General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry tips or guides to WIN the game and gain mmr.

Carry tips or guides to WIN the game and gain mmr. in General Discussion

    I am calibrating and I know that the max mmr you will get for calibrating is 3500. My past account was a failure because I played mostly as a support and now I want to be the carry. I am versatile so I dont put much attention to a specific role so I need help to gain mmr for this account.

    What made me do this is because I saw a player that is boosting and his records were amazing AF. In 1or2 weeks from legend 3 to divine 3 and everyday his medal goes up. All of that just by playing as a carry and I needed to know how was he able to do that. Unfortunately his account is private so I have difficulty getting some replays for me to observe and analyze.

    Thank you...

    Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

      Why dont u spectate pro games and watch how the carrys play?


        look at your last jugg game

        you have good farm, but you have the second lowest hero damage, no tower damage, no assists and no kills.

        -> stop afk jungling, take good fights

        Story Time

          your past account was not failure because you played support, it was failure because you suck as a support


            @supaset lowest hero damage because my team engage without me and when they die I got no choice but to run and wait for the right time. There was sven and magnus and sven one shot cleave me 2 times. I can't hit the enemy without making them show first.

            We could have won the game if Tidehunter went for vlads and cuirass first before shiva for team armor.

            Cant help it if you afk farm because I am not wasting my time. I am just being efficient.

            One mistake that I made there is that I didnt buy dagger early so I could reach my enemies easier.

            Which is why I need guide as a carry.

            I can clearly see that my past account was a failure because I was supporting useless carries. They go for kills and not the game. So, how would you support a carry that doesnt care about winning? Carries easily get triggered and ez - mmr.


              why not carry as a support, buy ward and carry the game , ans somehow if your carry still suck you can still hold like for 30-40 mins, work to me using dark willow any lane


                For those who are curious about the player, HERE: 868414267

                Search it and you will see sick records...

                Free Israel2024

                  Did legend5 to Divine in 21 days playing only support. Stop blaming ur team for ur shortcomings.

                  As long as you blame your team you will stay bad forever.


                    You play on EU server. I play on SEA server. Big Difference...


                      If you really need tips how to carry win and actually just trying to grind MMR: pick the most successful heroes and get good with them.
                      Worst case if you are worse than the global average but play current 59-60% winrate Zeus and Spectre, you still will have 55% plus winrate, especially if you get somewhat decent with them while spamming. Until after you are out of your actual skill bracked you should have 60% winrate, so basically every 100 games you should be climbing 500 MMR. When you can't reach by far 50% plus in a large enough game sample while spaming them as much as possible then you are way out of your skill bracket.
                      Getting MMR is not that hard. If all you want to achieve playing D2 is to get some MMR and not enjoy the game in spite of never having a chance to go pro, then you can abuse the system for what it's worth.


                        I'm just a lowbie, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. Two most important things I found are to be able to farm, obviously, and know when to take a fight. Always remember the game is about buildings and play on the right part of the map. Itemize correctly. No one wants to build Manta / Bkb / Linkin, but it doesn't matter what else you have if you die.

                        Just my 0.02.



                          damn story time. smashing with the truth