General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm not good at dota

I'm not good at dota in General Discussion
2765 behaviour score

    Can anyone help me?

    2765 behaviour score
      Tento komentář byl smazán
      2765 behaviour score

        Someone please


          Have you actually tried gitting gud?

          2765 behaviour score

            ^… I tried so hard
            And got so far


              Your winrate just increased by 8,75%, you're well on your way there

              lone dog

                Every loss is a lesson so you are on your way to greatness.

                2765 behaviour score

                  ^Your post made my soul less cold



                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    Saucy Edwin

                      Considering the fact that you have very few games, I have a few suggestions.

                      First, play bot matches. These help you start to understand how to play the game and are the best way to try out new heroes.

                      Second, stick to a few heroes that you're going to learn, because you can actually focus on learning the mechanics of the game if you don't also have to focus on learning a new hero's abilities.

                      Lastly, watch youtube videos, because Dota's ingame resources for learning are appallingly bad. As a first read, I would recommend Purge's "Welcome to Dota, You Suck". While some of the info may be a little outdated for the current meta, I really doubt that meta has any impact on beginner games. I also recommend Day9 learns Dota, super informative, and even a high(er) level player like myself can find a lot of useful information in those videos, so give those a shot. Finally, I would say to have a look at the rest of the videos on Purge's channel (are you seeing a pattern here?).

                      Just remember, it takes time to improve, and sometimes, you get games you can't win, like if they'es a smurf on the enemy team. So just have fun, because despite what many people think about the game, it really can be fun if you go in with the right mindset.

                      Good luck.

                      Your Friendly Neighborhood Saucy Edwin.

                      Saucy Edwin

                        Also, Prophet is quite a difficult hero to play, you may want to start out with something that doesn't require micro managing extra units.


                          im not good either but ill be happy to have some games with you no pressure.

                          guess I can answer any question I can about the basics of the game too.

                          tell me if you are intrested


                            bravo tu les as bien bait

                            2765 behaviour score

                              Comment ils peuvent croire ca, juste jpp


                                In addition to what Saucy said above, I would suggest you start with some good tanky carry heroes. Here are my suggestion: Dragon Knight, Wraith King, Viper, Ursa

                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  I think your team is holding you back hard.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

                                    spam LC Woods and u getting better

                                    Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

                                      Its not like you will need to set crtl groups of every treant


                                        Are you a SEA player? If yes then i can try to help you like coaching

                                        2765 behaviour score

                                          It's kind of strange...
                                          Can someone make a quick analysis of my last game?
                                          How did I performed?


                                            Did someone play ur account ? Bcz from 0-48 nature prophet to 26-0 puck is quite extreme

                                            2765 behaviour score

                                              ^dude your name/avatar is so epic it literally became a joke with my brother
                                              <3 you

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