General Discussion

General DiscussionMy notes + video on the "grind or grow" strategy AKA "The Grind Loop"

My notes + video on the "grind or grow" strategy AKA "The Grind Loop" in General Discussion

    Hey reddi.. cough* dbuff kids. I'm Sia. Lately I've been trying to help the community by answering dota related questions and sharing what i learned and am still learning. Now interestingly i started seeing these patterns in the questions after a month of doing this. I was answering the same questions over and over again with the same answers. I'll give you some examples :

    "How could have i won this game?"

    "What did i do wrong here?"

    "What items should have i built?"

    "How do i get better at dota?"

    "How do i grind mmr?"

    And so on.

    The point is, there are surface level answers to those questions but that wouldn't solve the problem from the root. So i decided to make youtube videos and talk about my thoughts and provide root solutions to these problems.

    In my first video (will put the link at the end of the text) i talked about how replay analysis is the equivalent of building muscles, but this time for analytical thinking muscles, and how most of the actions in dota are the results of our analytical thought processes.

    IN THIS VIDEO though, I'm focusing on the practical part. On HOW to build up the brain muscle. I put it into 4 steps and then after accomplishing the 4th step it's designed to go back to step #2 and again go to 4, which makes this loop that every time you go through you'll get better at one aspect of the game. If you be CONSISTENT with this and give the time, you will become so much better that eventually winning games in your current bracket will become very easy and you will experience what we like to call "MMR GRIND". But then after a while, you will again hit a wall. And the reason is you have reached the level where your current skills in dota (analytical thinking as the biggest part) isn't good enough to EASILY surpass this bracket. You don't need to be just better than others in your bracket to grind fast. You need to be significantly better (and a lot of the times dunning kruger effect makes you think you are but let's put that for another video/article).

    Here, you go back to the loop, and keep training your brain again until again you reach the point of being really better than that bracket, and you will AGAIN experience that MMR Grind. (This process itself is also a loop. Do the 4 step. Grind. Get stuck. Back to 4 steps...)

    So this is the video. I wanna add a little note here. I'm not even slightly experienced in making content so you might see things that you can criticize. Please if you do see that comment here or on YT so i know what i should focus on fixing. I hope this adds something practical to you that would give actual results. Thanks for reading and watching

    The Grind Loop's explanation and the 4 steps :

    My last video on the philosophy behind replay analysis :

    me, government hooker


      one syllable anglo-saxon



          >My bad




              I thought we were talking about my amazing Clinkz progression, But No you just had to be selfish


                I haven’t watched the video but hit the nail on the head where you point out you have to be substantially better than your mmr to climb. You need to be a player 500mmr higher than your target mmr to climb at any realistic rate.

                The only way to fake being that skill is to spam a hero or two. Once you hit a target mmr you can expand your hero pool whilst you adapt to the games at your new mmr. Once you feel comfortable with a decent pool of heroes then spam again to the next level. Rinse and repeat.

                Alternatively get a coach.

                Alternatively play w Th better friends.

                Alternatively keep buying accounts until you stop plummeting like a stone.

                Incremental improvement from self-study just isn’t going show substantial results unless you spam a hero.


                  Any type of study will change the results, but it's about how much. "Just play" is also a strategy but it gives results after thousands of games ONLY IF you're a learner and not a whiner

                  I mentioned in my last vid, the purpose of spamming is putting more focus on specific stuff. The vaster the topics to cover the less u can put on each. Like instead of 115(?) Matchups u gotta think about 1k+ matchups if u wanna learn a bunch of heroes at once.

                  The process u mentioned helps keep the focus, grow, after getting to a point where you want to expand, expand

                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                    Couldn’t get past 15 second because of the voice and face




                        I never did any of those stupid retard tips to climb and I still maintain a solid 58-59% winrate
                        So just git gud it's rlly not that hard


                          Clearly is or you wouldn’t still be archon...


                            It’s not just matchups but I guess you understand that. As an example, say you are at the bracket where smokes start to regularly get used. It’ll take a lot longer to learn how to use them effectively than if you have exposure to playing at a higher mmr. It is the paradox that you need to be x+500 to climb to x but you can only be a proper x+500 player if you are regularly playing with x+500 by spamming you might still only have a game sense of x mmr but you hero skill is x+1000 for example and compensates - hence why you should pause every few hundred mmr and figure out what has changed.

                            Mlada i Luda

                              dude people are not going to watch this. make a video showing some dota 2 stuff happening while you are talking about it, doesnt have to be releated , if have any creative idea to make it more attractive better it is. but stop making videos while you talking like you are a proffesor teaching some kids in school , you know everyone hate school is not attractive.


                                I haven't played ranked in like 2 months, I started at 700 MMR, and climbed to where I am in < a year without trying

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  @rocket it might differ for different people, but in my experience and what cookie also mentioned in his, and the ppl i knew who climbed (specially my own experience cuz it was practical to me), when you spam, the hero related stuff start to get more unconscious (like i dont think how to play vs sf as brood i just do) then ur conscious effort goes into game sense and general game stuff. And that'll also improve.

                                  Yo are u mafioso? U got the same profile pic lel. But yea i got that feedback a bunch and u guys are right. The reason i didn't do that was my world war 2 pc. Although i think imma go record from my friends' pcs.

                                  Just play is simply the worst way to grind. Each person has different personality traits. Some never learn from mistakes, some do. Some focus on the game, some on the people in the game. Some have someone they can talk to about dota so they learn stuff every now and then, some dont.

                                  The point is all sorts of shit can happen. Just playing will only work if u were lucky enough to have the right circumstances on ur side. Relying on luck isn't a good strategy

                                  rain markcawat

                                    Or just be good lol


                                      Ye just be rich lol

                                        Tento komentář byl smazán
                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          yes im mafioso . though people know that , im not trying to hide my identity like some others here XD


                                            I AM RAJ
                                            how dare u associate me with bryant, my arch nemesis


                                              i can at least appreciate u didnt download the most cluttered crazy retard intro and only played quite music on it instead of some gay retard dubstep


                                                also u staring directly into the camera like that is making me really nervous

                                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                  I AM RAJ


                                                    ^check my previous names ty


                                                      Yikes down my spine

                                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                        You can check mines


                                                          Maybe i'll do some asmr videos for u raj x)

                                                          Ywn cmonbruh 1.3k? :c

                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)


                                                            Did someone tell you you're fucking retarded piece of shit monkey?


                                                              Which one?


                                                                :thinking: love each other