General Discussion

General DiscussionSkadi on Tinker?

Skadi on Tinker? in General Discussion
Extra Creamy Burrito Supr...

    Is it just me or is Skadi a great item on Tinker?

    For int heroes Skadi gives 625 mana, which is second highest to all in game items except for octarine.
    And Skadi also gives near 700 hp, which makes a hero like Tinker with 2000ish hp when 6 slotted much more durable.
    The only downside is probably that the passive Skadi gives is useless on Tinker.
    I could see Skadi replacing Kaya/Ather Lens in a long game.

    Riguma Borusu

      yes it is just you and it's retarded



        Riguma Borusu

          ^I think Poe's law applies here. People who are terrible at the game can both troll really well and post stupid shit genuinely. Then there's also "don't assume malice when something can be explained by stupidity".

          SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

            I think it made sense. I also like to go basher as a support jakiro. Liquid fire and bash procs work awesome


              Tried it. its not really as good as MKB(true strike) or Butterfly (evasion) but it can work. Makes you tanky plus that bonus slow is never bad


                makes sense. tinker is tank now in this undiscovered meta.


                  Wow skadi on tinker, new meta. Well isnt that is something? Pew pew pew pew pew!


                    why wouldnt u just buy bloodstone instead

                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^the bonus benefit is he can kill himself

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Better get a Heart and tank for your team


                          the synergy with rearm is op.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            resetting heart cooldown is also totally broken. nerf please.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Also get desolator and be the siege engine


                                Well all those allholes thinking that u are trolling . Hes a fucking guardian 2 for gods sake .
                                Skadi is bad item , why let me tell u .
                                Bonus mana is nice but tinker doesnt need it , he can just tp back to home or make bloodstone if u wanna not go home for some reason .
                                Bonus hp is not needed on tinker , once u are caught , u can either die or kill the other one and get out , cuz some hp doesnt make a difference on a freehitter like tinker , ur job is to deal dmg not tank .
                                Skadi is passive item which costs a lottttttt of gold and just takes a slot away from u cuz bonus hp and bonus mana and slow effect arent that much ned on a tinker , there are so many other better items which suit him more .

                                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                  because its stat heavy?

                                  well durability isn't really tinker concern, his playstyle revolves around poking from trees and chasing, not standing in sight
                                  so those 600 hp won't really do too much

                                  the int is fine, but for that I would rather get sheepstick, it also boost my mana regen and has a great active to rearm

                                  tinker doesn't really have too much slots
                                  BOT-blink are mandatory. you can't replace them
                                  aghs is amazing for damage outut
                                  sheepstick is great disable to add to his arsenal of abilities
                                  you have only 2 more slots. and generally prefering more reliability and damage would be better, like lens or dagon

                                  if durability concern you, what about disk? yes it doesn't refresh, but it gives you time for a clutch rearm-blink


                                    Rearm skadi rearm skadi rearm skadi rearm skadi tp to base

                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem
                                      Story Time


                                          Any cara delevinge or Natalie portman fans here?

                                          Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                            "gives mana"
                                            "gives HP"

                                            how about git gud,
                                            properly timing your TPs to fountain for mana regen and using blink to receive ZERO damage during team fights?

                                            Holy fuck these species spawn every day.

                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                              sounds good

                                              Udder Certainty

                                                I've seen a tinker going phase boots and daedalus, so nothing fazes me at this point


                                                  LOOK AT MY TINKER


                                                    3 heart 1 blink 1 travel 1 blade mail


                                                    Play game, not compete

                                                      Best. items are hex, blink, travel boots, aghanim, bloodstone. Takes up five slots.
                                                      Better items are euls, dagon, eblade, shivas, octarine core.
                                                      Then comes your skadi, which clearly doesn't make the cut.
                                                      There is no problem with your logic. Just priorities.