous exposition of those concepts.


                                                                                  "Fuck, how old is this guy?
                                                                                  >Herald 5
                                                                                  >less than 500 games
                                                                                  >Suddenly a pro in dota player theories and psychology"

                                                                                  I'm 44. I could have never played even one dota game and would still be able to offer the ssame observations after a quick 15 minute description of how the game works. personality in individuals is very stable over time and space.

                                                                                  a person who is a selfish piece of crap in one area of life is going to strongly tend to be a selfish piece of crap in another area of life. this is why i report people simply for not selecting a lane in pick phase. not doing so is selfish and rude and someone who is selfish and rude in one area of the game strongly tends to be selfish and rude in other areas of the game.

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                  muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                    cry baby cry
                                                                                    T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T

                                                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                      Look at this old man talking out of his ass.

                                                                                      Good thing you are so irrelevant that i will never see you in any of my games.


                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        :) People like him are the motivation I need not to lose any more MMR.....


                                                                                          "Look at this old man talking out of his ass"

                                                                                          Jesus, this forum is full of envious people. Envy is such an ugly ugly emotion

                                                                                          ":) People like him are the motivation I need not to lose any more MMR....."

                                                                                          using emoticons like that is smarmy and effeminate

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                            jeez. you're like a chatbot with an extended vocabulary that just puts the words together in a grammatically correct but nonsensical order.

                                                                                            I have no idea why i'm still feeding this troll.


                                                                                              if u want mid just mark it and copy and paste into the chat some random china text from google. if people think u can understand them they wont argue and will give up the lane.

                                                                                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                                OP is now a stinky copypastarino

                                                                                                the thing is i can predict with a high degree of accuracy whether or not a game goes to hell. the best predictor I've found is people selecting/not selecting lanes in the pick phase.

                                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                  All u have to do is act nicely and ask nicely and play nicely and play nicely



                                                                                                    Btw OP how can u manage to support in herald bracket? Omg, people there miss last hits 75% of the time

                                                                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                                                      like a new AI auto attacking creeps and hope they get a last hit by chance