General Discussion

General Discussion24 h ban

24 h ban in General Discussion

    Hello all together, i am writing this post because i had a unpleasant dota experience. I am a 2,5 player who played thousands of games ofc i am not very good at it but i have a ok understandig of the game.
    I was in low prio maybe a few times, and every time i went there it was deserved i guess. If people do not care about teamplay, picks or anything it could made me mad.

    Knowing that i cant do anything about it but playing better by myself to get the chance to play better games i just stayed calm and gave my best.

    Games like: Picking support first, suggesting picks and beeing polite. Your skymage solo offlane flames that he will go afk because he needs help. Although he picked sky after the lc jungle pick. Your midlander starts to feed and your carry calling gg. You supported your team and gave your best but after 15min its 0:20 and your teamates do not play seriuosly some of them feed on pourpuse some are afk.

    I am saying to myself great... we cant win this anymore, at least i can try to get some exp at neutral creeps to not get abbandon while enemie team ends.

    There it comes, one mad player sees it and goes: REPORT WARLOCK JUNGLE, i reply: you wanted to let them end, so you stil want to try? FUCK YOU ALL REPORT WARLOCK, no one cares about my support til then but are only mad at the one guy who got picked out.

    The biggest issue for me is that i was the only guy seriously trying until we had no chance, but was also the guy who got reported..

    Some situations like that and suddenly i got a 16h mute penalty....

    I thought, ok no big deal you stil have the mousewheel.

    So the next games i played my best, picked for good team/lineup used chatwheel and had fun games. There were flamers ofc but i learned not to reply, or to mute them. On the other hand i was muted so i could only use my chatwheel anyway.

    I won 2 games and i lost 3 but even the lost games were fun to play because it was close. After the last game which i won suddenly the dota button went red (24h ban)

    I could not beleave my eyes. Although there was one player in this 5 games who said that he will report me because i went in to early in teamfights with bristel, while an other teammate said i should go in first cuz i am the tank and it was all fine.

    And an other player he played sand king and me lion said he will report me because for his understanding i bought blink dagger to early and did not warded/dewarded well. I had brown boots 12 wards and 4 sentrys bought until i had blink dagger. He wanted blink as well ofc but he did not buy any wards. After i went for blink his thought must have been: ok he has blink me not so lion is noob and not support.
    Maybe i should have bought it 5min later i dont know... he bought a massive amount of sentrys and went flamemode.

    I realy like the game and i dont want to have problems like that anymore. Do you guys have some sugestions for me?

    Beeing not toxic, trying the best, (not even able to write or flame) beeing cooperative and picking teamheroes instead of solo pubcarrys but stil getting a 24h ban? I had not even an idea that you can get a game ban for reports...

    I mean i could not even apologize to my teammates while doing a mistake when muted but i used the sorry button on chatwheel and so on. Even the sand king lion game where i bought the blink ofc 25 sec after that i bought the next ward.

    Is there any way out of this? Or did i just flamed in the past, now my account is forever on a marked spot where any 3-4 unreasonable reports can send me back to 24h ban?

    Thankful for any help!

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      i think you should wait 24 hours adn the ban will expire!


        Hey there, yes the 24h ban is over but i am worried that people who are mad will report me for unreasonable things and i get back to the ban very soon.


          now i wanted to play the next dota game after the 24h ban and i got a 3 low prio penalty, its basicaly the third penalty without any reason in row. I dont get it.


            i think u complain a bit too much, and ur personality indeed might be the reason of reports u get.
            also this post gave me cancer.

            Suck my tiny curry dick

              You deserve to get deported


                Hey, thanks for your reply. After the incident i tried to write it down with as much detail as possible. My question was basicaly what could i change or how does it work, (is there something like a marked acc?)
                TribleSteal reply after someone asks what to do if their house is burned is: you are burning your house to much and your personality is the reason why it burns. and your post is cancer.
                The second reply after the you RE DEPORTED xD

                ok thank you a lot dota community, now i understand what is going on here. Its just that i am not mentaly ill or under 5 years old. I hope you all enjoy reporting yourself cuz i am out bye.


                  hi,if you saw a mad player try to calm them down saying like "it doesnt cool saying that bro,just play" "come on,it's not that a big deal"
                  if it doesnt work just mute the guy,no need to see his chats and just play the game

                  if you still got reported,well rip luck i guess


                    Feachairu that's what i do so often!"Just play bro we can still win" or something like that,work in 99% situations,also many times i felt aftet game i saved that game to not turning to a shitfest or even win a game.Feels nice to be nice,also ppl are not dogshit if you gave hand anyone in dota (99% players) he will gave it back or so.I could write a book about dota psychology games and all around how to be a bro all the time,not just games where you winning.

                    Mans Not Hot

                      Well u said u already got penalty 3 times... there os no way u got reported unless u did cancer tho


                        first of all i got 24h ban while i could not communicate duo to mute ban. so if a player is mad for no reason at me i cant even write back.

                        Mans not hot "there os no way u got reported unless u did cancer tho" i think this is the biggest misconception of dota at all.

                        Every player can report every one , there are a lot of players who are toxic and are willing to report players who did nothing wrong at least not on purpose. After that you have achance to get 24h ban.

                        But you are all right, when i am muted i do not calm the attackers and when i am muted i am to much cancer with my toxic wheelchair. please close this theard, ty.

                        Grief Counselor

                          Be grateful it isn't 6 months.

                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                            If only it was a 6 year ban


                              In dota, there will always be a scapegoat because everyone believe they are not to blame for the game. I would suggest not picking support to be honest, just pick a good core who can push towers. Sven, Lycan, Clinkz, Ember and Jugg. These heroes are really good in your bracket, just push one tower and look at your map. The moment you see enemy team missing, tp at a different lane and start pushing again. Go to the jungle and farm up, be the guy that makes space and get farm doing so.