General Discussion

General DiscussionCHEN TOPIC

CHEN TOPIC in General Discussion
Machado98 #xatubaking

    I love playing Chen but I am confused about the best way to play him right now
    Is dual offlane the only way?

    Sometimes I end up doing a pos 5 Chen as a safelane babysitter in my bracket because there are no other supports, and it works just fine even tho I know it isn't good. I just don't know why it wouldn't be good since with a creep you can zone the offlaner all by yourself and even do double stacks or harass and stack at the same time, leaving a pos4 support free to do anything

    Anyway, any input is welcome


      You start on offlane always, harass enemy saflaner, maybe help secure a kill or 2. Roam mid on smoke, if succesful - repeat. Gj you just won the game.

      Go midas if u can get it under 8-9 min mark. You get simmilar timings on items with it or without it.

      Worse you can do is farming jungle. If lanes are truly ungankable then stack the camps and farm it with the bird.

      Although many people rush aghanim on him, imo greaves,pipe build is much better. Usually game ends at this time. Sometimes its useful to get early ghost scepter against heavy rightclickers like clinkz. Your team needs you to live and save them.

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        Rush medallion every game, very useful when ganking or saving an ally, +7 armor during holy persuasion can save ur ally. Either get domi or drums, then get aghs. Take towers as early as you can, your impact depends on your early game, so always bring a sod or a tp, btw when you tp to countergank, make sure that you double click holy persuasion twice so your creeps will arrive 3 secs earlier