General Discussion

General DiscussionBoost 2

Boost 2 in General Discussion

    ur just bad

    Riguma Borusu

      You challenged me to add you on facebook, so we can see who the disgusting one is. I accepted your challenge and wanted to add you on facebook, as instructed. You didn't even accept the steam request, apparently. You have zero integrity which is not surprising, as I said. I have also lost the desire to play that game.

      I know enough about you to throw a whole bunch of founded issues at you, because you keep living in denial about a fucking game that should not be a problem for you, but it is, because you have mental problems.

      I am mature enough to distance myself from people who are badly influencing my life, as you grow up, you get to realize that's a necessary thing to do. If you weren't a hormonal teen you'd realize playing dota is bad for you and you should stop doing it, since you obviously can't deal with it. It's also funny how for someone who claims I can't know anything about you, you seem to know everything about me. The reality is, we both understand something about each other, that can be derived from written replies. For someone who doesn't care, you keep replying to me. If you really don't, just fucking ignore me. Jesus christ, it's not that hard.

      I guess the planets just aren't aligned the necessary way for you to function properly today.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Add me both I’ll judge who is more disgusting. My Facebook is Fraser Fruhauf.


          This case is really true as i have encountered one such case myself . My maternal uncle who introduced me to dota in 2007 and played local games and was quite famous , started playing dota 2 and matched with good players ,calibrated near like 3k after ranked games came,hit 5k . He went on studying and dropped on 4.6k . He stayed there for years . Now his studying is complete and he is back on dota but now he dropped to 3.9k something . Shit happens dude . Even im more mmr than him now and i quite feel awkward about that .


            I was 5.1k back when ranked first came out. I stopped playing for 2 years whilst I travelled then dropped hard to 4K, I was only ancient 5 by virtue of my party mmr.

            At 5.3k now but I’m still out of touch with meta and new items etc, I feel like I’m still playing about 500 mmr behind where I could/should be.


              This is the drama that I come here to read.

              Actual question though, OP, Do you believe you deserve 4k mmr, even though you are currently 3.?k.

              Do you believe that it is your teammates "holding" you back?

              And finally, what do you believe your flaws to be respective to Dota 2?

              Just wanna clarify some things before I formulate a response.

              Hatrið mun sigra

                Sad fucktard, you use online strangers to work out the emotions you repressed for your relatives, ex girlfriends, ex friends, your life, you go on an online game forum to offend people personally and I'm the one with mental problems. Be serious for once, you lonely fuck.
                "Mature" AHAHAHAHAHAHAH
                You didn't distance yourself for shit, in fact you and only you are the one that starts these ridiculous arguments, otherwise you know you'd be invisible. God you're so delusional it's actually unbelievable. Then of course proceed to point the finger at other people, the ones YOU provoked for no reason, so everyone can see that they bad but you is good boy. Passive-aggressive retard. Hiding behind that mask of fake calm and rationality when you're the one that started it. At least have the courage to admit you're a frustrated, toxic dumbshit instead of always being on that fucking pedestal calling people hormonal. You do the same thing but you try to hide it. You repressed yourself so much you probably don't even realize it lol.
                And of course I don't care about you, I just like to get toxic when some sad fucktard provokes me but then hides like the worm he is.

                I'm functioning btw, planets are kinda meh though. Meanwhile you can go back to being the overly rational, humorless, repressed aspie we all know.


                  But who wants a cookie?

                  Hatrið mun sigra

                    @Tortle yes, even tho I'm objectively not an "overall" 4k. Like I said I'm really bad as a core 'cause I lack knowledge on farming patterns, am pretty bad at last hitting, even tho I got a little better. So as a pos 1-2 God no, but as a pos 3-4-5 yes. Teamfighting, initiating, positioning, itemization and other things regarding game sense make me believe I deserve 4k. That's how I got there.

                    Yes I believe it's them. A small percentage my fault, meaning I actually ruined a couple games, got a couple abandons due to pc, but mostly it's teammates. Wish I was good at carrying my ass alone but I really don't like late-game, farming heroes.

                    I replied earlier to this one. Plus I tend to tilt too much.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      How do you have 7000 games and not be able to last hit?

                      Hatrið mun sigra

                        Dunno, I'm actually pretty retarded when it comes to that. It's not that I can't mechanically cs, it's that it's so easy to fuck up my cs in lane. If there are 2 ranged creeps pushing it gets hard, if I get contested it gets hard, if anything happens it gets hard. Idk I've never practiced and that's actually ridiculous


                          i grinded to 4k by only playing the courier

                          1 2 3 4

                            I hope people buy legacy accounts and make threads like this, because this is a sad state of affairs. Or, is this the same player who builds Undying perseverance for 4000 games?

                            EDIT: Also remember that the player-base is constantly improving over time, so 4k before isn't what 4k is now.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              i was 5.1k before and dropped to 4.3k because of the mentality that "my team is bad" and its so depressing especially every time i lose since i always give my best every game. and then 6months after that huge loss i evolved and i reached the immortal rank. currently right now im 5.8k road to 6k. and what i learned base from my experience is "if my team is bad it means that i'm bad" so every time before the game started especially on hero selection i always think whats the best of my team unlike before that i only think about myself of what i want not what my team needs..

                              "Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war."
                              -Donald Trump

                              Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                95% of my games are party. Solo mmr is boring. Play with your friends guys.


                                  Anime profile pictures lul

                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                    @Kuzan Inspiring story, gj for your achievement. Now let's get back to reality: 4220090886 is the ID of my last match, ended 2 minutes ago. Perfect example of the absolute fucking dogshit pieces of shit I get matched with every game.

                                    I pick Centaur, manage to make Void leave the lane, Pudge comes and leaves, SS tried to gank and fails. Early vanguard into hood and t1. I go 5-1-1 early and am left free farming. Since my Slark was dced for almost 5 min in the beginning and got midas I thought I'd get tarrasque since I had 3k gold at min 17-18 to create space and push. Tarrasque min 20 and push, safelane t1, t2, mid t2, all three t3s, racks. My team was nonstop feeding, Shaman trolling, Meepo trashtalking Slark for going midas after he resumed the game when he was dced. But I focused. Only mid melee racks left. Only fucking 1 racks. What did my team do? Proceeded to die 1 by 1, spreading around the map with no vision, dying back, going in after other people had already died, Shaman wasting ulti on a tanky ass Pudge in the river mid multiple times in a 1v1. Racks had 1/4 hp. I dealt 51k hero dmg, 17k building dmg, took 138k dmg, went from 5-1-1 to 9-11-10 to just push as much as possible and almost got megas, created all the space in the world for my team. The result? They died like absolute retards all game long, had no bb and left me alone, 1 final push from the other team and loss. 3-16 Nyx, 4-20 Shaman, 26-17 Meepo and 4-17 Slark. Now you tell me it's not because of teammates.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      @no hope [all muted]

                                      Thank you for you answer. Before I continue, I'm just going to clarify my views on dota and its ranking system for me and make some situations/assumptions.

                                      First off, I don't think any rank matters other than the one that appears in the digits of your mmr, because you have that mmr for a reason.

                                      Secondly, as @Kuzan has already stated, blaming loses or drops on mmr on teammates does nothing for you other than distract you from criticizing yourself. I know you said you are aware of your flaws, but regardless, I assume that there are mistakes that you are missing because of focusing too much on mistakes of others that you cannot directly control.

                                      Lastly, there are people that have went from x mmr to x mmr, so what makes you unable to? You can again assume, oh, they didn't run into the terrible teammates that I have run into, but I believe that to be highly unlikely. If you say its because you play 3/4/5 which have supposedly "less impact" I would simply direct you to make account since I have a 58% ranked winrate, climbed from 2k, and played support almost the entirely way likely running into players that you described, such as a safelane storm who complained about laning solo against earth shaker after I zoned out their axe and forced him to jungle. My storm proceeds to farm for the next 30 something minutes and builds bloodstone and aeon disk and blames team for making him build these items and can kill no one.

                                      Regardless of what you have said, I will only see you as what mmr you are, because that is the standard I hold to everyone. I don't presume to say I play at a 5k level just because I have played there once or say my teammates are the problem. Instead, I say I am 4k, I analyze myself during games, and look at the reply afterwards in order to properly understand what occured during this game and what I as a player can fix.

                                      As always, YOU are the only constant in your games. YOU are the one player that will always be in the game. YOU are part of the team and responsible for the loss or victory because that is what being on a team is.

                                      Thank you for your time and I hope you got something out of this post,

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy


                                        Hatrið mun sigra

                                          ^^Thank you for taking the time to reply, that was kind. I partially agree, in the sense that there are for sure flaws I don't see, besides the ones I'm already aware of. Even 6ks make mistakes they're not aware of and that are obvious to 8ks, imagine the amount of things I do wrong lol. I never stop observing myself from the outside when I play and a lot of times I have like a gut feeling I should have done that certain thing I'm doing in that moment differently/earlier/later. Like "why am I here when I should be depushing there", "I should have waited for x to be x before casting ulti" etc. There's so much to improve on, basically everything. But what I am now is not less than what an avg 4k is, based on my experience in the bracket. Also based on how my current 3k teammates play. This is the thing I disagree on. I played many games in 4k for months and around 20 with 5ks, enough to realize 5ks are better and more efficient, but also enough to see how braindead low 4ks are when it comes to decision making, game sense and other things. I have to think it's because of my teammates, wrote an example in the other comment talking about my last game. The vast majority of them feel like a 2v8, at best. In that last game 3 people fed 53 kills, including the troll Shaman with aghs not able, not even willing, to take the last 1/4 hp racks to get megas. After I had taken all the buildings besides the mid t1 alone. After I forced their carry to jungle, ended their fed Phoenix's momentum, created tons of space, gave my carry enough time to recover from the dc and the midas. Only to see him go 4-17-4. How can you not think it's on your team when you constantly get games like this. If I have to play like a 6k in order to compensate, well, I can't 'cause I'm not that good. But why am I supposed to be as skilled as a booster in order to win


                                            Somebody get this girl from the internet, Jesus fucking Crist.


                                              Ofc u have to be skilled like booster to win boosters! What is so weird in that?

                                              Last game I had guy ranked as Divine 3 laning vs me as PL when I picked WK offlane luckily he was not smurf of immortal top 100 as usual and I managed to rape him. So usually my enemies is BETTER than Divine 3 bec I lose


                                                hi i'll just copypaste what i wrote on some other thread like 3 months ago

                                                wat the hell is so hard to just think can't 1v9 at any bracket=i'm not that good to become the next bracket
                                                just practice those solo carry op heroes/solo carry support heroes,to carry your team
                                                that's wat i'm feeling too now,i can't 1vs9 in 5k,so i practicing rightnow

                                                i was like you before actually,i never played solo,hated it (heck i even got like only 199 solo ranked games now)
                                                i played party with my friends,i beat 5-6ks at lane(when doing party mmr,5v5 scrims) [win some games too]
                                                when my solo mmr is just 3500,and my party was 4444
                                                i thought to myself too,i'm definitely a 5k player,or at least more
                                                and i think that i definitely can get it easy,since i beat 5k 6ks already so i just dont do solo mmr anyway(since know i can get it)

                                                then,medals come in
                                                oh nice,i want to get that ancient medal(before party cant get)
                                                started doing solo,it was a full streak from 3500-3900
                                                afterwards,i hit a wall
                                                no matter what i do,i will just win lose win lose win lose win lose

                                                then,i just scrapped thinking of whatever of being me 6k or 5k,i got stuck in a friggin 3,9k for goodness sake a 5k player can solo carry my games,a fucking miracle can solo carry my games,a booster can definitely win all my games
                                                WHY I'M SO WEAK
                                                faced reality,dropped those thinking that i'm good. read guides again that i read before,practiced them,watched alot of replays

                                                at that moment,i realized that,it wasnt me who carried my party games. it was them who carried me,sure i won a lane(or at least break even),i did my job but it's not 6k/5k or even 4k level,i didnt know what time should you go roshan,i didnt understand what to do after winning my lane,i dont know how to farm efficiently,i dont know how to pressure enemies. i dont know how to keep my lead at all
                                                pretty much what i did is just being "a space creator" to my friends,where at that time mid was 1v3 gaming and my friends carried me with their skills and telling me what to do (friends was 4k,4k9)
                                                and being "a space creator" doesn't work on solo ranked games,where everyone is so fucking bad
                                                so,need to change to become from "a space creator" to "i can do both,space creating and solo carrying"

                                                ps:i was not fighting 6k teams for games won,it was only a 5k-6k mid player on party mmr/scrim
                                                when vs 6k teams,we just got slaughtered

                                                if you aren't trolling,i'm sure some of these will reach you or something
                                                -------------- copypaste stops here
                                                tl;dr solo queue and party queue with another pub players=pub players are potatoes
                                                either we deal with it or just quit dota
                                                even i feel disheartened already playing party mmr with just 2-3 people lol(after some like 10-15 games past these days)

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  @Feachairu summed it up pretty well.

                                                  Also Op, I think you missed my point. I don't care about your teammates or how they perform because you can't change that. I don't care what mmr you reached at your peak, because it is not evident of how your skill is measured, at least how I see it.

                                                  There will be bad games, there will be good games and regardless of the bracket, you will have good and bad games/teammates. You don't have to perform at a 6k level to win games. Technically, as long as you have a 50%+ winrate, you are gaining mmr (though this may be inaccurate due to variance).

                                                  You must also realize that other people have made it from 3k-4k, 4k-5k, etc. These people went through similar people to who you have dealt with, yet they still reached a new rank. The people you play with also likely play multiple games, its not like they only que when your on and your matched with them every time. For example, in this game, your team dominated. Could the enemy team have had bad players? Possibly.

                                                  Again, to reiterate, YOUR performance is the only relevant factor to influencing your winrate/rank because you can't change your teammates.

                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    ^Today's games have been different from the ones I've had this month. In that one had Ember and another guy trash talking each other but Ember was good and Treant helped the team and healed me constantly. The enemies had a PA-Tiny lane where Tiny stole all PA's farm. It's been a good day so far finally. Anyway I get your and Feachairu's point, still don't totally agree 'cause I don't think I belong where I am, but I agree on the fact that I have to take the habit of thinking I'm playing 1v9, I mean that kind of mentality, without relying on anyone and focusing on improving and winning alone.

                                                    Weeaboo dude find me a girl and I'll uninstall, but until then you'll have to suffer my existence here


                                                      girl gamer coming through


                                                        so was it you who play recently or did you get booster playing on your account?

                                                        La Joya

                                                          Lol you complaining about lost many mmr with that attitude and think it because of cursed or something, maybe try to not to tilted easily and have some PMA (serious tho, not joking). If you were 4k back then and its where you really belong to, you should've stomp your current bracket easily. Learn your mistakes and get over it. Take a rest between games also help.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                                            ^^No booster yet, I played

                                                            ^Sir I'm only familiar with PMS, not PMA :|
                                                            True, should take a break between games instead of playing one after the other like a tilted machine


                                                              why don't you just use astrology to predict your teammates and decide to play or to not play based on that

                                                              EX Crusader player

                                                                And then they ask me why I don't trust Woman. Lolz

                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                  ^^Natal Mars in the 11th house of communities, online ones included, dooms me to a lifetime of rage and pointless arguments with the dudes in them. No hope

                                                                  ^Why? :D


                                                                    If you put half of this effort IRL you;ll get much bigger real life mmr. Trust me boi, dota wont give you anyhing.

                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                      Ik my dear girl, it's a matter of principle. I had the objective of getting 5k and I will, in 10 years

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        in 10 years you will have 2 kids and participate a facebook page about astrology with ur fellow 35yo moms

                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          that is, if you'll be a good girl and take ur prescribed meds :)

                                                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                            Idk why you keep confusing me with your mother. Don't wanna risk having kids btw, imagine if I got a failed abortion like you


                                                                              ^ more like imagine if you got a kid whose father posted a thread on dead forum about how mentally unstable he is

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                then why don't you move to some dark room and never go out again
                                                                                or become a nun

                                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                  ^^It's about requiring a boosting, the mentally unstable ones are the challenged kids who offend for no reason, which is why this forum is dead.

                                                                                  ^Why would I. I want relationships, just not kids


                                                                                    had the "pointless conflicts with guys for entire life" part in mind

                                                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                      Oh, no I meant with people in communities, like here or in Dota


                                                                                        Wtf Did I Just Read????

                                                                                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                          You read how op is shit and can’t accept it

                                                                                          Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                            You read matchmaking is rigged, 4th game in a row with dogshit carries. Ez. And of course you read the comments of the mentally challenged dogs in this forum


                                                                                              i bet my life that these "dogshit carries" doesnt drop as hard as you so hey, guess who are the problem?

                                                                                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                                The only constant in every game is you. You should be able to climb if everyone in the game is dogshit because they will have 5 shit players compared to your 4. Matchmaking ain’t rigged, you got boosted and finally dropped to where you belong.

                                                                                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                                  ^^Them. Download the replays and look yourself. And the amazing thing is that they don't even listen fucking once, from the picking phase. Pick dogshit heroes, force you to do wonders, you do them and they play like absolute garbage. Like I said, download the replays and see for yourself.

                                                                                                  ^Who the fuck got boosted you braindead retard. That flawed logic doesn't apply 'cause I don't play carries, I play early-mid game heroes or supports. I dare everyone win with Jakiro at min 40 and your 4-11 carry. Or with Centaur Vs hard carries and your idiots who didn't listen to you when you said to push at min 10. Everyone repeating this same bullshit but reality is different. It's no casualty boosters play mostly midders who push like Brood or Visage. Not fucking pos 3-4-5


                                                                                                    I don't even know what to say anymore. Every time this type of thread is created is devolves into nonsense, while some people try to suggest real advice to op, but it doesn't work. I always try to hope the next person who creates the thread will listen to reason, but they always seem to misinterpret something or they just don't change.

                                                                                                    When I wrote my advice, I did not say to 1v9 the game, yet that is what you seemed to garner from it. If that is what you have chosen to do and it works, kudos to you.

                                                                                                    However, that is not what I was trying to convey. What I tried to convey was to improve yourself. Blaming teammates does nothing but make you feel better as you ignore your own mistakes as minor as they may be.

                                                                                                    I have only two comments left to make, one about the Dotabuff Community and their posts on this thread, and about you Op.

                                                                                                    First, for the community. The reason the community acts this way is due to the fact that there have been so many occasions in which a player such as yourself that say they deserve a higher mmr, or that a lower mmr is harder, or that the game is rigged. Whatever the contents of the post might be, they all have a similar end result of someone trying to seek validation that they are "better" than there mmr and that their teammates "hold" them back. The only reason I still reply to threads such as these is the hope that I may help someone. There is also, of course, the fact that this community is toxic.

                                                                                                    Secondly, for you, if you believe the game is truly rigged, I'm not sure what else to suggest other than deal with it or leave. I'm also getting annoyed with your argument about what role your playing is so relevant. If you believe you can carry better, then do so. I'm getting so sick with this argument about what am I supposed to do as support or offlane. Honestly, I'm starting to get this feeling that while you may be doing good as a player in a game, you may not understand what you role is in the game. If I really have to, I'll check out one of the games, but I'll see.


                                                                                                      nice post here