General Discussion

General Discussion7.15 best io ever!!!!

7.15 best io ever!!!! in General Discussion

    As usual im here to talk about wisp,we had a best times in 7.15 io was absolutely perfect hero in any stage of the game and nerf came as we predicted.I love what icefrog have done with hero which become finally rewarding to play on pubs these nerfs are understandable and i can't wait to try out new meta.
    Just letting you know how good the hero actually was.

    I played 55 games on io in 7.15.
    I lost only fucking 9 games.
    Got propably around 200 commends.
    This is my second account but i never played higher than im now so i knew there is gonna come nerf.
    First builds i can think of after i read patch notes.

    Soul ring,hotd,drums,vladimir(finally),pipe - find pipe as super usefull every game lately but now its going nicely with lvl 20 talents regen.
    Power treads gonna be considered in some games,necessary for carry wisp.(280ms is brutal)

    I will be super glad to see your opinions about change,builds etc.
    Sending love😍

    me, government hooker

      hang urself

      Suck my tiny curry dick

        Not trying to be an ass but stop thinking you’re hot shit. I’m sure lots of people here can dominate with io in archon.

        playinginursockdrawer mm soc

          Can confirm


            Be a ass thats fine bro,im sure i had hot run as fuck


              Valve make IO an easy hero to play tho but I still don't fucking play it.

              What's your IO go to skill build and Item build?

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Im not a fan of these who been saying wisp is easy to play now.Ofc its easier skill cap was lowered.But you can now build hotd and play with your neutral Cent or any other handy creep,which in my opinion increase potential skill cap a lot,also its very very fun,all these games in 7.15 i builded hotd.
                I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who not mastering hero.
                For me im so glad there is something instead of old spirits control,something actually harder.

                As for a new player i would recommend bottle/soul ring,urn,glimmer.
                I like to say everything could be legit on wisp but name few good items which you can build and see what is working best for you :
                Drums,force staff,hotd,greaves,vlad,halberd,veil,