General Discussion

General DiscussionHOLY LOCKET

HOLY LOCKET in General Discussion
Gopnik Van Blyat

    Is this item even good? i had a game when i bought it and had to say this item is quite op, does it a must buy item for every healer pick?
    +10 regen talent undying with this resulting to very hard to kill undying (big thanks to low cd spell)
    here's the match of undying i played

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Does stealing strength heal more too?

      Gopnik Van Blyat

        @ I WUV yeah it does, i think icefrog need to make this item a little bit balanced (15-20% amplify regen heal, the 25% is too high i think)

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Undying's doing real good now even without Holy Locket so we can't be sure.
          It amplifies mana regen too, really good item.
          Might try it on Oracle.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Nah there are more useful items you can buy in the same price range. I dont see it being a thing on supports but maybe cores


              I'm pretty sure it's very stronk item for new Huskar
              Maybe Necro too


                I have built it on Timbersaw but i dont know how effective it really is, on paper 25% plus hp regen seems quite nice with the reactive armor stacks. If hood is not needed i think a holy locket could be something to pick up instead. Its quite expensive though so maybe not.

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                Disturbed Jawker

                  On theory it seems like a great item for timbersaw, but in the end its 2.6k gold, if you needed magic res u go hood which can be pipe later, if you need dispel you can go euls which is similar cost and if you dont need either going straight bloodstone feels better


                    Item seemed broken to me. Or maybe Oracle and dazzle just are regardless.. who knows?!


                      Necro with locket is annoying af


                        I was smiling like pikatchu when i saw this new item and heart rework, its insanely good on wisp.


                          seems good on bristleback as well. not as first item but maybe after vanguard instead of hood/pipe. maybe you get all 3 in some games.

                          i follow Jesus.

                            it sounds good on paper but it's not worth unless it's a very utility hero like wisp or necrolyte, unless you're deathballing really hard and can afford it, it's very efficient as it feels a lot of needs most of those utility heroes have in one slot but expensive as fuck, i wonder if someone can do the science and compare it efficience-wise as kotl's aghs rush and see if it's as worth in any other hero

                            Yung Beethoven

                              noone is mentioning Io. thats a core item on him for sure. dazzle oracle, but thats it. i guess it will be quite rare, only played on those heroes


                                buy locket on dk..solve the mana issues and massive hp regen early to mid game..but without a doubt its a great offlane or support item..

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                                  locket on necro is pretty good. hood+locket+the mr talent give you 70% magic res as well, you get supid tanky