General Discussion

General DiscussionNew dota update - May 24th

New dota update - May 24th in General Discussion
The DarKNovA

    Here we talk about the great, on-schedule update of our beloved game! Because surely, they don't slack on it in favor of even more hat pushing!


      What? there was no update today

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      The DarKNovA

        Nah, that can't be true, they said they're doing one every two weeks! It's unthinkable they'd rather milk TI than to keep the game updated like they promised.


          hey moron they cant make changes because there is ESL tour.. you dont even play so s.t.f.u

          Solo Leveling

            Dont try to sound informed and critical if you dont even pay attention to whats going on. They said they wouldnt do patch updates during major tournaments.

            Fake News. Dumb Post. Delete


              This why many people stuck on their skill since they arent following pro scene and only try harding in their own games, when they could learn new things from watching the major tournaments


                This why many people stuck on their skill since they arent following pro scene and only try harding in their own games, when they could learn new things from watching the major tournaments

                :thinking: excluding yourself I guess?

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  Even still. Patch updates mid tourney shows ability to adapt and diversity in teams. So they aren't doing one today?


                    ":thinking: excluding yourself I guess?"

                    said the guy stucked in divine 1 for months lul

                    being a legend 3 or even an archon 4 doesnt mean you are not learning new things or improving. what if a month ago he was archon 3? moron.

                    altought judging by his 15 months ago mmr 3633 and legend 3 medal, we can conclude that he haven't gained a hundred mmr since.


                      Archonic Hate exdeeee


                        st.fu all

                        SASA POPOVIC

                          They were updating every 2 weeks until Tournament people cried about it, now they dont update during tournaments becuase:

                          Pro scene money > all of you poorfags!




                              But teams will compete in tournament regardless of if the pros complain so who cares?

                              The DarKNovA

                                Thanks for the aggressive Archon posts.
                                By the way TI is far from being underway, and they were releasing patches during any major/minor tournaments to this point.
                                Oh by the way, they DID release an update yesterday, "With today’s update, the all-new ‘Hell-Spar Anathema‘ Lion Prestige item is at last unearthed. Available to all Battle Pass owners who climb to Battle Level 255..."


                                  update ≠ patch


                                    Tribo thanks for the real effort to respond my hanyolo-esque comment


                                      @Absolut vodka, that's a nice comeback when someone embarrassed you lmao +100 for tribo.


                                        What about Ranked Season 2... Shouldn't it be starting right about now??? That does not effect the pro tournament in any way. Why are we still hacking around in Season 1?

                                        Lruce Bee

                                          Your hanyolo esque comment sucked.

                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                            @metsis because it doesnt matter wich season is, you will just have 10 TBD games which starts from your curent MMR and at 99% you will end up at your current MMR because thats how matchmaking works unless you became a Sumail over night or something. How much did your MMR changed in Novembers recalibration and over the year up until now?


                                              No one can be as good as you <3


                                                Han Yolo numba wan

                                                The DarKNovA

                                                  I don't really think there's gonna be a more quiet time in Dota circuit leagues than it currently is either, by the way.


                                                    For those who didn't read the article, there will still be the balance patch, its just going to be released at the end of ESL instead of Thursday. Valve announced that if a Major is in progress when they normally would release the patch, they will instead delay the release until the tournament is over.