General Discussion

General DiscussionDoes Dire Need a Buff?

Does Dire Need a Buff? in General Discussion

    In almost every pub stat I've seen, Dire has a significantly lower winrate than the Radiant does. Should valve take steps to even that out or not? I'm curious to see people's opinions.


      They only care about the pro matches, And I don't think the difference between Radiant and Dire win rate is that different there. Or am I wrong?


        I think they should rebalance the map. about 7% difference is a lot.

        flourishing new leaf

          Do women need to grow dicks?


            in pro matches, first pick has way more importance than side, so sadly dire will remain weaker for the entire history of dota2. At least when it had roshan advantage, the radiant advantage wasn't that big


              finally someone made a topic about the winrates of the 2 factions. I always wonder why I get low winrates at dire. I am sure that it has something to do with the map so they should remake the map once again TO BRING HYPE. bring back the old unique map not this new map that looks like a mirror :I


                Dire has better farming patterns for the mid and late game while radiant has better farming patters for the early game(by that I mean the mid lane has a better come back potential/can farm better the 2 camps in the right side of ancient camp)
                It's also the player perspective which affects win rate. We all started dota 1/2 in the radiant side. Changing the side and trying to get used to it is a bit hard for the players.


                  The answer is no


                    I just want an option to rotate the camera if you on team dire.

                    Story Time

                      again this topic :D pls delete!


                        I don't know if this have any sense.. but I find a little bitt more difficulty to do some things in the dire side than radiant, I don't know if is the camera perspective, or if I'm right handed or what, but stopping creepwaves, manage the agro in lane, escaping with quick reaction with blink dagger, or forcestaff to the dire side.
                        btw as tribo said, the farming patterns use to benefits radiant side at early stages.
                        I clearly have more winrate in the radiant side.