General Discussion

General DiscussionBest hero to spam at 3k - 4k bracket (POS 1)

Best hero to spam at 3k - 4k bracket (POS 1) in General Discussion
Ella Corazon

    I was 4.1k something before that is dropped to 3.3k now. (I'm really a bad mid player, quitting mid, dont mind my winrate)

    What heroes are best to play at pos 1(and why)? I can play almost any pos 1 hero except for lycan.

    Thank you ~


      Find a hero that wins games in your bracket

      Find a hero that fits your game

      watch replays of said hero inbetween queues


        your best bet is probably looking at the top meta pos 1's atm for high ranked games (most of the stuff wont translate to 3.3k, however its a good habbit to learn from what is working at the top)

        Ursa -> KIlls heros, Kills rosh, Wins lanes - creates space
        CK -> Kills heros, Kills towers, Wins lategame - needs space
        PL -> Kills creeps, Kills towers, Unkillable, - needs space
        Weaver -> dominates Lanes, Shoves lanes, Kills supports first, abuses space and creates space
        Spectre -> Wins lategame, Kills supports first, easy to play with - takes space, Teamfights
        Terror blade -> Okay in lane, Shoves lanes, Early powerspikes, Kills buildings -Takes space/creates space
        Clinkz -> Wins lanes, Kills rosh, Kills heros, Kills towers - Creates space. (punishable)(reliesr really heavily on abusing powerspikes, if you miss your timings, you're gonna have a bad time, 'lower tier' pub games are hard to get everyone on the same page for your item timings)

        I'd personally suggest a hero that can shove lanes and kill buildings... Weaver is probably the best for 'noob friendly' pos 1's that dumpster most games, Bloodseeker, mirana would be my second suggestions because they can usually make it through the lane and can shove lanes.

        Playing a pos 1 that doesn't shove lanes is quite difficult if your supports don't understand the importance of shoving lanes (this is why CK is hard in lower tiers, but a GOD in higher tiers... That hero needs his supports to shove lanes for him so he can slay heros)

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