General Discussion

General DiscussionStranger wants to gift me a battle pass after a good game?

Stranger wants to gift me a battle pass after a good game? in General Discussion

    So I just finished a ranked game and a teammate in a party of 2 friended and I friended back. After a while they said they tried to gift me battle pass cause after they tipped me in game for playing a good chen I mentioned I reached a 1500 battle point mark without battle pass. Are they trying to hack me? I know the other party member was a girl

      Tento komentář byl smazán
      Dark Hunter

        If they just want to gift it, should be fine, just dont give them any personal info and you'll be good


          So any idea why they couldn’t gift? A new friend few days wait restriction?

          dont be thrilled by this ...

            gift me bp pls, some one gift me bp!!!!


              1500 bp poin without bp just so common...


                You can only gift someone you friended for at least 1 month


                  Yeah I now read the 30 day wait. Also I was only mentioning i got the 1500 points after I saw that trophy thing pop up. Not a brag thing but a “oh hey I apparently just reached this” kind of way. I don’t know common scores. Derp :P

                  Story Time

                    why didnt he gift you one bj?