General Discussion

General DiscussionRaising mmr in 1.9k

Raising mmr in 1.9k in General Discussion

    So my mmr is just basicly trash since ive been picking supports is there anyway to raise it easily?


      Sure, download replays of high tier support and watch what he is doing and try to see why and what impact does he make.

      Afking on lane and placing random ward for no reason from time to time doesnt make you a good support. Impact counts.


        But no matter how i ward or support the carries in late game their trash.Im ganking a lot placing wards even sacrificing my life...No matter how hard I try we still keep on losing late game


          Supporting is hardest role for a reason your job is to secure farming space, respond to ganks and maintain map control so your carry feels confident to push. Download replays and start watching how people are achieving this blaming your carry is easy improving is hard.


            Thats the problem pushing everytime the enemy gets wiped they never push even im asking for them to push they kept on farming.

            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

              Playing cores more than supports will most likely help you rise MMR in 1k.

              Pick a core you're comfortable with and try to grind.


                playing core will increase your mmr > false promise (oracle lvl6)
                how i managed to get 2200? i started with 600mmr :) FeelsGoodMan
                btw supporting isnt just warding.. you can win games without wards in 1k because no matter how many wards you have on the map your core will always find dark spot and will die there
                read cookies guides and you should increase your mmr if you are smart enough..

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Yeah thats the problem in crusader bracket, people farm and dont know how to finish games so they drag on. But you will encouter this as fa up to legend + so you are not missing much just adapt.

                  Change your mentality too, do you want to win your game or get boosted?

                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                      What carry hero is now good in the new meta?


                        Fastest and easiest way to get out of any mmr = hero mastery

                        Get to know what is important for a hero and what you should do (or not do) to win.

                        Start of with something simple (or you are comfortable with)

                        However pick something that you can actually learn from, dont just pick something with a higher difficulty to play (mechanic wise or theory wise).

                        Avoid : invoker, alchemist, any micro based hero.

                        Go for : jugger, luna, any support to learn positioning from (shaman, lion, cm, etc).

                        (Just pick any hero you want to learn, but something that is more easier to learn from).

                        Pro tip:
                        +Be flexible to all your games build wise or mechanic wise.

                        +Buy wards as a carry if you have to

                        +its okay for supports to farm but prioritize your carry

                        +as a support dont just leech exp from you carry. In the early game prioritize the lane equilibrium and keep looking at map to see if you can perform a gank or a counter gank.

                        +practice lane pressure

                        Important: make sure you learned something from each games, dont prioritize mmr.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          The idea that you can't raise mmr by supporting is simply false. Do 40% of the players in game really have no impact on the result?!

                          The problem is that it isn't obvious to many when a support has done a good job. It is clear from a core when they have decent KDA or GPM etc. but there just isn't a great stat for supports.

                          Even at your MMR, give a carry 10k gold advantage over the enemy carry and they will be able to bring the game home. Look at it this way - your carry's mmr is what he can achieve with bad supports, give him decent support and do you not think he will be more likely to win his games?


                            No matter how hard I tried 75% of my carries in game are most likely to farm instead of pushing when having ang advantage


                              You can get building damage by applying lane pressure even as a support/offlaner.

                              Tbh in your bracket it is much easier to play heroes that perform better in clashes or picking off enemy heroes.


                                And the hardest part of a support is:
                                Know when to ward and not to ward


                                  There's a million things you can learn to do at that bracket. You just have to focus on maybe one aspect of the game and you'll climb.


                                    "No matter how hard I tried 75% of my carries in game are most likely to farm instead of pushing when having ang advantage"

                                    That is what they do in all the games they play without you yet they will have a win rate of roughly 50% playing with supports (in other games) which you claim are worse at supporting than you.

                                    The only rational conclusion is that you are not as good at supporting as you think you are. I'm not flaming by the way - this is meant to be constructive. It doesn't matter what your carry does - what matters is doing your role as well as you can which, in your case, means that your team will have a bigger advantage going into the late game than they normally do and you should win more than you lose....

                                    PS try to learn how to play carry properly and that will give you a better idea of what they actually need from a support.


                                      Thats the problem pushing everytime the enemy gets wiped they never push even im asking for them to push they kept on farming.

                                      this is a problem at every level. there's always an even better/more optimal time to push. this is not what you should be looking at to improve your game play @1.9k honestly.

                                      Semeone just killed you fool

                                        Play Core until 3k then if you want change to support role after that.

                                        Being support in below 3k is fucking undervalued, your team always shit on you. They don't deserve goodsupports.

                                        Oscar Mayer Weaver

                                          Don’t play support until you’re higher rank. Look at my games, I used to only play support, warding, ganking, rotating, etc, only to find out the trash can carry I’ve been yielding last hits to and babysitting is incompetent. Just start picking cores that can go to any lane.


                                            Dont listen to people who didnt grind that much themselves and model the successful's success methods other than the ones who say "just play" cuz that's the slowest method

                                            Oscar Mayer Weaver

                                              In follow up to my last post, learn clinkz, rikki, slark, troll, wk, Lycan. People in 1-3k don’t know how to deal with these heroes, especially the invis.


                                                The idea that people in 2k don’t buy dust or sentries is a load of rubbish.

                                                Sometimes even smoke is on cooldown!

                                                Oscar Mayer Weaver

                                                  Just buying dust is not enough, which is exactly my point.

                                                  team fuck sucks

                                                    The problem I see in 2k is that they may have dust or sentries, but they don't use them. It's not helpful to drop a sentry after Slark initiates. If they have invisible roamers, it helps your carry greatly to drop a sentry in the jungle along with your observer ward. Watching the movements of invisible heroes is pretty important. It costs a shit ton, but you do what you gotta do to ensure your carry can farm safely.


                                                      no matter how good is ur impact in the game as pos 4/5 1/2k mmr in, if ur carry suck u will still lose the game.u can raise ur mmr as support player from 4k+ mmr where there are "highskilled" players who know how to last hit and got some map awareness.
                                                      Just Learn how to play carry from pro replays and u will easy raise ur mmr if u are good enough.

                                                      *Sorry for bad English*


                                                        people buy anti-invis items on 1-2k brackets too. they even put wards on lanes before the first creep wave to avoid invis heroes like riki.

                                                        i got calibrated on 600 mmr and i am on 1.7k bracket for now. but i started to win most of the games after i realise some stuff. as my experience:

                                                        - winning games is only about keeping the pressure to enemy team since beginning of game until game ends. thats just all.
                                                        - playing on safelane wont help you as much as playing on other lanes because you will play versus 2 enemy heroes on your safelane almost every game.

                                                        *if you play as supp:
                                                        - your carry wont know aggro mechanics and mostly he/she will keep pushing lane and his/her cs will propably be bad.
                                                        - if your carry can farm good, you can be sure he will only focus on farming. he wont push, he wont farm on the rightspot and he wont know when to come tfs or when to push.

                                                        *if you play as carry:
                                                        - dont be surprised if you go to your own safelane alone and see 2 enemy heroes against you on same lane.
                                                        - your support won't ward. even if he/she buy wards, these wards wont help you a lot because they will be placed on useless spots.
                                                        - enemy midlaner would gank you a lot if you are ok on your lane. it may be very diffucult to dodge these ganks until you learn to play alone

                                                        *if you play as midder:
                                                        - enemy players will gank you if you dominate your lane and they may gank even you don't. you must buy wards and put these wards on defensive spots which may help you to dodge ganks.
                                                        - you MUST harass enemy whenever you can. even you win your lane, enemy carry will be your main problem after 15/20 mins
                                                        - you SHOULDN'T gank your lanes before 10 mins in most cases. you must focus on farming and coaching your team until first 10 mins. cs is seriously important on early game for most of midder heroes

                                                        *if you play as offlaner:
                                                        - you shall know when to stay lane or when to jung nearest camps. if you have seriously hard lane, you must farm on jungle a little bit until you get some help from team.
                                                        - you need to help midder when he/she needs more help than you.
                                                        - you must harass enemy carry as much as you can. but if you can't, you shall not risk it a lot. xpm is seriously important for an offlaner.
                                                        - when your carry start to lose safelane, you must make enemy carry lose too if your midder can handle the game enough

                                                        *if you play as roamer:
                                                        - just know which lane you shall roam. in example: if you know you cant kill enemy midder, you just need to be sure that your midder doesnt suffer a lot and focus on ganking other lanes.
                                                        - if enemy carry is good, your midder must dominate game until your carry gets some space. if your carry is trash, you must focus keeping pressure on enemy midder or carry and try to finish the game before enemy carry gets fat

                                                        i think playing on offlane is best scenario for most of games. if enemy carry suffers a lot, they wont have a good chance to win game.
                                                        since i started to play phoenix on offlane, i won most of games. this hero is trash before level 4, but when you become level 4 or 5, you can dominate offlane very easy. also phoenix's ulti is seriously good if you know how to use it. people doesn't know to play against phoenix actually. this gives you extremely huge chance for comebacks or finishing games before 30 mins.

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                                                          Thank you Miraecl- for your thoughtful reply

                                                          Or you can play clinkz
                                                          1. get level
                                                          2. pick off
                                                          3. destroy enemy ancient
                                                          4. profit