General Discussion

General DiscussionI've decided to push Dota gaming to a competitive level for me

I've decided to push Dota gaming to a competitive level for me in General Discussion

    Well. it might sound strange but when I watch my replays and just merely compare what I am doing to what other skilled people than me doing, I still can't generalize a bunch of facts about my playing style and the points where I am weak and need to improve.. I find it so difficult to criticize myself and think analytically about my performance, I really never thought of dota as something where I have to compete myself at.

    I used to be archon V and now I am a leged V so I can say that I've successful learned how to outplay 3k's . but now I think I can't coop with 4k's and above :(


    If anyone could write something useful or a bunch of advice I'd be grateful. and if anyone has a huge amount of time and would bother to watch my replays and tell me exactly in a form of 1,2,3 notes where I am weak at and should improve I'd really be grateful.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Story Time

      i decide to date scarlett johansson for me ... if anyone could write something useful or a bunch of advice I'd be grateful.

      Unfair bot enjoyer

        It's not a realistic relationship for you and you should MOVE ON, and realise ITS HIGHLY UNLIKELY, that the two of you will get along and HAVE A FUTURE TOGETHER.


          Why so serious, i know u want teamwork, but if they, your teammates, couldn't, what could we do, just do our best :D


            hi,i wont be doing replay stuffs but will give you advice that i copypasted to everyone here

            its better that,you practiced everything one by one,starting from the basics again to at least make your wat we call "mechanical" skills better

            gl,might not help much tho

            wat are you struggling at?

            do you know how to use creep aggro?
   (section 4)


            farming?(do 1vs0 hit creeps lobby)

            doing smokeganks?
            push lane,put a smoke on your inventory always,after your core gets a strong item smoke together aftre you saw someone,put ward while you do smoke at enemy jungle and let the one who has a stun goes 1st

            watch high people replays,youtube,see wat they do
            at early fights,hitting people with rightclick after your stun spell is really good

            at lanes,play with the jungle and try to hit people from trees if you support range. if melee try to learn to lasthit by not standing close to a creep,but far away and then move and then hit and go away again(so not get harrased)
            at fights,if you support just cast a spell and run away( go back) immediately
            if you stuff that has dagger like enigma/axe you wait enemy for clump up,stay very very far away from the fight(dont get hit)
            if you initiating a gank,and enemy is gonna die anyway after you blink+stun get away from that place immediately
            if you carry/mid,wait enemy casts their stuns on your friends unless you have bkb and you can rambo
            after bkb duration almost out,go run away and wait your friends get stunned then u go
            if you pushing,if carry hit tower
            support no need hit tower,you can either be in front of the tower and try zone enemy or usually the better one,be in really behind of your carry and cover with stuns
            if you offlane like tide u go front of barracks or at barracks,no need hit tower so your carry is safe

            itembuilds? hero mastery? specific role/laning skill?
            watch replays
            don't get hit by a creep,buy alot of consumables like salve/clarity/mango

            raising mmr?
            check the meta,learn op heroes,watch the replays of those op heroes,spam a hero
            check behavior score,if not normal raise it to normal
            developer 1
            dota_game_account_cilent debug
            type that on console dota2

            so,er for watching replays
            for example your last game is wk
            and you want to know wat the hell you do wrong
            check the one where it goes the same lane as you

            go to view match-copy match id-watch-replays-search match id-download

            if download isnt working,library steam-dota2-properties-check integrity game cache to fix it

            those all references for self practice i guess


              forget about her bro, she's not worth it.


                is dota even a female?


                  2 kills 10 deaths on spectre !!? A hero that 90% W in late game and u lost. 🤔🤔🤔 i wonder what u learned

                  Story Time

                    but just look at her charming nose and those playful eyes!


                      legend 5


                        I would smash. @Story Time


                          we need super crown to make dota waifu too like bowsette or princess boo


                            Add me. We can play some together in EUW and we’ll talk about competitive Dota and why you’re (probably) not cut out for dating Scarlett Johansson.

                            Also you were 4K solo years ago, how did you drop to archon?

                            Story Time

                              who would not!


                                but i thought you were talking about dota


                                  why not. i used to be 4k trash myself. no one can help u watch replay. you gotta watch urself and think what u did wrorng and how u can improve.

                                  Story Time

                                    how about that!



                                        I have decided to push masturbation to a competetive level for me

                                        Well. it might sound strange but when I watch my replays and just merely compare what I am doing to what other skilled people than me doing, I still can't generalize a bunch of facts about my jerking style and the points where I am weak and need to improve.. I find it so difficult to criticize myself and think analytically about my performance, I really never thought of masturbating as something where I have to compete myself at.
                                        I used to do it 2x a week and now I Do it 3x a day so I can say that I've successful learned how to outjerk 16yr olds . but now I think I can't coop with 18 yr olds and above :(
                                        If anyone could write something useful or a bunch of advice I'd be grateful. and if anyone has a huge amount of time and would bother to watch my replays and tell me exactly in a form of 1,2,3 notes where I am weak at and should improve I'd really be grateful.


                                          Jk Op follow your dream :D and goodluck it’s a long road ahead forgive my bad meme

                                          Story Time

                                            this is officially SJ thread now!


                                              I can't relate to SJ memes.
                                              Thanks for the guy with that long, fat of links and information replay. I appreciate it!
                                              The guy who asked me to add him, done

                                              Story Time

                                                if u cant relate to SJ, i have bad news for you

                                                play for fun

                                                  she's already taken by captain america man


                                                    Fuck captain america then


                                                      No one can help you except you..


                                                        Why the fuck did this thread devolve into pictures of Scarlet Johansson

                                                        YUNG SHERMAN(feat. Yung s...

                                                          D E A D L A N E concept, creep aggro and timings


                                                            Make an agenda when you watch your replays. Make a few focus points (one can be enough) and then stick to them. I.e you could focus on your lasthitting and ask yourself some questions, like:
                                                            - Do I put enough effort into lasthitting/denying the important range creeps?
                                                            - How is my camera focus when im fighting on lane, can I still see the creeps? (Compare this to pro players)
                                                            - How do I react to pressure?
                                                            - Do I bring enough regen?
                                                            - Do I utilize aggroing creeps for safer farm?
                                                            - What about lane equilibrium?


                                                            Thats just one focus point, there're a ton of things to look into, like: Mentality (which has many, many underlining subjects), itemization, warding, pushing, defending, feeding, early/mid/lategame, fighting, enemy/ally spells CD, enemy/ally item timings and so many more....

                                                            Always choose a subject you want to investigate in your replays, focus on that untill you think you've learned enough about it. Compare andlearn from what pros do on the same matters.

                                                            Also, check out learning sites, such as, which is an amazing site and tool for learning through tutorials, tips and guides.


                                                              Watching bsj coaching sessions took me from 5k to 6k

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